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Airsoft "Pet Peeves", time to vent guys!



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Old February 11th, 2008, 18:28   #136
Eagle Eye
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Posts in the For Sale forums that consist of 2-3 pages of "bump". Accept that you are asking too much and make some changes or keep your damn kit! d:
Offense cannot be given, only taken.

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Old February 12th, 2008, 10:27   #137
Avenging Angel
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Event moderators that seem to think that they are above the rules and can use hot guns because they, "know the engagement ranges and can use their guns safely". I've only seen one or two mods in the dozens that I've met over the years that acutally know how to handle their weapons safely.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 10:35   #138
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People who won't call their hits so then I have to light them up more when the game has a relatively low ammo limit.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 13:24   #139
Rumpel Felt
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No actual team indicators! (arm bands please! not everyone knows everyone and we all know whites can't tell asians apart and asians can't tell whites apart!!)

FUCKING HICAPS For fucks sake, I can't fucking stand them. You got people with all this hardcore expensive shit, every accessory loadout and piece of equipment they'll never use....then they have a hicap crammed in their gun!! Why?!?!?!?!?! They're so fucking lame!!!! Damn Tokyo Marui for every popularizing the damn cheasy things!

Scopes and whacked out Armalites....again....why?!?!?!?! First off I think they're ugly. But functionally, sticking every possible accessory on your gun does next to nothing for it's performance!

TM and plastic body fanboys! It seems to be much less prevalent now, but back when everyone recommends "get a TM you can't go wrong" NO FOR FUCKS SAKE I've seen many a TM fuck up out of the box or in any other situation. There's just MORE OF them to cover up their natural failure rate. They are about the biggest rip off in airsoft as well! You pay a premium for a minimum of accessories and you don't even get a metal body!! And they made it "socially" acceptable to even use plastic on everything.

I hate AEG's in general. I just hate the general lameness of them. There's absolutly no rush or satisfying feel in using them. They sound fucked up and whimpy and they are too god damn complicated!

And with AEG culture comes all the in game CS style antics. Holding guns from the magwell, unloading 100's of rounds at once, firing from an improper stance, etc. FUCK It's lame to watch.

Elitests! We don't all enjoy spending thousands on sets of BDU's to play make believe in. The focus is supposed to be on the realism of the GUNS. And since we are just pretending, why not dress in a suit and tie like a bad ass from your favourite movie? I personally avoid wearing BDU's whenever possible and go for the more "modern urban cyber rebel" type look. Anyone who wants to question me, I challenge you to a duel.

Paint! Getting my sexy equipment covered in greasy dirty paint at paintball fields! FUCK

General high price for things that were made in the minimal quality style fashion. Such as....mostly all airsoft equipment.

Hmm that's all for now.

/end rant

Last edited by Rumpel Felt; February 12th, 2008 at 13:28..
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Old February 12th, 2008, 13:33   #140
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Does anyone here like anything about airsoft?
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Old February 12th, 2008, 13:37   #141
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Rumpel Felt....... WOW.........
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Old February 12th, 2008, 13:39   #142
AXe Hound
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i never heard of any one not liking aeg's
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Old February 12th, 2008, 14:22   #143
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I like ZZ rodents.

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Old February 12th, 2008, 14:33   #144
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-The fact that there are OVER 9000 Armalites in airsoft
-The fact that people stick OVER 9000 accessories on them
-Elitest bastards who offer no reason as to why they're better
-People who fly off the handle when something you own isn't exactly the same as the real military counterpart
-Noobs who come here asking waht the difference is between Well and Warrior 1's L96, because they want to imitate counterstrike.
-People who pretend they haven't been hit after you've emptied an entire magazine on them
-People with 2000000000 thousand High Cap magazines
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Old February 12th, 2008, 14:33   #145
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Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt View Post
No actual team indicators! (arm bands please! not everyone knows everyone and we all know whites can't tell asians apart and asians can't tell whites apart!!)
Why not buy yourself proper kit?

Elitests! We don't all enjoy spending thousands on sets of BDU's to play make believe in. The focus is supposed to be on the realism of the GUNS. And since we are just pretending, why not dress in a suit and tie like a bad ass from your favourite movie? I personally avoid wearing BDU's whenever possible and go for the more "modern urban cyber rebel" type look. Anyone who wants to question me, I challenge you to a duel.
Why not buy yourself some re-pro?
Paint! Getting my sexy equipment covered in greasy dirty paint at paintball fields! FUCK
2 Sets of re-pro
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Originally Posted by amano999 View Post
Forget Cadpat and Armalites are boring.....
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Old February 12th, 2008, 14:37   #146
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Originally Posted by ProbeJax View Post
-The fact that people stick OVER 9000 accessories on them
Mall ninjas! That's what I forgot!

All you really need on an AR is nice sights, maybe a light, maybe a v-grip.

