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KSC G19 Problem.


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Old September 12th, 2007, 14:51   #1
T_A_N_K's Avatar
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KSC G19 Problem.

Hey guys,

I got a KSC G19 here, and for some reason I can't seem to take the metal slide off. I took the mag out, held both the tabs downs and the slide doesn't come off at all. Also when i pull the slide back to cock it, it doesn't always fully re-cock.

Any ideas?
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Old September 12th, 2007, 15:21   #2
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this can happen if part 87 is broken. you really need the slide off to find out anything. try using something thin enough to hold the hammer down from the back of the slide. could also be worn trigger bar, worn hammer ect.ect. Do what you can to get the slide off then update.
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Old September 12th, 2007, 15:21   #3
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I'm no expert, but could it be that your internal hammer assembly is jammed?
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Old September 12th, 2007, 18:22   #4
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you are pulling the slide back engaging the slide release and whilst holding down the two tabs releasing the slide lock, it should disengae from the frame. proccess is much like the p226.
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Old September 13th, 2007, 16:40   #5
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Originally Posted by Tex View Post
this can happen if part 87 is broken. you really need the slide off to find out anything. try using something thin enough to hold the hammer down from the back of the slide. could also be worn trigger bar, worn hammer ect.ect. Do what you can to get the slide off then update.
Which part is part #87?

I realize this diagram is for a G17, but the hammer parts are pretty much all interchangeable. I just don't have a G19 diagram handy.

I have this gun in question right now. This is what I've observed happening in the action:

1. Trigger is pulled
2. Trigger bar trips sear
3. Sear releases hammer and firing pin
4. Firing pin releases gas
5. Rocket valve trips and blowback cycle begins (keep in mind, the trigger is still pulled at this time)
6. The slide begins blowing back, but something happens here that I'm not yet able to figure out: the sear doesn't reset properly, and as a result, the hammer doesn't get held back.
7. As the slide cycles back forward, the unsecured hammer follows the blowback chamber and closes before part #19, causing part #19 to stay upright.

I'm trying to narrow down what's causing that, but that's a more precise description of what's happening with the action.
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Old September 13th, 2007, 16:50   #6
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#83 and #87 are the same parts they change the number. but if it was broken the hammer would never be held back. Have you managed to get the slide off too have a look for damaged or worn parts?
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Old September 13th, 2007, 17:03   #7
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Okay, I've taken a general look at part #83/87 and it looks fine to me as well. I think it may have something to do with part # 62 and/or #74, but I think I have to disassemble the entire rear assembly to figure it out.

Yes, I've gotten the slide off, but I haven't noticed anything broken/worn out of the ordinary.

One thing I do notice is how unsmooth the action is.

T_A_N_K, for the rate that I charge for labour, I'd actually just recommend you sell this gun as a fixer upper and buy a new one. It has a number of issues with it, including requiring some parts be replaced. Whoever it was purchased from did a pretty butchered job of assembling things back together. The most glaring one was the part #23 springs being damaged, cut short, one missing, and then installed BEHIND the loading muzzle, rather than in front.
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Old September 13th, 2007, 17:22   #8
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. Thanks for the info, Ill come by tomorrow to pick it up.
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Old September 13th, 2007, 17:26   #9
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
T_A_N_K, for the rate that I charge for labour, I'd actually just recommend you sell this gun as a fixer upper and buy a new one. It has a number of issues with it, including requiring some parts be replaced. Whoever it was purchased from did a pretty butchered job of assembling things back together. The most glaring one was the part #23 springs being damaged, cut short, one missing, and then installed BEHIND the loading muzzle, rather than in front.
maybe best thing todo.

tried reassembling it without the "backplate" on the slide so you can get a better view of what is happening or not happening?

it could be that I am still mad I broke part 83/87 on one of my glocks and I am being stubborn but really check it out any wear at all where it locks on to part 72 or where it is engaged by 62 or any wear on the top of 62. Ok I get off the 83/87 now.

was anything upgraded? there is a small piece inside the frame above the mag catch does that move at all? it is not listed on the diagram but it's there. don't ask me how that stops tha hammer i do not know all I know is one of mine that peice had moved up blocking the trigger and stopping the whole gun from firing.
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Old September 13th, 2007, 18:31   #10
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I've noticed that on a couple G19's I've had come across my bench (I've owned three, one was reduced to a parts gun, I have two now), and had about three other G19s in my hands to work on..................... the trigger bar tends to be a little bit finicky about the way it's bent. Literally, slight tweaking this way and that is needed once in a while on the very occasional gun what has problems. Largely it's all about the relationship between the tail stud on the trigger bar (#62) and the sear release (#83) head. I can't say for sure that the problem here stems from this, but it's another option to look at. There have been a couple guns I've had to file an angled surface on the tail stud of the trigger bar to make it easier to engage the sear release.

For shits and giggles, I worked on a cheap "sold as is" G19, the buyer knew he had me in his corner, so he bought it. He got it, said it would either fire occasionally in full auto mode, but mostly it'd cycle then release all the gas from the mag. My findings? Someone had previously ground the rounded lump off the rear of the trigger bar, most likely in a failed attempt to make a full auto G19. That lump presses the trigger bar down into a position that it can properly engage the sear release so the hammer will lock back after the shot. Because that lump was gone, it prevented the slide from cycling back normally (consistantly), therefore part number 81 wouldn't get pressed down in order to release the firing pin from the mag's valve.

Incidentally, if the gun ever starts to release gas after the first shot, get oil into the area in the hammer's split, and part #74. 90% of the time this problem is fixed by this means. Drop oil in, place thumb in front of hammer and cycle the hammer a good dozen times to work the oil in around the firing pin and the axle it sits on, allowing the hammer to impact your thumb. That should fix it.

Last edited by CDN_Stalker; September 13th, 2007 at 18:35..
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Old September 13th, 2007, 22:48   #11
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+1 on the trigger bar observations - I've got 2 KSC G23Fs and 1 KSC G19 (same frame, many common parts, including the trigger bar) and found on one in particular, I had to do some finicky re-bending in order to get the connection to function properly - otherwise, slightly off-center pulls of the trigger actually had the parts missing the connection altogether; no firing.
Careful re-bending fixed this.
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