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Part #66 for KSC MK23


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Old January 11th, 2008, 14:30   #1
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Part #66 for KSC MK23

Well this part is sold out almost everywhere i look. Specifically this item with the reinforced sear pin. The reason why this item is so important is that through my research, i have found that this is a very problematic part for the MK23 series. So, when i found a reinforced version on UNcompany, i hit the ceiling. Now that being said, my question is why is the reinforced version made by KM, which costs only $12.00 US cheaper than the KSC replacement part, which costs $15.00 US. is KM a lesser quality company? through reading reviews and such, i have not read anything to suggest that KM is a bad company, or made shoddy parts. Needless to say, i wont have to settle for the TM MK23 when summer comes buy, but rather the KSC MK23 (i was going to get the TM version if a replacement Part #66 could not be easily obtained). What are your opinions on the Part #66 that i mentioned above?

Best regards,

Donster 125
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Old January 11th, 2008, 14:38   #2
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Forget the MK23. It's a dead platform. Discontinued parts left and right.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 14:42   #3
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why forget it? many reviews, and ASC members, said that with the right upgrades, it is a beast of a gun. Even stalker said with the right upgrades and BB's his pistol can shoot farther than some AEG's (if remember correctly). All i really have to replace is Part #66 and the recoil spring and it becomes a great gun. Throw on a metal slide, 380fps kit and a TB inner barrel, hell it would be shooting better than a stock TM M14. if you dont mind me asking kos, do you have any experience with the gun, because i am always willing to learn more about the gun.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 14:47   #4
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That was with my M23 in stock form using propane and 0.28g Bastards. Easy 150ft out of it.

As for ability to find replacement parts, UNC has a pile of the stock parts.

BTW, read my review on under the Airsoft Surgeon 380 kit ( I think it might only be useful in warm weather, but in my basement my fps went from 315fps down to 280fps.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 14:54   #5
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If you want something reliable and free of problems, stay away from the MK23. I have one and love it but it is a pain in the ass & wallet. Unless you buy every upgrade part thats out there for it, it will constantly piss you off, and even then-no guarantees. It's also a big chunk to have on your hip as a back-up, it's actually the same size as a TM D.Eagle. If you really love the gun for no other reason than it looks & feels cool it's your money.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 14:57   #6
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unfortunately the link wont work for me. i always have trouble with connecting to that site. always says it can't find the server. but that is an interesting point. did you replace the recoil spring? and how is your sear pin (part #66) holding up?
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Old January 11th, 2008, 14:57   #7
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Mine serves me well and is easy to carry. Heck, I also bought a TM Mk23 springer to use in cooler weather. Mine hasn't been a pain in the butt at all, my KSC M11A1 on the other hand.............
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Old January 11th, 2008, 15:00   #8
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well after playing COD4, i am starting to fall i love with the USP .45
are there any kits that allow you to upgrade the USP's fps. so far all i have found it an upgraded recoil and hammer spring set.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 15:03   #9
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Originally Posted by IRONSIGHT View Post
If you want something reliable and free of problems, stay away from the MK23. I have one and love it but it is a pain in the ass & wallet. Unless you buy every upgrade part thats out there for it, it will constantly piss you off, and even then-no guarantees. It's also a big chunk to have on your hip as a back-up, it's actually the same size as a TM D.Eagle. If you really love the gun for no other reason than it looks & feels cool it's your money.
Yes. This is exactly why I have a grudge against it. It's an awesome piece (especially if you have an HW/HK) , just ... doesn't have anything going for it upgrade, and reliability wise.

Out of the 5 or 6 WA 1911s I've owned, ZERO have given me troubles, and all have been 150% easier to find parts for (slides, frames, sights, triggers, etc) ...
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Old January 11th, 2008, 15:05   #10
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
unfortunately the link wont work for me. i always have trouble with connecting to that site. always says it can't find the server. but that is an interesting point. did you replace the recoil spring? and how is your sear pin (part #66) holding up?
Recoil spring was the first piece I replaced, and it's shit. I'll C&P the review here for you.

