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CA M15A4 Carbine (Sportline) or JG M4A1 Carbine


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Old January 30th, 2008, 02:34   #1
Captian Insano
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CA M15A4 Carbine (Sportline) or JG M4A1 Carbine

Hey everyone.

Ive been looking into getting a new airsoft gun since Im tired of my clearsoft peice (yes, I know, Im not AGE VERIFIED, Im working one that, I just turned 18 on the 17th, so please dont flame, I live in a really small town in the butt f*** nowhere in b.c., and I dont get out of this town very much.). Ive been doing my homework, and Ive finally decided on getting either a CA M15A4 Carbine Sportline, or a JG M4A1 Carbine, mainly because there in my price range.

Now, I know that the obivius choice here is the CA because of the better quality and parts support, but if I can save a few bucks, then thats what Ill do. The real question comes in as Im looking at also buying a "Mad Bull/JP Rifles 12" Handguard Kit w/4 Length Barrels" kit along with a few other parts to make a sniper, (dont ask me why im building a cheap aeg into a sniper, its just what I want to do) and want to know which gun would be better to go with.

The CA is again, most likely gonna be the choice here, and as said, if i can save a few bucks, I will, and thats why I would like to know if the jg would be up to handling some fairly serius aftermarket support, and not need constant reparing and new parts.

The basic list at what Im looking at gettin is:
-Mad Bull/JP Rifles 12" Handguard Kit w/4 Length Barrels
-Mad Bull 6.03mm Tightbore Barrel - 650mm
-RIGHT M16 Sniper Stock
-Something like the 007Airsoft 390 FPS Standard Upgrade Kit
-Bipod of some sorts
-Red Dot/ Scope/ Some sort of sighting object

How does that sound for starters? I am set on the Barrel/Forend setup, but the other parts Im flexible with a bit. What gun do you guys figure would be better for this setup? Any help is greatly appreciated!


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Old January 30th, 2008, 02:44   #2
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A JG will come kind of close to 390 FPS, so I don't know why you need the upgrade. Where would you get the Sportline from?

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Old January 30th, 2008, 02:49   #3
Captian Insano
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Hey everyone.

Yeah I noticed it does put out a fair bit if power stock, but the gearbox upgrade would be for more of a reliabilty reasons, metal parts over plastic parts are gonna last longer, which means less money to be spent in the long run. Or I could just be crazy lol. A&A has the Sportline, I emailed him a few days ago asking for a quote on the cost, but by the looks of american websites like make it seem cheaper then most.


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Old January 30th, 2008, 03:21   #4
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The only thing you'd need to change for reliability reasons, is to put in metal bushings and maybe do a shim job. JG's come with metal gears.

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Old January 30th, 2008, 03:29   #5
Captian Insano
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Hey everyone.

Ive heard gen1's come with plastic and gen2's come with metal, but I do see where your coming from, and I might consider dropping the Internal upgrades if I dont really need them, but thats only if I get the jg.


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Old January 30th, 2008, 03:40   #6
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All JG's have metal gears. And wow that upgrade package is expensive.
And good luck getting the Right Sniper Stock. My friend has been looking for one for a while now.

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Old January 30th, 2008, 03:55   #7
Captian Insano
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Hey everyone.

Yeah, it is pretty expensive, but if you need it, or need to upgrade from plastic parts, its definitly worth it in my mind. Really? Everytime I go to 007Airsoft, they have it in stock, although with a fairly steep price tag of 270, but thats with taxes and i think shipping included.


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Old January 30th, 2008, 04:28   #8
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Nope, not there. If it's not on his "In Stock" page, he doesn't have it. Might be able to GET it, not sure though. You'd have to ask him.

And why don't you buy a gun and play with it with stock parts, before you decide an upgrade?

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Old January 30th, 2008, 05:25   #9
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This should cover your Sportline questions in depth.

