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Clarification on gas powered airsoft over 500 FPS



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Old February 24th, 2008, 20:15   #121
Dog Face Killer
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Perhaps, but look at who is on the tribunal. It is more likely that they would have dropped the 407 fps requirement and denied your appeal just the same.

I have a hard time believing that they would....or could...on the fly arbitrarily just "drop" the 407 rating considering they have used it time and time again in thier hearings as a qualifier!

Furthermore, and "i believe" and would argue that the key is that the RCMP have already determined that serious injury occurred at 407 FPS, hence the classification of BB and pellet guns.

If they tried to backtrack, thats when you take it to court. They would have a challenge on their hands if they tried to backtrack and say that they were wrong in their first study, and now the FPS danger zone is lets say 480FPS (as an example).

The CITT is not a court of law, they don't have to follow the law nor the rules of evidence at all. In fact, nowhere in the law is 407 fps ever mentioned. That should tell you something right there.

Again, i would challenge that at the tribunal first...failing that i would take it to court with their own expert testimony and soebpena the exact same RCMP officers that gave their expert testimony initially. I would be willing to bet that a judge would take the testimony of a RCMP firearms expert over any non law enforcement expert any day of the week and all day long.

The point is that the RCMP have already qualified the elusive "407" rating with their own testimony at the CITT.

When you have unelected civil servants working against you at every turn, you aren't going to use their policies against them. They'll just change them to come out on top.

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Last edited by Dog Face Killer; February 24th, 2008 at 20:18..
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Old February 24th, 2008, 20:31   #122
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Originally Posted by Lawdog View Post
Looks like I picked a good weekend to go away.

Here's some free advice:

I was hoping to pay!

1) don't send e-mail. Every twelve year old wanker sends e-mail and everybody in government more or less ignores it. Send it by registered mail or courier, well typed, no spelling errors, addressed to a specific individual with a specific title on the most impressive letterhead you can get your hands on. "To whom it may concern" e-mails are about the most least effective way to communicate with a large organization I can imagine.

That was and will be the next step. I'm curious too see what , if any, answers i get via email from them!

2) don't bother writing the RCMP, they are an enforcement arm, not an arm tasked with giving legal advise or rulings. For someone who quacks alot about his power and legal knowlege it surprises me you did not figure this out.

I don't pretend, nor have i pretended to be a lawyer or master at law. I have simply stated that fighting it out in court is not as scary or monumental a task as some would have you believe.

3) If you want to write to anyone you could well consider Customs, or Crown Law Criminal (part of the AG's office). You may get a faster response on some on your questions by writing to the provincial AG than the feds.

Crown Law Criminal???
AG = Attorney General?

Why would you suggest i contact a provincial office on a federal matter?

4) Don't expect an answer that applies to some of your questions across Canada, as some of your questions are provincial jurisdiction, some are federal.

Fair enough!

5) In fact don't expect a good answer at all. The government does not have an obligation to explain the law to you, or to make advance rulings on specific issues. You can, however bring a reference case to deal with the matter. You seem to like to go to court, go for it on this one.

Reference case? I'm familiar with a case conference, but not reference case!...please explain.

Whom do you suggest i bring this case against and on what specific issue?

6) Please do post you results when you get them. Until then giving yourself the self-appointed title of leader and dumping on everyone else as a "follower" is about as arrogant as Cdn Stalker seems to find me, and that's bad man, not good.

For the most part your interpretation is wrong, though i can see that some may be offended by it...but I'm sick of all the nae sayers out there that have lots to say but no action. My attitude is put up, or shut up. And that is not directed at anyone specifically, but rather something i believe. Ether do something about your situation, or stop complaining about it.


BTW, what kind of law do you practice if I may ask!
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Last edited by Dog Face Killer; February 24th, 2008 at 20:34..
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Old February 24th, 2008, 20:38   #123
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Totally off topic...but it does travel at a speed of 407...........kph.
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Old February 24th, 2008, 21:35   #124
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Man oh man...has anyone ever thought to contact the NFA for support?

You have to tread this post from the president of the NFA (National Firearms Association)
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Old February 24th, 2008, 22:08   #125
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These 'loopholes' you are trying to exploit have been open for many years now. Airsoft has been a legal geay-area for just about the same number of years.

