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biodegradable bb


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Old January 22nd, 2008, 00:45   #1
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biodegradable bb

How come I couldnt find it anywhere in the Canada retailer section? unpopular or why?
Also is there any sites sell BULK bio degradable bb? I've only found:
that sells em
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 05:28   #2
eel one
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they usually have a fine selection of biodegradables.

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Old January 22nd, 2008, 07:29   #3
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4 Reasons

1. Very small market,
2. shelf life,
3. potential hazard inside an upgraded and expensive gun,
4. Pricey.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 09:14   #4
eel one
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Originally Posted by Scarecrow View Post
4 Reasons

1. Very small market,
2. shelf life,
3. potential hazard inside an upgraded and expensive gun,
4. Pricey.
1. Yes, but it is increasing at the same rate as peoples environmental awareness.

2. Not all true, some brands like Bioval/Biotech are sold more or less in the same rate as they hit the shelves.

3. Up to M140 upgraded guns I have not had any problems, and at all danish milsim events use of colored biodegradables are compulsory.

4. It's not that bad. The new G&G bioBB's are fairly cheap.

Note I have only knowledge of the north European airsofters perspectives on this.

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Old January 22nd, 2008, 09:17   #5
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This should be a good debate.

<grabs popcorn and beer>
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 09:28   #6
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When I take my guns out to my friend's house in the country for target shooting, I buy the 5 000 packs of 0.20g biodegradable BBs from Wal Mart. I don't want to leave his yard all littered with BBs, so they're a good option. As for price, they're about $20 or so - about the same as you'd pay for 5 000 regular BBs, even cheaper than some regular BBs.

I haven't had any real issues with them in my guns, but then again, I've only shot them from stock AEGs and pistols. While using the loading tool for my KJ M9, I've actually had a couple of BBs break as they were being fed into the mag. Using my Marui M4 mag style loader or the Marui loading rod (for rifle mags), I haven't had any problems.

That being said, the surfaces on these BBs is very rough compared to the smoothly polished finishes you get on quality BBs. I find I need to mess with my hopup significantly to compensate for these BBs. But once adjusted, they appear to be as accurate enough.

As for shelf life, they come in a bucket of 5 000, but are vacuum sealed in packages of 1 250 inside the bucket. Once you break open one of these sealed bags, then you ahve to use them. Otherwise, they have good shelf life as long as the packages remain sealed.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 09:32   #7
eel one
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No need to make this a big issue. For the sake of the environment and the future of airsoft, we need to make a responsible choice of ammunition. When I see some of the sites that have been used for years with regular BB's you more or less walk on BB's rather than dirt. So also for the sake of public relations it is important to leave as little impact on the nature as possible. This also means aesthetically as white BB's laying around in the wild really pisses off some people, and some of these are politicians.

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Old January 22nd, 2008, 09:37   #8
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:S Wal-mart does sell a pack of 5000 for like 18$ and they are sealed in packaged bags.....

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Old January 22nd, 2008, 09:43   #9
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yea, they're also crap .12's, dont buy from walmart.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 10:02   #10
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Originally Posted by daiviet View Post
yea, they're also crap .12's, dont buy from walmart.
The bio BBs from Wal Mart are .20g. I won't argue that they're good BBs, because they're not as good, but I haven't had any problems with them either.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 10:06   #11
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I have to agree with Eel One, if I can ever get my hands on another order of Bioval/Biotech BB's, I'll be all over it. I've fired pretty much everything on the market and they were hands down the best. Never had a jam/chip/break in any of the upgrade guns I've used them in. If you're worried about shelf life, stick a dessicant pack in the bag and store them in a cool dry place, problem solved.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 10:10   #12
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Originally Posted by daiviet View Post
yea, they're also crap .12's, dont buy from walmart.
there not .12 they are .20

i and a few mebers on my team have tryed those BB's and have not had a single problem they dident jam or missfeed.

they come in small pack's of 250 - 300 bb's in one lage contaner has like 5-6 packs so you only open a pack if need be and the rest stay fresh. they are not high polish .. kinda ruff to the touch

would not recomend in a 400 FPS gun but i have used them in mine and worked fine

the only thing is they don't work in double stack mags EX : G18C AEP mag .

all in all if you realy need some bb's and can't order online in time. go for it.

walmart FTW

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Old January 22nd, 2008, 10:35   #13
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Well, I am not a big fan of bio BB's. I had one hit the edge of my goggles and shatter into powder, like getting a flash of baby powder in the face. Was not happy for sure.