YouTube - Classic Army Sportline M15a4- FULL REVIEW

I find the plastic (ABS) body to be a bit of a risk...
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Old January 30th, 2008, 07:51   #10
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In airsoft, trying to save a few bucks will only screw you over in the long run. You're better of using the money to buy a respectable brand if you're looking for long term reliability (99.9% of the time, at least) instead of all the aftermarket stuff that will have negligible performance increases.

Go with the red-dot if anything, but as an entry level gun, you don't really need the other stuff. Bipods are usually nothing more than cumbersome accessories (I've never even fielded mine) even with a marksman rifle. Sniping isn't the easiest nor the most interesting role to fulfil as a beginner.

I think huang sells a clone of the frontend set you're looking at as well, but for a fraction of the price.
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Old January 30th, 2008, 13:38   #11
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Your gonna need another 150$ set aside for internal gearbox upgrades. FPS alone doesn't mean squat if you have crappy internals.
And sniper rifles are purpose built weapons, what your making is a DMR So your still attached to a squad, and fill the role of a normal rifleman, but with more accuracy.
I suggest saving up for a gun that comes with a metal body, because it's MUCH cheaper than buying a metal body later on (since you can't sell a plastic body to get any sort of refund).
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Old January 30th, 2008, 15:16   #12
Captian Insano
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Hey everyone.

Thanks for all the info, I watched that review, even though it make look like theres a few cheaper parts in the gun, and it ahs blemished metal parts, it still looks to be like a great gun.

Styrak- As for the stock, its in his product section, and even though it says its not instock (with also hasnt been updated for a month so you never know) you could still special order it through them I would assume? And Ive played 10 plus games with my freinds and there dad, and Ive decided that I would like to build the gun to what I want it to be.

Chrios- I know what you mean, but I dont really have room to save up and buy a high quality gun, I have a car, cellphone, savings, etc, that take up alot of my money as is. I think I probly will go with a red dot and a magnifier to maybe. I know sniping isnt really easy, but I play alot of paintball, and I know that the sports are alot different, I do know what it takes. And im gettin the bipod because I do plan on spending time laying down at take those 1 shot kills, just like I do in paintball, and I know that a Bipod does help.

ThunderCactus- That was the idea in gettin the upgarde kit I listed because it upgrades the internal gearbox. I know what you mean by the FPS doesnt mean squat with crappy internals lol. Where Ill be playing mostly, were just a bunch of idiots who like to play paintball/airsoft (although we do take safety and rules seriusly and dont dick around with them), and we dont really designate anyone by Rifleman or Sniper or DMR, although it would make things intresting. The reason Im not getting a higher end all metal or atleast metal body gun is the fact that I just dont have enough money, and the parts I listed will be collected over the period of several months most likely, and I want to get into the game sooner then later, even if it is with a cheaper gun.


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Old January 31st, 2008, 00:29   #13
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Fair enough, if that's what you want - so long as you know that you don't need all those accessories to be able to play the game and still be competative, and that a DMR/sniper kit is one of the most expensive roles to start up in (perhaps only second to machinegunner).
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Old January 31st, 2008, 02:26   #14
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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The money I saved on a ghillie suit, I spent on internal upgrades for my 249 lol
Ohhhh so expensive....
Anyway, be careful with plastic guns, they break when you drop them on cement floors, ask me how i know lol
G&P is honestly the best you can get, not only is it already the highest end metal body, but all you need to upgrade are the nozzle, barrel and hopup rubber lol
Factor that into your costs, If the JG is still cheaper then buy that instead
Of course you don't really need to buy a sniper stock, a USMC SAM-R with a bipod and maybe a scope is all ya need
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Old January 31st, 2008, 02:31   #15
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
G&P is honestly the best you can get, not only is it already the highest end metal body, but all you need to upgrade are the nozzle, barrel and hopup rubber lol
Oh stop it. You're always spewing your G&P propanaganda. I'm starting to think you work for them.


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