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the ABA and UKARA......why not Canada?



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Old February 7th, 2008, 18:22   #1
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the ABA and UKARA......why not Canada?

I've been trying to follow the progress being made by the airsofters in the UK and was wondering what it would take to lobby our local Canadian government in order to change exisiting laws concerning realistic imitation firearms. It looks like, in the UK, as long as you are 18 and have obtained a membership to a skirmish site that's registered with UKARA (united kingdom airsoft retailers association) then you can legally obtain a RiF.

Instead of retailers trying to fight with Canada Customs and the RCMP, at huge costs within the court system. Would it be more feasible to lobby our local MLA's, MP's, premiers to try and change existing laws?

Would airsofters seem more credible if we even went so far as to try and get crapsoft products out of Wal-marts and Canadian Tire type stores.

Let's face it.....anybody who has spent hundreds of dollars on a quality AEG isn't going to go out and shoot up the town with it. I'm certain that acts of vandalism that involve paintball and airsoft weapons are more than likely committed with cheap and easily available markers.

What say you guys? Would you spend money on a license or some type of registration if it meant you could more easily obtain a good quailty gun?
I think most would.
I'm interested in your thoughts.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 18:40   #2
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Originally Posted by cloves View Post
Would you spend money on a license or some type of registration if it meant you could more easily obtain a good quailty gun?
I'd sooner spend money if it meant that this question wouldn't get asked every week, resulting in the same arguments over and over again that ultimately lead to nowhere sauf pour le trash bin.

Not trying to be a prick here, but use the search function. This idea has been discussed to death, back to life, and again to death more times than I can count.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 18:40   #3
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I hear what your saying but this has been covered on ASC many times and each time its shut down in a hurry. Do a little search on ASC, you will see what I mean. Sad cause I really agree but we as a group can't get it started or done.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 18:50   #4
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The UK's "Skirmisher" exemption was written prior to the law being passed. From the reports it took a massive effort to exclude them from the ban.

For us you'd have to turn back the clocks. Despite a campaign promise to scrap the gun registry nothing more than studies has happened.

Making another exemption for a minority that wants to do what we do does not seem like a choice the ruling class would make in the current climate.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 18:51   #5
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I searched for UKARA and found nuthin. sorry.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 18:52   #6
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Sign up as a member on Arnies Airsoft and you can read all about it in their forums. They are UK based so there is much more discussion there.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 18:54   #7
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
. Despite a campaign promise to scrap the gun registry nothing more than studies has happened.

thank you Danke (was that redundant? )

I don't think we should necessarily scrap the gun whatever, what I meant was, I was in favor of registering my airsoft guns, if it meant I could obtain them easier
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Old February 7th, 2008, 18:58   #8
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I know there is a sort of animosity between paintballers and airsofters sometimes, but lately they have been suffering as well. Turns out that RAP4 .43 caliber paintball markers, the ones that look like M4's are now being stopped at the border very frequently as well. I've even heard that those Tippman X7's, when done up like Mp5's have been seized.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 18:58   #9
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the hell with registration, license or a big Canada wide membership thing would be better.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 19:06   #10
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Originally Posted by cloves View Post
thank you Danke (was that redundant? )

I don't think we should necessarily scrap the gun whatever, what I meant was, I was in favor of registering my airsoft guns, if it meant I could obtain them easier
I understand what your goal is. I am sure you can see that to the public at large in Canada any "firearm" is a hot button issue.

Even a written in stone promise is tough to act on. Going back on the current replica legistation will have cats and dogs living together in the eyes of the public.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 19:11   #11
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I understand what your goal is. I am sure you can see that to the public at large in Canada any "firearm" is a hot button issue.

Even a written in stone promise is tough to act on. Going back on the current replica legistation will have cats and dogs living together in the eyes of the public.
yeah I get where you're coming from, thanks for the explanation.
Oh..and was that a Ghostbusters reference??
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Old February 7th, 2008, 19:15   #12
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Responsible real gun owners don't go out and "Bust a cap" in someone, but that makes no difference to the law. If real gun lobbyists with real money can't even make 1 meaningful change to the CCC (there are millions of them and dollars to go with them), how is a fractured community with cash-strapped students as members going to do it?

Gun laws (any gun, real or not) in Canada do not get relaxed at all. They get strengthened and enforced.

You have the right idea, but it won't work the way the community is.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 19:29   #13
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Mcguyver, thanks for your post, i'm begining to grasp the scope of what we're dealing with here.

the thing becomes apparent that I could legally obtain a real working firearm in a much easier fashion than an airsoft marker. And that just makes no sense to me.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 19:44   #14
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by cloves View Post
Mcguyver, thanks for your post, i'm begining to grasp the scope of what we're dealing with here.

the thing becomes apparent that I could legally obtain a real working firearm in a much easier fashion than an airsoft marker. And that just makes no sense to me.
It does make no sense to us.. responsible users of replica firearms.. but to the police the only relevant use of a replica firearm is as a place holder for a real gun to be used for nefarious ends. The current laws are designed to limit the proliferation of replicas in the population to limit the access to "fake guns"
This is exactly why all enforcement action is on the import and retail end of the equation..

In the UK the written in defense against the prohibition for possession and trade in replicas was put in place at the same time as the law prohibiting them. In Canada that law has been in force now for a decade.. getting an amendment now to allow trade in certain circumstances is not going to happen.

At least here the mere possession of replicas is not an offense as it is in the UK.
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Old February 7th, 2008, 20:40   #15
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I sorry guys but the whole"guns are the Devil" talk is definately an Eastern Canada thing.Here in the West we are alot more liberal about guns and such,as everyone I have talked to is surprised that we cant bring these into Canada.They even started asking when and where we play,so they can play too.And yes even your dreaded soccer moms.So I really have to say that whatever happens to or in this country it's all the fault of the East,because here in the West we are forgotten when it comes to any say in this country.It doesn't matter what we in the west say or do it's the East that runs and controls this country...........
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