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Old March 13th, 2008, 01:40   #1
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Toronto, ON
My Intro thread

Hey ASC,

I just want to introduce myself real quick.

I've been surfing the forums since '03 when I was 18, unfortunately couldn't afford to get into it, but thats not much of a problem now

I just want to say I'm really hoping I get to an event over the summer, maybe someone wants to show me around so I don't seem like some random stranger.

Anyway, I just got my first gun, a KSC Glock 17, which Ken from 007 was nice enough to upgrade to full metal. I know that buying a pistol for your frist airsfot gun is sometimes looked down upon, but I've always loved pistols and waited a long time for it, so I just had to. Btw, a quick note on Ken, best experience I've had in buying anything ever, airsoft related or not. Hopefully will get my AEG very soon, so I can start getting into the real action.



Last edited by Vaudeville; March 13th, 2008 at 01:46..
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Old March 13th, 2008, 01:44   #2
NovaKaynE's Avatar
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Location: Durham Region
What kind of AEG are you getting?

If you get bored of the Glock, I recommend getting the KJW Beretta M9 in full metal. My CA M15 A4 RIS should be arriving with it's M203 by the end of this month. Not sure if i'm going to save up for a CA Mp5 with full stock, or if i'm gonna go with the WE Full Metal 1911 military version...decisions decisions!

Welcome to the forums.
The Distance Between Courage & Stupidity Is Exactly Nine Millimeters
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Old March 13th, 2008, 01:51   #3
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Toronto, ON

At the rate I'm going, getting bored of my glock is like getting bored of looking at women, haha. In terms of AEG... I'm thinking of the CA M15A4 the one with the railed frame already in it, special purpose I believe. Since it would seem like a nice fit for indoor as well outdoor games, of course I'm new so "I think"

btw: It logged me out, and can't use the post quick reply?
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Old March 13th, 2008, 01:51   #4
Join Date: Sep 2003
My first airsoft weapon was also a pistol, and I know of a couple others as well, so it can be done. If you start playing indoor games it's not a terrible handicap, as it's easier to move around many fields don't allow full auto fire for AEGs. Also, pistol only matches

That being said, if you've been trolling the forums for the past few years, you should have enough information so as to not get smitten by the ancients.

Welcome to the forums, and have fun. Cheers,

edit: yep, if you're logged out you can't quick reply. and the CA series is a fairly solid beginner's weapon. CAs quality control is sometiems a bit sketchy out of the box, so it might be worth your while to have a gunsmith take a look at the guts to make sure everything is where it should be. I'm also partial to battery stocks, so I'd reccomend getting one of those if the RIS model doesn't already have one - it makes the balance of the weapon a lot nicer, and you can hold a bigger battery. You can also pimp armalites to hell and back, which makes 'em kinda cool to have. Good luck getting started all the same.

Last edited by Chrios; March 13th, 2008 at 01:54..
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Old March 13th, 2008, 02:17   #5
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Toronto, ON
Thanks Chrios.

Yeah I want the CA M14A4 that has the full stock, not the retractable one. or the one on the bottom left, or top if I have no choice.

Btw: I've been searching for about an hour, but I need a bit more answers if you guys care to feed a bit.

I'm mostly interested in playing CQB. So since camo doesn't really matter too much, I'm thinking black vest, etc. However, when it comes to a BDU, what's a good choice that wouldn't be too much for CQB or too little if for any reason, I find myself outdoors? and please bare with me, since all BDU, camo pattern names, are new to me.


Last edited by Vaudeville; March 13th, 2008 at 03:34..
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Old March 13th, 2008, 09:42   #6
Join Date: Jan 2008
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CADPAT. Its wat the CF wear and it's pretty good. You live in Toronto so stop by Jeroon...

Here are a couple links:

Just another thing you should probably note. Everyone has their own opinion... It's like Apple's and Oranges...

Last edited by CadetCatastrophe; March 13th, 2008 at 09:45..
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Old March 13th, 2008, 10:15   #7
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CADPAT. Its wat the CF wear and it's pretty good. You live in Toronto so stop by Jeroon...
Don't buy black items you will stick out in the bush. Cadpat, Marpat, woodland or even OD is better. OD vests in my opinion are the best because you can wear a variety of Green camo patterns and the vest will not stick out. All the large milsim games are in the bush around Southern Ontario. CQB is fun during the winter months a TTAC3 or Splatters but you should prepare yourself for the outdoors games where you get hundreds of players campared to 20 or 30 indoors.

If you look here under the specific teams requirement you will see pictures of various camo patterns for teams in this event this year. It might give you some ideas.
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