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Wiring question


Doctor's Corner

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Old October 30th, 2007, 16:47   #1
Join Date: Dec 2002
Wiring question

Hey, I've got an CA 249 that I've been trying to wire up. Right now what I have is a typical MOSFET (3 x IRF2804) wired as the standard fire control system.

The problem stems that I want to wire up the Box mag to the trigger as well but I also want a separate switch that will engage the box mag motor but not engage the weapon. So far all I can think of is to incorporate another MOSFET control circut and have two MOSFETs, one for each switch.

Any one have any other ideas to throw out before I commit to this idea and just buy more MOSFETS?
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Old October 30th, 2007, 18:36   #2
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Yo ucan put a full 9.6V motor in the boxmag easily, and run the winding motor and the gun off it together. Just keep the switch intact so yo ucan wind the mag without pulling the trigger. I did a mod like this except zero MOSFETs, where I installed a connector on the side of the gun just under the hop up unit (literally drilled a hole through the body side) and did a lot of wiring for it. Have to look around for the drawing I made, I saved it as a jepg from work on my old computer, but am not sure if I still have it. I know I can find it on the group drive as an OrCAD file, so I might just have to re-copy it as a .jpg again and I can send it to you (or post it up here). Might give yo usome ideas, just be aware what I did is different from what you are doing.
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