I bought this for my KSC MK23 and have to say I'm disappointed. For starters, my model isn't clearly defined, looks to be pre-2005 but only by a year or so, it has the dual spring recoil system as well as the solid steel recoil guide.

Recoil spring in the kit didn't fit all the way, I set it and the guide (together on my bench) and went off to another room to get the diagram. Came back and found the spring bent, I gently bent it back straight, it snapped. VERY weak (or maybe over tempered)tempered spring.

Inner tube that fits in the nozzle fit fine as well as it's spring. Stock tube has holes inthe base of it, this has long slots cut in the sides, as well it's about 1/8" to 3/16" longer than stock. This causes it to be pressed farther back when resting on a chambered BB, opening up the area that expanding gas can pass through, aka. higher fps. The rear part (shown above, better on RedWolf's site........ also has exploded diagram with replacement parts shown). didn't fit anywhere in my gun either.

Hammer spring is too long by about 1/2" and the coils are too tight, meaning a very strong resistance, caused my slide to lock up a few times during recoil. I put the stock one back in after and it worked better.

Chronying my gun in the basement, musta been maybe 20-22C down there, propane and 0.20g, my stock 315fps KSC MK23 now sits around 280fps. I assume this upgrade kit only shows it's potential in hotter weather (much higher gas expansion rate), but will have to wait til summer to truly evaluate what parts I was able to put in my gun.
Oh ya, part #66 has no issues in mine, and I got it third hand used, and so far I must have shot at least 2000rds through it since I got it last July.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; January 11th, 2008 at 15:07..
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Old January 11th, 2008, 15:13   #11
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thanks for the info stalker. i plan on order the HK HW version from 007. ill replace the recoil spring for sure and part #66 just cause every other review i have read said its problematic. however, that 380 fps kit is now giving me some movie after reading your review. Still, i love the gun and as a sidearm, i should think that it kicks major ass, esp for a sniper/DMR, which is the role im going to start out as (DMR that is, sniper later).
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Old January 11th, 2008, 15:39   #12
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
well after playing COD4, i am starting to fall i love with the USP .45
are there any kits that allow you to upgrade the USP's fps. so far all i have found it an upgraded recoil and hammer spring set.
I have a KSC USP 45' (Japan model) and it's a totally different story. Metal slide and a KA recoil spring and a high flow valve in the mag are the only upgrades I've done to it and it was pushing 390fps on a hot summer day, On cooler days around 320-340fps. I've lost count of how many rounds I've put through it and It hasn't given me a single problem. As with all USP models I never use the double action trigger pull, I only fire it with the hammer back as they are known to have the triggers break ( mostly on USP compacts). I don't know about the other models but I would highly recomend the KSC Japanese model.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 15:47   #13
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good to know, ill keep that in mind. knowing me, down the road ill just end up getting both pistols.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 15:59   #14
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Another thing to note about the MK23 is if is very sloppy slide/mag wobbles, but the USP feels nice & tight.
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Old January 11th, 2008, 19:01   #15
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I rearranged my recoil spring assembly (is the dual spring one) and I have the slide running halfway, good kick and fast action, not breakage or sluggishness anymore. Past few games I've carried my MK23 on my left side in drop leg, and my G19 right side. Have also carried my MK23 in the long side pouch of my Eagle chest rig. Never seems to be in the way though. Right side G19 is for quick drawing for fast defensive response (like under fire while lying on back and get a gun hit, yes, happened a couple games ago, was Helios firing at me with his G36 and I was Glocking at his ass through brush, both of us hit each other same time. Lol), left side MK23 is for 'secondary primary' use, with or without suppressor (incidentally, mine is much more accurate witht e suppressor on, and it's only got 1/4" open cell foam in it).

And ya, primary is always an MP5, and I lug my CA M24 on my back 90% of the time when playing.

BTW, the KSC USP full size with metal slide kit is damned sexy (USP Compact I've never liked)! Korv sent me his to fix three of his mags, I loved the gun, was like a smaller version of the MK23 and man did it shoot and kick hard!! Accuracy sucked, even compared to my MK23 (With suppressor on, double action "quiet mode", I was hitting a plastic coat hanger at 30ft about 3-4 times out of 10 shots).
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