Do you honestly believe you are so different than the others who have tried time and time again to slip through customs using the same arguments you have pointed out?

People have tried this, the success rate is unbelievably small or even nil, and you can actually end up in some serious legal trouble if you aren't absolutely careful.
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Old February 24th, 2008, 22:16   #126
Dog Face Killer
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Originally Posted by Naglfar View Post
These 'loopholes' you are trying to exploit have been open for many years now. Airsoft has been a legal geay-area for just about the same number of years.

Do you honestly believe you are so different than the others who have tried time and time again to slip through customs using the same arguments you have pointed out?

People have tried this, the success rate is unbelievably small or even nil, and you can actually end up in some serious legal trouble if you aren't absolutely careful.
Your missing the point.
I'm not trying to "slip through" anything.
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Old February 24th, 2008, 22:22   #127
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You're trying to import an airsoft gun. Airsoft guns are effectively illegal to import without the proper licensing.
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Old February 24th, 2008, 22:26   #128
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holy crap man what a load or reading i just did. for one shouldnt u listen to the ppl that have been on this site and in airsoft for a long time and listen to them ppl have tryed and lost. from my understanding and well being on theys fourms your like the 12 person in the past month who has tryed to start a movement lol and most of them got banned lol. oh well my 2 pennies just dont invest your money save your self that and move on because like everone has said the law can be changed for the outcome to win. thats what i got form readint this thread lol oh well im still a nub.
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Old February 24th, 2008, 22:30   #129
Dog Face Killer
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Originally Posted by Naglfar View Post
You're trying to import an airsoft gun. Airsoft guns are effectively illegal to import without the proper licensing.
:banghead: :banghead:
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Old February 24th, 2008, 23:05   #130
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It's a real mystery and frankly baffles me why there is sooooo much negativity coming from the same community that constantly complains about the policies (some of witch are pseudo policies...IMO) of the federal government, yet when someone tries to make a concerted effort to try and effect some change, they get ridiculed....baffling...completely baffling!!!!

What I'm talking about is not trying to get one or even several guns into the country via illegal activity...thats foolish and ill advised, but rather effect some real change and get some real answers (in writing) from those in power...forcing them to address the airsoft community and our concerns for our sport and hobby...and if necessary, ask a judge to make a ruling.

I have already made up my mind that I'm going through with this, so instead of being negative, why not step up to the plate and offer your support!?

For those of you that would like to help, please feel free to PM or post up on the site.
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Last edited by Dog Face Killer; February 24th, 2008 at 23:13..
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Old February 24th, 2008, 23:10   #131
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It's okay, I support you, If it's legal to do so then why not.

And if you fail to do so, then you have failed, and that's all.

Who cares about all the comments and all, show the results =)
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Old February 24th, 2008, 23:16   #132
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Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
It's okay, I support you, If it's legal to do so then why not.

And if you fail to do so, then you have failed, and that's all.

Who cares about all the comments and all, show the results =)
Added to buddy list! and thanks for the support!
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Old February 24th, 2008, 23:18   #133
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Originally Posted by Dog Face Killer View Post
It's a real mystery and frankly baffles me why there is sooooo much negativity coming from the same community that constantly complains about the policies (some of witch are pseudo policies...IMO) of the federal government, yet when someone tries to make a concerted effort to try and effect some change, they get ridiculed....baffling...completely baffling!!!!
Theres nothing to be baffled about, because there is no mystery at all. We are not the ones complaning, the only people who complain are newer people to this website who dont like how pricing is and beak about how there should be a way to skirt the current set up. The majority of us dont complain about the laws. So I dont know where your getting that.

Im assuming your response is going to be something along the lines of this.

"Bang head band head bang head blah blah Im better than you bang head bang head bang head."

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old February 24th, 2008, 23:23   #134
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Anyone want to help start the CNAA (Canadian National Airsoft Association)?
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Old February 24th, 2008, 23:26   #135
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just dont wine when u lose money because wouldnt u have to regester them as firearms if they are classifed as so then u wouldnt be able to sell then unless u have the licences again im a nub so i am not that stuied apone thia ll i knwo we sit in a grey area and if u poke a dog long enought they will bite (i did that one and it hurt)so dont mess shit up
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