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Why is the M4 so popular?


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Old February 12th, 2008, 22:38   #16
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most importantly...the American's use it.
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Bromhead: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast."
- ZULU (1964)
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Old February 12th, 2008, 22:44   #17
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Because the M4 can make you win! Win at things you cant even win at. Things like yelling! Yes the M4 can make you win at yelling!

Asking why people like M4 is a very tough question, because the opinions can vary so vastly almost no two answers could ever be alike.

Why do some people like apples more than oranges?
Because apples aren't squishy.....
Originally Posted by Schwag View Post
Please. I get .50 cal ricochets in the head while I'm eating my Rice Krispies in the morning. What's the big fucking deal?
I use my iron wang to deflect them into seniors and schoolchildren
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Old February 12th, 2008, 22:49   #18
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Originally Posted by joker060 View Post
Because apples aren't squishy.....
You can eat an apple with one hand too, try that with an orange.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 22:58   #19
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Why are M4/M16 always on trial?
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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:00   #20
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I use an M4 for many reasons, cosmetically it looks great and has allot of add ons and rails and such.

muscle memory, with the CF i am used to the working of the AR style weapons and how to operate it efficiently and quickly

ease of use, the AR style weapons can be operated simply and without much effort or skill

tactical advantages, the AR style weapons can be operated without removing your finger from the trigger and reloaded with minimal arm movement, this lets me keep a low profile while changing mags. it is also very quick to reload.

the M4 ant perfect but it is a good weapon for what i use it for, not to mention it looks bad ass with a 203 on it.
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:03   #21
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The M4 isn't that faulty unless you compare it to the new generation of assault rifles then it's like comparing a P-51 with an F-22 questioning yourself which one goes the fastest...

As everyone said, there are so many reasons as why people generally prefer the M4 over other assault rifles. This reminds me of the trend to love what the majority of people hate and vice versa. Most people like M4's; I hate 'em! Most people hate the XM8; I love it! Then you XM8 lovers group up together and hold together against the majority hating on the XM8 up until alot of people start to like that XM8 then all of a sudden you begin to hate the XM8 and love another rifle the majority doesn't like...
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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:05   #22
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Originally Posted by sigsour View Post
Is it true you can retrofit an M4 with an HK416 upper receiver and you can't tell the difference (ie. you can't tell it has a different upper receiver)? It's a question for "role-playing" authenticity. I've read that some special forces have ordered HK416 upper receivers.
Yeah, but then you'd have to order a couple MILLION uppers, retrain the entire standing army on the subtle differences, retrain armourers how to deal with a short stroke piston system instead of a direct impingement one, secure long-term contracts for service/support/resplacement, and even change things like weapon racks. And that's just scratching the surface.

If you start thinking a little more strategically, you'll have your answer as to why they're used so much worldwide.

As for why I use one, however? I like it.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:19   #23
Captain Tenneal
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As far as airsofters are concerned, it's a very easy and somewhat forgiving weapon to learn and use.

Most certainly, not the best gearbox (V2 vs. V3/V6), nor the best hopup (IMHO: AK takes that one), nor the best barrel, nor even the best build quality (barrel wobble, broken body pins and wobbly foregrips anyone?)

But, it's components are easily replaceable. There are enough AR-series magazines so that if everyone on ASC shared, each person could have more magazines than people have pouches. Ergonomics aren't the best, but the easy reach selector switch and mag release plus the straight upwards mag change (vs. Rocking), plus the accessories make anyone wanting to spend more on aftermarket crap than the gun itself, jump for joy.

I dunno. I like the AK47 a lot more. And have flat-out refused to buy any AR-series guns until they give me something more solid...
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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:38   #24
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Originally Posted by Sergeantmajor View Post
Because the M4 is the best thing since sliced bread!

its a very modular rifle. loads of add-ons, accessories, which are readily accessible and not so expansive for the many of them.
Unit cost is $1500 US thats pretty high cost for a rifle at this low quality. As for addons it most rifle today offers the same result. The readily thing isnt hard, make it allow have M1913 rail and your all good. Personally I dont like a rifle jams 850/50,000 times from a test.
It's true Hk416 reduce it jams down to 350s (300 is from STANAG feed problem, same as M16 series) but the price is way to high, if it's Europe weapon level, its also on high end.
G36, a Rifle used by German is getting shine more now than before, jam rate is like 150s out of 50k rounds. XM8 and G36 design are the same FYI

Overally I would just say that M4 is popular simply because America is a super power, and they like their products to be
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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:38   #25
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Originally Posted by Kohaku View Post
I use an M4 for many reasons, cosmetically it looks great and has allot of add ons and rails and such.

muscle memory, with the CF i am used to the working of the AR style weapons and how to operate it efficiently and quickly

ease of use, the AR style weapons can be operated simply and without much effort or skill

tactical advantages, the AR style weapons can be operated without removing your finger from the trigger and reloaded with minimal arm movement, this lets me keep a low profile while changing mags. it is also very quick to reload.

the M4 ant perfect but it is a good weapon for what i use it for, not to mention it looks bad ass with a 203 on it.
Well fucking said.

The AR is very effective if maintained properly, like mentioned.
It can be used efficiently by right, and left handed shooters.
It's also a very modular, and versatile platform with a decent pricetag.

Plus, I dig the look.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:42   #26
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post
Overally I would just say that M4 is popular simply because America is a super power, and they like their products to be
Or maybe because it's a 50 year old design that's still works and is still in use.

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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:42   #27
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Originally Posted by sigsour View Post
With all the real-life faults of the M4, why do people like it so much?

Real-life trials show the HK416 is superior to the M4, yet not all the major manufacturers have the HK416. TM for example has a slew of M4 variants but nary an HK416.

Point is, why does everyone love the M4? Is it because it is used by the Canadian forces and the US?

I would have thought that most airsofters, given that they can be kitted in "dream equipment" would choose the most effective real-life weapon, not just what a budget army could afford?

So by your logic, no one should be using AK47s because they've been surpassed by newer generation AKs (74 and 100-series)?

And maybe more to the point, most people (airsofters) using M4s aren't using straight up military issue M4A1s; most people have a lot of aftermarket kits on 'em. For one, because they can, and that's a large part of the attraction.

Generalizing that the M4 isn't reliable is like saying ALL AKs are like cheapo mud hut shop Peshawar-made AKs.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:53   #28
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in reality, if you were running for your life (forget the environment, who was chasing you etc etc) and ran into an armoury and there was either an M4 or a HK416, a smart person with knowledge on weapons would take the 416 simply because it is better. while the M4 is not bad, trials tests conclude that the 416 is superior. that being said, this is airsoft, so with the right amount of upgrades, hell, you can make an M4 shoot like an airsoft sniper rifle if you really wanted to.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:54   #29
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Donster, Id probly grab whatever was closer and loaded!

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Old February 12th, 2008, 23:55   #30
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Originally Posted by kullwarrior View Post

Overally I would just say that M4 is popular simply because America is a super power, and they like their products to be
That's pretty stupid.

What kinda reason is that? Really man.
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