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Removing the stupid orange tip thingy


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old January 9th, 2008, 17:39   #16
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Can I ask a favour? Does anyone have an orange tip thingy that they can mail me (I'll pay for postage of course). I just want one that I can put on the end of my M4A1 ad hoc (easy to plug on or off). I think if I'm outside, I'd like to have it as a safety precaution.

On that note: any suggestions of how to test fire guns without driving one hour out of town? I was thinking of driving to a deserted parking lot at night and aiming at cans through the window of my car. That would be what the orange tip would be for, as a safety precaution.
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Old January 9th, 2008, 17:50   #17
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Originally Posted by ajy101 View Post
Can I ask a favour? Does anyone have an orange tip thingy that they can mail me (I'll pay for postage of course). I just want one that I can put on the end of my M4A1 ad hoc (easy to plug on or off). I think if I'm outside, I'd like to have it as a safety precaution.

On that note: any suggestions of how to test fire guns without driving one hour out of town? I was thinking of driving to a deserted parking lot at night and aiming at cans through the window of my car. That would be what the orange tip would be for, as a safety precaution.
No, do not do that. Also, orange tip as a a safety precaution? That's not going to do much if you have an assault rifle in your hands. Shoot in your basement if you need/want to test.

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Old January 9th, 2008, 17:52   #18
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Sure, you can have mine -> here.
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Old January 9th, 2008, 18:55   #19
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surebet: holy crap man, this board is just ripe with pontificators. Every second guy is one, I swear! You're telling me if you go to a deserted parking lot in fishcreek park, and fire at cans from your car with tinted windows that all of a sudden you'll be surrounded by a SWAT team hiding in the bushes? Gimme a break. I mean, I appreciate caution, like that from Styrak, and I know you're only joking - but I think there's just too much paranoia on this board. Exercise common sense is the key. No-one's advocating showing off their gun in a public place but if there's no-one around in the pitch black in the middle of nowhere - I hardly doubt that deserves a darwin award.
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Old January 9th, 2008, 19:04   #20
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Use of airsoft guns out in a public place is not adviseable, do as you wish though, but please do no seek out advice in regards to perpetrating things that we clearly frown apon.

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Old January 9th, 2008, 19:34   #21
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ajy101 Fishcreek swimming pond in Queensland is pretty quite at night but not a good idea to shoot outta car though, ahwell your choice,can't say we didn't warn ya.
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Old January 9th, 2008, 19:57   #22
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Old January 9th, 2008, 20:22   #23
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warnings are totally appreciated. It's not like I'm going to go ahead and do it, or have done it - a warning and/or giving your constructive opinion on the subject is an appropriate use of force. >;-))

If something is frowned upon I think it's sufficient just to mention that. People are only stupid until they ask the question, but are always stupid if they never bother to speak up about it. That's why forum discussion should always be encouraged, regardless of what people think is "stupid".
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Old January 9th, 2008, 20:42   #24
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There is nothing to disscus. Don't fire a gun out of your car window.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 01:43   #25
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If you think it's a dumb idea - feel free to say so, but it would be helpful to also say WHY. I guess the gist of what I'm saying is that often people just give cynical quips and pontifications without explaining exactly why a suggestion is a bad idea.

A forumner was very helpful in telling me why shooting an airsoft gun out of a window was a bad idea, and of course after he told me - it made total sense. But BEFORE he told me, I thought it might be something like "you'd miss and it would break your window or ricochet off the door".

My point is - what seems stupid to you could be totally unknown to a greenhorn like me.

I'll give you an example: how many of you wear watches in the shower? Did you know that doing so deteriorates the seals because of the abrasive quality of soap, and soap is a surfactant that allows water to more easily seep into cases, and hot water causes the gas inside the watch to expand and escape and when the watch case gets cold it draws in moist air? I bet you didn't know that, but how would you feel if you went to a watch forum to ask "can you wear a watch in the shower" (and this is asked fairly frequently) and everyone treats you like an idiot?

Sure - I get tired of answering that question all the time, and I think it's idiotic to wear a watch in the shower, but what I do is I let other people explain why they shouldn't (and they do so gracefully without pontification or making the person look like an idiot), and after the umpteenth time it's asked I take "my turn" to answer the newbie in a sort-of round-robin style.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 01:56   #26
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People actually wear watches in the shower. Ew.

My nixon has a leather band and my Rolex is to purdy to ever wear, especially in the shower.

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Old January 10th, 2008, 01:59   #27
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Originally Posted by ajy101 View Post
surebet: holy crap man, this board is just ripe with pontificators. Every second guy is one, I swear! You're telling me if you go to a deserted parking lot in fishcreek park, and fire at cans from your car with tinted windows that all of a sudden you'll be surrounded by a SWAT team hiding in the bushes? Gimme a break. I mean, I appreciate caution, like that from Styrak, and I know you're only joking - but I think there's just too much paranoia on this board. Exercise common sense is the key. No-one's advocating showing off their gun in a public place but if there's no-one around in the pitch black in the middle of nowhere - I hardly doubt that deserves a darwin award.
Look at it this way;

Guy drives up into deserted parking lot

Holds what appears to be an assault rifle out a car with tinted windows..

Think of this in the "Casual passerby" point of view...

Just shoot it in your basement like everyone else does.

Also, IIRC Discharging any sort of projectile from a vehicle is against the law.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 02:22   #28
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To remove it 3 simples action to do !

1-Cut the barrel to take the orange tip off !

2-Buy a silencer

3-Tape the silencer to the rest of the gun !

Remembering a story like that about a guy who sawed-off a pump shotgun and made a artisanal silencer fixed with electrical tape...very usefull...
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"Go FAQ yourself"
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Old January 10th, 2008, 02:26   #29
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CUT the barrel, and tape a silencer to.....are you fricking serious?

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Old January 10th, 2008, 02:47   #30
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Look at it this way;
Guy drives up into deserted parking lot
Holds what appears to be an assault rifle out a car with tinted windows..
Think of this in the "Casual passerby" point of view...
Just shoot it in your basement like everyone else does.
Also, IIRC Discharging any sort of projectile from a vehicle is against the law.
Yes, well that was basically the advice I got. Of course, now that it's been said it sounds ludicrous that I never knew that - but why would I think about it before I got into this hobby?

I was thinking that the barrel wouldn't even be outside the window, and that you would never be able to see someone inside the car at night unless you were in the parking lot. So as soon as someone drives into the parking lot, I would stop what I was doing. Furthermore I'd only be there long enough to adjust the hop-up correctly. I wouldn't be there shooting cans all night!

As for shooting in the basement - is there an easy way to do this without putting cardboard everywhere? Remember I'm just a stoopid newbie so please be gentle
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