And I have played for something like 6-8 years on my field and in the field you can't tell there are BB's all over the place. Now the staging area is an other story. people that don't know how to load there mags or bags falling off the counter.

Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
Wild idea: read the manual. Yes - Tokyo Marui manuals contain good information.

Despite being 50% in Japanese, the other 50% is still in English and covers important information regarding the operation and functions of your airsoft gun.
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 13:32   #14
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Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman View Post
:S Wal-mart does sell a pack of 5000 for like 18$ and they are sealed in packaged bags.....
Yet again another reason why you should not give advice.

Never use garbage BBs from walmart, biodegradable, non bio degradable, gold plated or whatever the fuck. Their garbage BBs in the majority of the case, and can and or may damage or scuff up the inside of a persons barrel. Especially the BBs that have seems. Generally speaking CT and walmart BBs are usually garbage, that is not to say you cant use them, Im sure some people have no issues at all and find nothing wrong with them, thats great, excellent even. But the BBs at my local walmart and CT arnt even fit to be used in garbage soft.

Originally Posted by Crunchmeister View Post
I haven't had any real issues with them in my guns, but then again, I've only shot them from stock AEGs and pistols. While using the loading tool for my KJ M9, I've actually had a couple of BBs break as they were being fed into the mag. Using my Marui M4 mag style loader or the Marui loading rod (for rifle mags), I haven't had any problems.

That being said, the surfaces on these BBs is very rough compared to the smoothly polished finishes you get on quality BBs. I find I need to mess with my hopup significantly to compensate for these BBs. But once adjusted, they appear to be as accurate enough.

As for shelf life, they come in a bucket of 5 000, but are vacuum sealed in packages of 1 250 inside the bucket. Once you break open one of these sealed bags, then you ahve to use them. Otherwise, they have good shelf life as long as the packages remain sealed.
A little support to my previous paragraph. I suppose in a stock gun they wouldnt be so bad, but if your running something with a little more power and kick, say something in the 400fps plus, Id hate to run the risk of a BB blowing apart inside the aeg.

Originally Posted by eel one View Post
No need to make this a big issue. For the sake of the environment and the future of airsoft, we need to make a responsible choice of ammunition. When I see some of the sites that have been used for years with regular BB's you more or less walk on BB's rather than dirt. So also for the sake of public relations it is important to leave as little impact on the nature as possible. This also means aesthetically as white BB's laying around in the wild really pisses off some people, and some of these are politicians.
Unfortunetly there is no law in Canada that states that we have to use biodegradeable BBs. The way the laws are in Canada, we are lucky enough to have airsoft as it is. As far as I know, as far as bio degradable BBs go, the term" biodegradable" can be compared to how we use the term organic foods in Canada. In Canada there is litteraly no stipulation that state what methods have to be used, you can litterally grow something and use all the pesticides you want on it and call it organic, now certified organic, now thats where the bar begins, when something is certified organic the food has all sorts of rules and regulations. Just like organics, Ive found that with BBs the word biodegradable has a very wide range, some BBs have a very execllent rate of breaking down, some brands have been known to break down in less than a year. While others have nearly the same break town time as a regular BB. For me, things like cost, shipping time, and certain weights, quality are what effect my choice in regards to BBs.
So I stick to what I know, I know eventually my metal tech or TM BB will break down, it may take 50 or plus years but it will still break down.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; January 22nd, 2008 at 13:49..
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Old January 22nd, 2008, 13:47   #15
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Like I said, the BBs aren't very polished, but they do seem to be perfectly spherical (at least the ones I've closely inspected) and have no seams. I've had no feed problems and other than them breaking while using the KJ loading tool, had no other issues. I can load them with the Marui speed loader and don't have any problems.

That being said, I probably wouldn't use them in the field for an actual game. For plinking at my friend's house, they're fine. I've been through almost 4 of these 5 000 containers to date without issue. However, they've only been fired from stock guns - TM M4, CA M15, KJ M9, and KSC Glock 17. I can't say what they'd be like from an upgraded gun. I haven't loaded any of these into my M4 since it's had it's C8 transformation and spring upgrade.
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