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new here steyer aug a2/ tournaments


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Old August 9th, 2007, 16:59   #1
Smoke.Aug.a2's Avatar
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new here steyer aug a2/ tournaments

Hey guys, Im new to this stuff, As you can see buy my name I got the steyer Aug A2 by classic army,

Now Im curious as to where i can go to find some action with this thing, tournament action,

I pissed a good wad of my cash away with this,

And im curious to go to these tournaments should you go out and buy the appropriate camo, or just look like a tool in civies and.. run around...

I got a british para helmit tunic and fatigues but this is canada.. haah...

This site is awsome btw..

oh and can anyone tell me if the aug was a good choice?

thanx in advace guys I plan on stickign around for a while. :mrgreen:

Last edited by Smoke.Aug.a2; August 9th, 2007 at 17:10..
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Old August 9th, 2007, 17:34   #2
Captain Tenneal
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AUG is a fine choice. All around a decent battle rifle, with a very large standard magazine capacity (80), nice thick transparent mags (very handy as you can see how much ammo is left and unique to boot), very long barrel compared to overall length (509-510mm barrel in a length very easy to hold), and somewhat decently upgraded to 310-330 fps. Few cosmetic upgrades, but who needs that?

My gripes, specifically to the Classic Army version though:

-Sling points are somewhat bothersome. Front sling point is in a weird spot so the sling often gets caught on the bolt and forward assist. Also very squeaky when new.
-Noisy as hell. As with all Classic Army AEG's, they're noisy as hell thanks to their well built motor. Decent shim job though, so the gearbox doesn't seem to take any of the blame.
-Forward handle breaks. You're gonna have to get used to that if you ever take a tumble with the AUG. And it's nigh impossible to replace (thankfully I got used to holding the trigger guard)
-Hopup unit blows goats. Seriously. Instantaneously buy a new hopup rubber (systema or prometheus both work wonders) and try and find a new hopup bucking as well. The stock one is just too soft so that even with the hop cranked to full, there's less range than a stock TM M4.
-Selector mechanism wear: Thanks to how the gun was designed, and how much electricity arcs through the gearbox, the selector mechanism will eventually wear down to the point that semi automatic does not function at all. MOSFET works wonders in this instance.
-Gearbox removal is a pain in the ass. It might be because I still have a first run CA AUG A1 body, but even the A2 seems to just look totally impossible to remove. (It's possible, but if you take a look at the AUG it looks impossible to remove)

All around, I quite like the AUG.

Last edited by Captain Tenneal; August 9th, 2007 at 17:36..
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Old August 9th, 2007, 17:48   #3
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well i got about 150 left in my budget to drop on this,
Now a hopup unit how much would it quat for a good quality one, ?

as for the tournaments.. I dont know juack about them

Is camo required... and do i need a specific gun to play on a specific team ect

Last edited by Smoke.Aug.a2; August 9th, 2007 at 17:52..
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Old August 9th, 2007, 20:06   #4
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Ah, the AUG is a great gun to be sure. I have a TM though, so I couldn't tell you about the CA specifics.

According to, I think the most recommended hopup unit is the PDC one, but they're very hard to find. The G&P metal ones are the other popular choice. has the hopup rubbers, but no AUG hopup unit.

I'm pretty sure there are no actual competitive tournaments for airsoft in Canada as of yet, and most players probably want to keep it that way. You'll have to fill out your profile (location at least) so that local players can tell you where you can go to play and to buy gear/supplies. They'll be able to help you out with that FAR better than anyone else can.
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Old August 9th, 2007, 21:07   #5
Captain Tenneal
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Yeah, the PDC for some strange reason has a stop order on WGC, and RWA has none in stock but may get some more in.

G&P's is basically just a replacement hopup unit, done in metal, versus the PDC where it is physically built more as an upgrade. It seals better on the gearbox, and the adjustment is very nice as well. Plus is designed a whole lot better, so if you accidentally pull to hard on the barrel when removing it, it won't snap off a tab or anything.

This being said the stock hopup unit is fine, the bucking and rubber is absolute crap. I personally have had the stock CA one, then installed a madbull one and had still pitiful range, then installed a proper systema rubber with TM bucking and it worked excellently.

Also, you don't necessarilly need to get a specific kit for airsoft in Canada. Generally speaking for milsim events, you'll need some matching camouflage, but whatever looks good to you generally fits into these sort of events.

This being said, all black and a pea green helmet with a Glock and you can go as GEK Kobra (Only CT/HRU to train with firing AUGs out of helicopters)
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Old August 9th, 2007, 21:23   #6
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Many of the issues you describe i have run into myself, having both the TM A1 and A2.
to fix the loud sound of the aug take a sock (preferably clean) and cut it to the length of a small battery so it is a tube, and then put the battery in it, then back into the gun. problem solved!

forward handle pin can be replaced and is quite easy to get as a special order part from

Hopup does suck, so i just finished (like 10 minutes ago) installing the g&p metal one. seems good, but make sure you have silicone oil or you will never get the rubber in the hopup.
you may need to go to the mosfet, but as an stand-in until then take the rear plate off the aug and where the mechbox touches the plastic plate take a small piece of cardboard (like from package of gum) and tap it there, this pushes the mechbox forward, and tends to fix this issue, which has occured in my a1.

gearbox removal is best illistrated here

I love my AUGs which is why i own 2.
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Old August 10th, 2007, 06:17   #7
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yea the AUG is a little loud but man it looks sexy!

playing with my kid!
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Old August 10th, 2007, 10:10   #8
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If you want to play, consult the Games section then go. Also note that you must be at the very least 16 with direct parental consent (they have to be there) or 18+ to do this in Canada.

