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trouble with gearbox, Tm SR-16


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Old October 17th, 2007, 20:50   #1
LeGROS's Avatar
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Unhappy trouble with gearbox, Tm SR-16

Have some trouble with my gearbox, The piston seem not always coming back!?? When I press fire I got the bang and got the airflow coming out, but no bb strike!!

Here some picture, 1 with with normal position and the others with out, + 1 view from the inside... any suggestion??

Tx all
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Old October 18th, 2007, 06:20   #2
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What is the power of the spring? And any upgrades? If yes, exactly what was done? While you have it opened, get rid of those plastic bushings.

I cant judge from the opened box, but your gears are out of place (might be due to having it opened). Read about gear timing, and about gearbox assembly (if you have not done that already).

If nothing works, go see a local 'doctor'.

Last edited by Greylocks; October 18th, 2007 at 09:12.. Reason: Corrected typo.
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Old October 18th, 2007, 07:33   #3
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Your tappet plate looks like it is worn and cracking or has been glued just above the trigger assembly, also looks like it has some wear at the tail where it meets the sector gear. From the looks of it when I zoom on the images. Also that spring looks stock as well as everything else.

The real question you have to answer here are these.

1. When you fire the mechbox does the nozzel move back and forth at all?

2. What exactly do you mean by "Does not always come back."?

The first is the likely issue, tappet plates wear out like anything else. However, the second may be the piston, pin up a picture of the piston itself, or at least look for wear on the first few teeth. The First one should be metal, if that one has excessive wear on it; then that could cause "Not always come back."

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Old October 18th, 2007, 09:15   #4
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Correct, now that I can look with a better screen, that tappet plate looks sad.
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Old October 18th, 2007, 09:48   #5
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I cant judge from the opened box, but your gears are out of place (might be due to having it opened).
Yes I know for that. Every think is TM stock!

1. When you fire the mechbox does the nozzel move back and forth at all?
Some thime it does! Not allways

2. What exactly do you mean by "Does not always come back."?
I'm not sure if it should; you have the spring who is enter in a white plastic (work like a piston), after the shoot it return in different position.
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Old October 18th, 2007, 10:11   #6
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Si tu prefere y aller en francais...

Le 'nozzle' devrais bouger en tout temps. Il s'insere au devant du Tappet Plate dans une rainure. L'engrenage bouge le Tappet Plate.
Il arrive que le piston reste en arriere, la solution est de donner un coup en semi-auto, a vide, pour enlever la tension du ressort.

Verifie les engrenages du piston, et la tete du piston si elle est encore attachee.

Si ca barre encore... vas voir un expert.
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Old October 18th, 2007, 10:28   #7
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Merci Greylocks,

Je viens de regarder le video de et j ai bien compris chacune des pièces! Mon trouble est avec le nozzle qui ne bouge pas... il a du débarquer durant une game!!??

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Old October 18th, 2007, 11:11   #8
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C'est possible, ou la rainure du Tappet Plate est finie. Regarde ce bout en details et ca devrais regler le probleme pour l'instant... ou achete un nouveau Tappet Plate et un 'nozzle' neuf aussi. Les parties standard de Marui devraient etre faciles a trouver. Tu peux aussi demander a d'autres gens pres de toi s'ils auraient des pieces de surplus.
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Old October 18th, 2007, 14:30   #9
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the spring looks warped at the end. When the spring is compressed and the spring in not pressed properly (the spring end clipping off the guide), it is possible at sometimes that the piston cant fully move back locking the gears.
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Old October 18th, 2007, 15:41   #10
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Finally every thing is now ok!! Thanx to all!! It was the nozzel who have move and was not at is correct place!!

Tx again!
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