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Ken not responding



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Old February 4th, 2008, 16:56   #31
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With the retailers it seems there are always some good, some bad experiances. For example, I didn't have a particularily good experience dealing with A&A, but I did with Ken. Lots of people have the reverse.

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Old February 4th, 2008, 17:15   #32
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I just think it's impolite that you continually have to tell everyone about your bad experience.
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Old February 4th, 2008, 20:05   #33
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i could bash walmart, anything wrong with that? no. there's nothing wrong with speaking negatively about a business.
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Old February 4th, 2008, 20:12   #34
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If I was blatantly going out of my way to diss 007 in random, unrelated threads, then I would understand the 'being impolite' part. That would be just rude. I only mention it when someone else who's obviously having a similar experience asks what's up because they're not receiving any replies from him either. By posts on this forum since mid November, it's been a pretty common question, as it doesn't seem he's replying to anyone other than his regular customers. I'm just sharing my experience with those who ask about the subject.

In this case, the OP is a repeat customer, and Ken has one of his guns for repair, and is not replying. You guys can praise the dude all you want, but to me, not replying to customers, ESPECIALLY when you've got an item that belongs to them is what's rude.
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Old February 4th, 2008, 20:13   #35
Gene Pool Medic
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Ken is working 2 jobs, in school runnig his business playing in a band, working with canadian Idol and trying to supply calgary with guns.

He has always been a great guy, gave me wicked deals on guns and hosted many noob games. he has done alot for this sport, probably allot more than any of you chairsofters out there that bitch on here about service.

You would think with the lack of stores and suppliers in Canada people would support instead of bitching, oh well you will learn i guess
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Old February 4th, 2008, 20:19   #36
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I don't understand what is a matter with people lately. It doesn't matter if demand is much higher than supply, a business is still a business. Believe it or not I've sold Ken's guns in the past, but if he isn't responding, you can't just look at it as we need to support Ken no matter what even if he doesn't respond . One of the main reasons he is selling airsoft is to make money, people need to remember that.
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Old February 4th, 2008, 20:41   #37
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I understand your positions but when you consistently bring it up any time his name comes what you can. If you cannot get an answer, perhaps pm him on JOC or call him every single day until you get a reply. Who knows maybe your getting his numbers or emails all wrong for some silly reason. He did change his e-mail recently FYI.
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Old February 4th, 2008, 20:44   #38
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Originally Posted by quick90 View Post
I don't understand what is a matter with people lately. It doesn't matter if demand is much higher than supply, a business is still a business. Believe it or not I've sold Ken's guns in the past, but if he isn't responding, you can't just look at it as we need to support Ken no matter what even if he doesn't respond . One of the main reasons he is selling airsoft is to make money, people need to remember that.
Well holy shit! Some common sense in this thread...

I totally second that. And just like I said in an earlier post - if REAL LIFE is preventing him from properly running his virtual business, then perhaps he should take down his web site and sell his guns privately to the few people he seems to respond to and on forums like here. Seriously, if you can't handle the heat, get out of the frying pan. It's that simple. It's all about priorities.

I have no doubt Ken is a nice guy that's done a lot for the airsoft community. I don't know him and never spoke to him, but that seems to be the general concensus of everyone who knows him. But it seems to me from what people are saying that other issues in life are simply overwhelming him and he doesn't have the time for airsoft anymore. It's all about priorities, and sounds like he needs to be dropping stuff out of his life. Sounds to me like he's doing that already, and that's 007. Sucks, but it appears to be the case.

I understand busy and can sympathize. I have a regular 40-hour a week job. I'm a single parent to an active 8 year old with extracurricular activities with NO support or help from either my ex or family. I play in 2 bands and I run a recording studio. Sadly, the studio, which is a nice 'on the side' money-making venture often had to take a back seat. Because of that, my web site is going offline permanently next week and I'm not taking on any more 'public' clients. I've been around long enough on the local music scene that word of mouth alone could keep me in business full-time if I wanted it to, and I can pick and choose who I wish to work with when I have the time. I'm sure Ken could do the same if he wanted to do that with 007 and few would suffer from it.

