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Old November 30th, 2007, 18:42   #46
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Originally Posted by redmond View Post
@ Schwag

That's the dumbest advice i've heard in a while.
Very true....

Time for a break from giving out advice.

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Its not like smuggling of airsoft guns over the board doesnt ever happen.
And your point is....

Posts providing advice on SMUGGLING airsoft are not kosher here, nor any posts on illegal activities. We don't want ASC or the community linked to these activies and we don't want it thought that it's "ok" to do so.
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Last edited by Cortexburn; November 30th, 2007 at 18:48..
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Old November 30th, 2007, 18:53   #47
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If somebody ever posts a thread asking for help because Customs seized their AEG on there way back to Canada, I will laugh and laugh and laugh....

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Old November 30th, 2007, 19:00   #48
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My point is that I was stating that it does occur, even if we dont condone it, despite the risks,people still do it, Im not saying they suceed, but it still happens.

"Its only a little bit on fire"

Last edited by TokyoSeven; November 30th, 2007 at 19:10..
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Old December 2nd, 2007, 12:46   #49
-=]MH[=-RaiDen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by redmond View Post
If somebody ever posts a thread asking for help because Customs seized their AEG on there way back to Canada, I will laugh and laugh and laugh....
It has happen before...
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Old December 6th, 2007, 01:04   #50
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SUMMIGLING is ILLEGAL why not do the simple task of carrying it in the LEGAL mannor and declaring it at the border? The worst that will happen is they will tell you that you are not allowed to bring it in. You will be politly turned away and given the chance to return it to the store. Or so I read in a post in this forums. I would provide a link to the post, but I am too lazy to go and look for it. It is not like most of us will be brining home 1000 guns at once. But I do not belive that they will stop you if
A> You only have 1 or possible 2
B> You didnt look like a compleate idiot
C> You carryed it in a legal way (ie in your trunk, or a locked container)
D> Could prove if questioned that it could not be modifyed to fire real bullets (witch might take basic knowlage or airsoft guns and how they work)
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Old December 6th, 2007, 01:17   #51
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Originally Posted by madmaty View Post
SUMMIGLING is ILLEGAL why not do the simple task of carrying it in the LEGAL mannor and declaring it at the border? The worst that will happen is they will tell you that you are not allowed to bring it in. You will be politly turned away and given the chance to return it to the store. Or so I read in a post in this forums. I would provide a link to the post, but I am too lazy to go and look for it. It is not like most of us will be brining home 1000 guns at once. But I do not belive that they will stop you if
A> You only have 1 or possible 2
B> You didnt look like a compleate idiot
C> You carryed it in a legal way (ie in your trunk, or a locked container)
D> Could prove if questioned that it could not be modifyed to fire real bullets (witch might take basic knowlage or airsoft guns and how they work)
Because in Canada, the conditions you listed mean absolutely JACK. We have this little law, nothing too major, that states that any device resembling a firearm (a real firearm that exists, not some "space ray gun" crap), is illegal. It has nothing to do with what you look like, or where you carry it in your vehicle, or whether you declare a prohibited device.

Nunchucks and throwing stars are illegal, and have been for years. Do you think if you declared them at the border, that they'd just let you bring them in?

Read the FAQs.
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Old December 6th, 2007, 01:59   #52
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The thread you refer to is an interesting read, but you need to remember a few points:
  • Although the poster is a regular contributor to the site and seems to have our best intentions at heart, never forget that he still has an economic incentive to sell what he has;
  • Seizure will happen more often than a polite request to turn back and dispose of the goods. Do you think they ask the drug smugglers to nicely return from where they came?
Do yourself a favor, buy from Canadian sources. The extra 10-20% you pay for your piece of mind is worth it.

Also remember to factor in costs related to importation when you say outright it's cheaper to buy from extra-nationnal sources.

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