I personally hate 30lbs airsoft ARs
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Old February 12th, 2008, 15:05   #147
Rumpel Felt
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Originally Posted by Solomance View Post
Why not buy yourself proper kit?

Why not buy yourself some re-pro?

2 Sets of re-pro
What does proper kit have to do with teams?? Even with a "proper kit" everyone is still wearing at least 10 different kinds of "proper kit."

The general premise of airsoft is realism on the part of the GUNS' APPEARANCE. That's what sets it apart from paintball, laser quest or whatever. You can still do all of those dressed up like a super 1337 delta beta alpha omego MI6 batmanesque navy seal, but you still LOOK like a douche when you hoist whatever "weapon" you use.

Now with airsoft, you can stand there in anything and look bad ass....THAT IS UNTIL YOUR WHIMPY WHINING AEG STARTS SOUNDING OFF AND IF YOU ARE A HOMOSEXUAL, THAT HICAP MAG STARTS RATTLING AROUND! (if you are actually gay, you have nothing to worry about )

That's why I "hate" AEG's. And I'm pretty sure most would agree. Alternatives could be thought up if a big enough company wanted to go all out and design something revolutionary. How did the mechbox get here....

What I DO like about airsoft, is well, everything I don't list that I hate. Like the atmosphere in general, most of the people, the real community feelings you get while airsofting and even chairsofting, those moments when like 15 guys storm down on two guys helplessly trying to hold up behind a car, et cetra et cetra..........
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Old February 12th, 2008, 17:48   #148
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I really hate it when you are trying to be stealthy/quiet because the enemy is around and all of the sudden the guy next to you is like "Oh man that was a awesome game on Halo last night! We ownzord leet 2cool4school haxor nerd ed those guys!" And they dont even whisper!

What I do like is being the last guy alive and have the adreniline (sp) rush of being hunted down, then slowly pick off guys from the other team.

EDIT: And I hate hi caps.
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Old February 13th, 2008, 12:05   #149
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- People who make condescending comments on a forum post simply to feel they have a bigger e-***** (there are lots of this going around)

- As AA said: Event moderators that seem to think that they are above the rules and can use hot guns because they, "know the engagement ranges and can use their guns safely".

- People who have no room for others who don’t fit into their exact idea of what this sport should be.

- People who use faggot or gay as a condescending term. Are you so unsure or uncomfortable with your sexual persuasion that your homophobia must shine through in everything you write? Are you worried you are spontaneously going to turn gay unless you combat your urges at every given opportunity? Grow up.

- Owners of PTW, or any gear, tool or weapon who believe that simply by owning, or expending the capital to purchase it inherently makes them a better / more dedicated player than others

- New players who will not call their hits as they are trying to impress the vets

- Vets who will not call their hits as they are too good to get hit by the noobs anyway

- Anyone who plans in advance to cause harm to others during a game. These people should be run out of town and never be allowed to play this, (or any other sport) again.

- People who continually bash others for not having a worn paintjob because the supper dupper real hard core deadly guys only ever have a worn paintjob because it is so much more high speed, and you just aren’t cool enough unless you are make pretending to be just like the picture of a real soldier you have on your wall. This covers people who will go out of the way to tell you that the boots you are wearing, or the particular vest you have doesn’t match x,y,z on your kit etc.

- Anyone, who at any point during the game does not have the safety of others as their primary concern

- People with no understanding of history, war, or politics who continually bash the French because, just like bashing 'gay' as long as we have someone or something to look down on we can feel better about ourselves.

- People who believe that age, on its own can be taken as an indication of maturity. This goes more for people believing that because someone is older their actions must be taken as mature.

- People who join this hobby because 'guns are so f-ing cool' who just want to 'shoot shit up and kick ass'

- The assumption that you are mature enough to handle / use / play with upgraded airsoft guns. Chances are you aren’t. Yes this means you.

- Politics. Stupid childish politics and shenanigans. There were many un-written lessons in ECS on maturity, respect, sharing, responsibility, ownership and fair play. Why were 80% of the populace not paying attention?

- Excuses. WTF ever happened to responsibility? Why is it so hard to say: "Yes, I screwed up, I'm sorry, I wont let it happen again" or "Good shot, you got me, I'll have to try harder next time". Instead it's always "No f-ing way you could have hit me" or "I could have turned around and shot you first" or "I didn’t know the rules.." etc.

- When you bring enough guns, equipment, ammo, gas, food and gear for 7 new players. Take the time to help them all load their guns, explain the rules, explain the function of the weapons, all for free, and one of the few experienced players, who only brought his own shit, loaded his one gun, sat there and watched while you dragged stuff in and out, bitches and whines about having to start late because you took so long to get ready.

That should be enough of an uber rant for now.
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Old February 13th, 2008, 12:21   #150
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Moving stealthily and slowly towards the enemey, only to find yourself on the other side of the field all alone because the battle moved to a different part of the field, and was in fact over, and nobody bothered to tell you on the radio, and then having to walk the entire way back without having fired a shot the whole time...
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