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Review: Jing Gong/Echo-1 MP5K PDW



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Old November 15th, 2007, 11:53   #31
The Saint
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Mine's plastic, so I'm not sure what's going on.
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Old November 15th, 2007, 12:32   #32
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I think our friend is talking about the jg mp5 ris with metal body. JG does not have an mp5k yet and echo does not do metal bodies yet.
I have both guns. HEHEHE. Paid less for the full metal jg and it runs wicked.

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Old November 15th, 2007, 12:40   #33
Hortons Heros
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I am so ticked that we can't get these in Canada anymore!
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Old November 15th, 2007, 14:26   #34
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Originally Posted by mack_silent View Post
Ive heard the JG aeg's come with charger and battery in the box, is this true? Because for 350$ thats a pretty sweet deal.
The first thing you do when you buy these guns is throw out the charger. They have no safty symbols on them like CSA, CE or UL. Ive been told they will fry your battery and get so hot when you plug them in you can fry an egg on it.
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Old November 16th, 2007, 02:41   #35
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The wall charger my echo1 g36c came with do produce enough heat to cook an egg on it. I bought a new one before charging the battery again.
Finished and installed my SL8 style stock.
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Old November 25th, 2007, 21:15   #36
Mr. G36!
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So where exactly are these coming from? Does anyone know if A&A can/will bring these MP5Ks in? I know 007 has the Galaxy guns, but if these ones come with a free Low-profile mount in addition to everything else, it's win-win.

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Old November 25th, 2007, 22:50   #37
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Originally Posted by Slick View Post
The first thing you do when you buy these guns is throw out the charger. They have no safty symbols on them like CSA, CE or UL. Ive been told they will fry your battery and get so hot when you plug them in you can fry an egg on it.
Ken at 007 swapped out the charger in the box for on on the shelf when I picked mine up.
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Old November 26th, 2007, 11:22   #38
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Charger is crap. Toss it.

Echo1 now makes a mp5k cqc. It has a crane stock and a mean front end

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Old November 26th, 2007, 12:21   #39
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Originally Posted by Schwag View Post
Charger is crap. Toss it.
+1 I use my smart charger, I have two chargers that are crap now. Anyone want one lol. I bought one of the MP5 A5 RAS off of Schwag, runs awsome, and love the feel of the full metal body. Still tinkering with the hop up a little, but all in all it works great.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old November 26th, 2007, 12:42   #40
Hortons Heros
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Pic of gear and gear box when first opened. Notice those dry gears.

I didn't find the same sharp edges but there was a total lack of lube in there. The only stuff on the gears was black with wear and the cynlder was almost dry. The antireversal latch was lubed with a bunch of black crap. If you get one of these get a gun doc to lube it up. Nice thing is that the spring is not hooked into the piston like on TM's so changing the spring was way easier.

Notice the difference in colour for the trigger assembly and the piston compared to the first review pics. Not sure if it means anything at all. The spur gear had on it.

If you have a hard time getting the shell back together I found that the cylnder head needed to be pushed back while trying to close the box. Changing the spring for a TM stock raised the ROF but I'm not sure how much of that was the gears getting some good lube.

I'm pretty sure that the bushings were metal. The gears stick out pretty randomly from the gearbox but I think that just a bad mold and doesn't affect the performance if shimmed right.

This is from an ECHO 1 MP5-PDW branded on the stock and body.
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Old November 26th, 2007, 12:58   #41
The Saint
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Http:// sounds familiar, I think they've been supplying gears for clones since companies like Cyma started shifting away from LPEGs.

Originally Posted by Hortons Heros View Post
Changing the spring for a TM stock raised the ROF but I'm not sure how much of that was the gears getting some good lube.
Stock TM springs are I think M90-ish? The ECHO1 springs are probably around M120, in order to do 340fps in a MP5K. So most of that increase has got to be the spring. Your battery life has gone way up, too.
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Old November 26th, 2007, 14:23   #42
Hortons Heros
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The NIA's chrono was acting up last night but I will try to get a FPS reading tonight but it should be right on 280.


