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Review Bitter End Mesh Airsoft Goggles



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Old February 2nd, 2008, 09:18   #1
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Review Bitter End Mesh Airsoft Goggles

Bitter End™ Mesh Airsoft Goggles

Bitter End Mesh Airsoft Goggles have been modified with a high quality steel mesh lens and painted in various patterns or solid colors.

The steel mesh that is used in these goggles have been tested at 400+ FPS with .23's at point blank range and showed just minimal deflection. They have also been field tested by dozens of players from LionClaws to Regional and Local Events to ensure high performance.

Here are a few Testimonials from Airsoft players that use Bitter End™ Mesh Airsoft Goggles

Since the first time I tried on a pair of these wire mesh glasses, I haven't used anything else for airsoft. They are light weight, look great, and you can actually paint them to match the color of the camo you wear! I've even used them for night mission, and had no problem using them with night vision. The best part however, has to be not fogging up anymore. Before, there were times when my goggles fogging up would make it so I was battlefield ineffective. Those days are behind me now thanks to these glasses.

DEADLY - Team M.A.G.

Ever since I swapped to your wire mesh goggles, I will never go back The quality and durability is awesome and plus there isn't any fogging and the mesh can take a high powered impact from an AEG to a Gas Sniper with out any give.

Derek Mayberry

I was using plastic lensed goggles that fogged up really bad. Then I found these and have been very happy with them! The mesh lenses make it impossible to fog up, and they can take a hit. Comfortable and stylish!


I was convinced there was nothing better out there when one of my teammates, Ben, tripped and fell on a stick. He ended up with a pretty nasty black eye, but the mesh goggles saved him from becoming blind. Something that can take a hit like that, and not fog up, is definitely a quality product.

The cool thing is, Ben still wears the same goggles, and they only have a little scratch.

Roger L. Eccles, 1st-Sword Airsoft

I can confirm this story and if you any need confirmation on these goggles are the best mesh one out here I stand behind them 100% and nothing well ever compare to the goggles I use every time I play. If you were to measure the force in FPS I probably hit that branch at 800 or 900fps and it was a direct impact on the mesh of the goggles and I only ended up with a cut on my nose above my eye and just really bad looking shiner for a week. Thanks Bitter End for the goggles and you have a least one customer for life!
Krusty Review of Crossmen MC

First Impressions

Very Strong screen not the fly screens you see on other products. I took the screen out of the rubber goggles it appears to be a very solid piece of light weight steel. I have read & herd from people that use Mesh airsoft goggles that there is some training for the eye before you should use these. After putting them on you notice how light and low profile they are on the face and I could see immediately my eye did not shift around at all. And it came in Multicam.


I checked to see if a BB could roll inn somewhere on this particular design from Bitter End. They formed a nice seal all the way around and with the adjustable strap you can tighten as you need to. I think if you have a small nose you might try different design that Bitter End have for sale because you might not get a great seal around the nose area but for most men this will not be a problem. The rubber moulding appears to be good quality and it has a little play in it for a nice fit around your face and holding the steel screen.

As stated above they claim it will take a 400fps hit. So I set them up and shot at them with my AEG which runs 400fps with 0.2g BB at a distance of 15ft. And yes as they claimed they stopped the BB without any noticeable damage.

Where to Buy

ST6 Airsoft sells their goggles on Ebay for about $20 to $30. I ordered a pair and had them in 2 weeks.


I really like these goggles I’m planning on using them this year. I usually wear Profile Goggles with Fan because I sweat allot so it will be a nice change to not having to wipe the sweat of my goggles. Sorry for this multicam guys but I don't use the pattern so I painted over the muticam pattern using Krylon Olive Drab and light touch of Nato Brown on the steel mesh. I put them back in the rubber goggles after 2 hours and they were ready to go. I’m going to give this product a 9 out of 10. I ordered a pair of their Bull Dog Goggles and will review them in the future.

As you can see much better for CADPAT.

Last edited by Krusty; February 2nd, 2008 at 09:33..
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Old February 2nd, 2008, 09:33   #2
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Do you find the mesh bothers your vision at all?

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Old February 2nd, 2008, 11:20   #3
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Not at all it like having anything else in fron of your eyes.
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Old February 2nd, 2008, 12:01   #4
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Just make sure nobody is using bio-bbs if you're wearing these. After Foxtail's experience if you had one shatter wearing those the fragments will go straight into your eyes.
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Old February 2nd, 2008, 12:02   #5
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Like a big Killflash for your eyes.

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Old February 11th, 2008, 17:18   #6
vision impaired
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I'd imagine it's similar for people going from visors in hockey to metal cage. Not that I've tried these but if it's anything like a cage then you'd know it goes almost invisible after a few min.
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Old February 11th, 2008, 17:59   #7
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Any crap bb's and your eyes are caput.
That's why JOC doesn't allow mesh goggles anymore.
Why not just use ESS?easier to see things and ballistically rated.
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