To get your age checked (proven) read the Age-Verification process.

There are no 'tournaments'. Airsoft is used mostly in Milsim scenarios that are carefully prepared.
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Old August 10th, 2007, 11:32   #9
Captain Tenneal
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gearbox removal is best illistrated here
Yeah, the TM's have that easily removed gearbox. The CA's however are just stupidly hard. No amount of banging on a book will dislodge the gearbox: If you physically look at how the gearbox goes in, and push the gearbox to the rearmost it can go, it physically cannot be dislodged from the gun just because the gearbox is a bit thicker, and the interior shell is smaller than the TM. It has to be wiggled out, using the chamber doors and the mag topplate.

But, this being said, the CA pretty much needs no gearbox upgrades right out of the box. So I wouldn't bother removing the unit. The hopup unit on the other hand, is a definite must have, and doesn't require the gearbox to be taken down.
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Old August 10th, 2007, 12:06   #10
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G&P hops are ever so slightly larger than stock
when they put the paint on it put the specs out of whack
take off the paint and they should be ok

other than that, the stock hop unit works pretty well
just dont slam the receiver home when you are reassembling the gun and it wont break anytime soon

as for the foregrip, there are steel replacements available for fairly cheap (15-20 I think)
swaps out quite quickly

the aug is actually a lot quieter on the receiving end
the mecchie is whizzing away right by the shooter's head, so thats why it seems so loud

stuffing the foregrip with some kind of material also takes away the 'twang,' which I found quite annoying

slinging my aug gives me the willies; the sling points are located on two different areas on the body, which puts flex and wear in the middle, where they are joined pretty much by the takedown button. I dont do it for this reason
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Old August 10th, 2007, 18:04   #11
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Sadly, the nice guarder front grip pin isn't exactly compatible with the CA AUG, since the TM front handle is glued plastic, made of two halves and the CA one is bonded fiberglass.
Advice for a new AUG user:
1. Front handle: Don't fall on the front handle/barrel like Tenneal did, since the only real way to replace the front handle if you break it is to find a TM one that you can put the guarder pin in (if it even works with the holes it pokes into on the CA, which has not been confirmed. The pin size may be uncompatible.)
2. Hop Up: The hop up unit is fine until you break it. Some users do, but this can be avoided simply by being careful when removing the barrel not to catch the unit on any of the springs or levers inside the body (again, like Tenneal did :P).
The PDC hop up unit is great, and worth the price, but not easy to come by, or necessary by any remote means. It is an upgrade unit, the G&P one is a metal replacement. All signs indicate that the PDC one will actually improve performance. At the very least it is much, much more sensitive to adjust the hop up with.
A new hop up rubber is without question the first upgrade (and only really necessary one) you should do right off the bat. The Guarder silicone one is excellent for the CA AUG, if you get the PDC unit, you're better off with a Systema black one though, because you will never get a Guarder clear one out of the hop up unit again without ruining it.
3. If the AUG is too long for you, don't get a new gun, just get a new shorty outer barrel, then you can have an AEG the length of an Mp5 with an M4 barrel.
4. Sling Points: Sling point squeak can be fixed with a little graphite lube ($7 at Canadian Tire). The unusual sling points work alright with a 3-point sling, but do catch from time to time on the bolt handle. (Good point about stresses, Shinjin)
5. Selector mechanism: Sadly the electrical arcing problem is one that will wear down the trigger of any V.3 AEG until you put a MOSFET switch in it. Not a necessary upgrade, but it may become one if your trigger switch arcs to nothing.
In the CA, you shouldn't have to worry about forcing the gearbox forwards, the rear plate in the back of the gun has a rubber bumper that does that well.
There is also a plastic bit in the gearbox that is activated by a sharp metal bit that allows you to use Semi-Auto in a version 3 gearbox (if that supplies a decent mental image of what goes on in the gun ). This part has worn from a 90 degree step shaped catch down to a 45 degree ramp in all CA AUGs that I've seen used locally for more than about a year. This is a pain in the ass to fix, but is doable. I have yet to find a replacement part for this short of buying a new gearbox.

You will probably greatly enjoy your CA AUG. It's a great rifle overall and will outperform the competition with only a bit of work and money (though obviously it's not hard to put lots of both into it).

Originally Posted by Shinjin_MC View Post
stuffing the foregrip with some kind of material also takes away the 'twang,' which I found quite annoying
Thanks for that advice, I just did it and it works wonders!

Last edited by TheToastmaster; August 10th, 2007 at 22:12..
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Old August 13th, 2007, 01:54   #12
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thanks for the responses awsome stuff! just got me cad pat today
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Old August 17th, 2007, 17:18   #13
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Does classic army send batteries with their products I got my aug and it didn't come with a battery.

Ive been looking ALL over for one, any one know where I can nab one?

I went to source home depot Walmart Canadian tire...
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Old August 17th, 2007, 17:30   #14
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Originally Posted by Smoke.Aug.a2 View Post
Does classic army send batteries with their products I got my aug and it didn't come with a battery.

Ive been looking ALL over for one, any one know where I can nab one?

I went to source home depot Walmart Canadian tire...
Most quality AEGs do not come with a battery or charger. And those places you listed shouldn't have them. RC (remote control cars) shops should have them, but you're best off ordering online, or get one here on ASC.

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Old August 18th, 2007, 05:40   #15
Captain Tenneal
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My advice?

They have some very nice and cheap batteries available. I got a nice custom set of Elite 1500 mah minis with deans on it for very cheap.
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