Brand new from a guy on ASC this cost $350+shipping.
K plate
1100mah battery
wall charger
metal 30 BB shorty mag
metal highcap
silencer adaptor
removable flashider
scope mount

No problems and everything seems to exactally as the TM is. There are ECHO-1 markings on the stock and on the mag well. The flashhider is removable but not threaded. There is a threaded barrel with -14mm for a silencer or whatever else you want to put on there. The sights are not apature but notch and groove type. Everything that should be metal is metal. Blaze orange flashider and threaded barrel but easily Kryloned over.

The rear body pins to hold the stock on don't seem to have a stong enough spring in them and will fall out randomly. Recomend taping them in. The front sling pin has a great spring that sticks out sideways and can eaisly handle a sling.

Take down
Takes apart just like the TM and is a perfect clone. There are no parts that feel thin or flimsy and nothing broke when I took it all apart.

I didn't find the same sharp edges as some have when going into the gear box but there was a total lack of lube in there. The only stuff on the gears was black with wear and the cynlder was almost dry. The antireversal latch was lubed with a bunch of black crap. If you get one of these get a gun doc to lube it up. Nice thing is that the spring is not hooked into the piston like on TM's so changing the spring was way easier.

Notice the difference in colour for the trigger assembly, tappet and trigger assembly. Vented piston head but it looks really cheap. Vented cylnder at about the 1/2 way mark. The spur gear had on it. Everything else had XYT markings on them.

If you have a hard time getting the shell back together I found that the cylnder head needed to be pushed back while trying to close the box. Changing the spring for a TM stock raised the ROF but I'm not sure how much of that was the gears getting some good lube.

I'm pretty sure that the bushings were metal. The gears stick out pretty randomly from the gearbox but I think that just a bad mold and doesn't affect the performance if shimmed right. Other reviews claim TM compatibility but I can imagine some serious shimming needed for the new gears.

The piston guided are only around 1" long or less. They do not go the whole way back to the rear of the gun which seems a little odd as well.

First off the gun is really loud but that is to be expected with such a short barrel. The motor adjustment screw is really long and needs adjustment when you recieve it. Chronoed around 320-340 (I really can't remember). Seems to be shooting high and the sights needed to be adjusted. No feeding issues with the mags. It really is a close quaters gun. It has nice range with the stock spring but the BBs act like paintballs going every direction once they get at a distance. ROF is not terrible but has some to be desired.

I would say this competes and beats the TM for price and what you get. Seriously it came with a scope mount...SWEET! Can be a little harder to do gear box work because of cheaper parts and things being a little out but didn't take to much extra time. Impressed after putting 2000BBs through it in -5 in one day. Highly recomend and you can expect similiar quality from other Echo-1 and JG guns for sure. Don't believe this reivew? Rent the gun and try it for yourself!

There was a hole cut the in side of the rear sight to feed wiring through to wire it to the back with a large. A battery bag and wire was pretty cheap and now I have 3300mah on a machine piston. ROF has gone up allot with the stock spring and liube which should also make it last allot longer overall. Need to chrono it after the stock spring was put it but I can imagine it's right at 280.

If you do buy one of these guns the first thing you should do it toss it at a gun doctor to do a quick check-up to garuntee that your gun will last a bit longer. Toss the charger and get ready to buy a new battery within the first year.
age verifier for Prince George, Mackenzie, Quesnel, Fort st James and northren BC

Last edited by Hortons Heros; November 26th, 2007 at 15:01..
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Old November 30th, 2007, 11:30   #43
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Do NOT drop these things. The whole front end is supported only by the flimsy plastic on the cocking tube. Mine took a light drop last night and the front end snapped right off halfway down the cocking tube. Since the upper receiver and front end are one piece(unlike other mp5s), I now need a whole new body unless I glue it together. Fuck.

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Old November 30th, 2007, 12:52   #44
Hortons Heros
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want to part out the mags? Sorry to hear it
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Old November 30th, 2007, 13:03   #45
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Sorry man, going to fix it. I have marui shorty mags for sale though NIB

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