Right now, all he's doing is giving himself a bad name to the people that DON'T know him and his reputation in the airsoft community. Yeah, YOU guys know he's a good guy, but to 90% of the people landing on his site looking for airsoft guns, he's just a dick that never replies to emails. That doesn't mean he IS a dick. It's just the perception people are left with after unsuccessfully trying to get a quote from him.

Originally Posted by Beazer View Post
I understand your positions but when you consistently bring it up any time his name comes what you can. If you cannot get an answer, perhaps pm him on JOC or call him every single day until you get a reply. Who knows maybe your getting his numbers or emails all wrong for some silly reason. He did change his e-mail recently FYI.
Don't need his services anymore. Thanks to ASC and people I've gotten to know here, I can get just about any airsoft gun I could possibly want - even hard-to-find guns - for less money. Like the Real Sword Type 56. Got it with no problems and for a great price. It's en-route to me with scheduled delivery by Friday. From the time of order to delivery will be just under 5 weeks. Not bad at al considering it was a custom order.

And I only bring it up when there's a thread about people who want to know what's up because Ken never answers their emails. Seems to be a regular complaint around here. And I know for a fact I got the email addresses and phone and fax numbers right. There's no mistake on my end. I'm not chasing someone down in order to give them my money.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; February 4th, 2008 at 20:58..
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Old February 4th, 2008, 20:57   #39
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I totally second that. And just like I said in an earlier post - if REAL LIFE is preventing him from properly running his virtual business, then perhaps he should take down his web site and sell his guns privately to the few people he seems to respond to and on forums like here. Seriously, if you can't handle the heat, get out of the frying pan. It's that simple. It's all about priorities.

I have no doubt Ken is a nice guy that's done a lot for the airsoft community. I don't know him and never spoke to him, but that seems to be the general concensus of everyone who knows him. But it seems to me from what people are saying that other issues in life are simply overwhelming him and he doesn't have the time for airsoft anymore. It's all about priorities, and sounds like he needs to be dropping stuff out of his life. Sounds to me like he's doing that already, and that's 007. Sucks, but it appears to be the case.
Exactly. I've met Ken in real life a few times, he's a nice guy, but thats how it is. ^
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Old February 4th, 2008, 20:58   #40
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Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post

Ad I only bring it up when there's a thread about people who want to know what's up because Ken never answers their emails. And I know for a fact I got the email addresses and phone and fax numbers right. I'm not chasin someone down in order to give them my money.

I second this quote...well said Crunchmeister !!!

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Old February 4th, 2008, 21:06   #41
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Originally Posted by KEVORKIAN View Post
I second this quote...well said Crunchmeister !!!
Thank you.

After all, this is a discussion forum. Not answering with our own personal experience on a subject when people are directly asking about it sort of defeats the purpose of having a discussion forum in the first place. As long as its kept civil and there's no outright bashing going on, then there should be a problem. To date, I personally have't seen any Ken or 007-bashing, even by irate people (specifically, the OP) who have damn good right to be upset at not hearing from him, regardless of his personal reason.
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Old February 4th, 2008, 21:12   #42
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Agreed, it has been of a professional nature.
It's just that it keeps coming up from the same people for the same story.
Almost vindicative, but not.
I just think there are better ways of dealing with the situation than bringing it out on the boards...but you see worse random stuff so I won't be policing anytime soon.
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Old February 4th, 2008, 21:46   #43
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I've been emailing him for parts for 3 months now. Only got the 48hrs or try again notification. So I spent my $1000 at A&A instead.

Oh well. lol
pew pew pew
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Old February 4th, 2008, 22:03   #44
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well iv had both exprecies started out with no replys once i got a hold of him super nice and he satys in contact with you. people shpuld either understand that with out theys dealers our sport is hard to do because hes is one of the only 2 public dealers yes theirs outher ways to obtain guns shuch though used section and some new ones pop up from what i hear but once your age varfied then i hear u can pretty much get to know the ppl her then like churnchmaster said you can get pretty much any gun. all you have to do is wait so a little time never killed any one.
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Old February 4th, 2008, 22:08   #45
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wow, spellcheck anyone?
I think phoning him is more succesful than repeated emails.
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