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How to make an Airsoft Frag Grenade



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Old August 2nd, 2007, 16:27   #61
Join Date: Apr 2006
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Originally Posted by Slick View Post
I can see why now that this cant be discussed in an open public forum. Theres always going to be those 3 or 4 guys that are just going to keep repeating that this is illegal. Sadly these are mostly comprised of people who dont even play airsoft. They might be interested in the idea of playing airsoft. Maybe even own a gun or two but have no plans on playing the game. Then they come into all the game threads give their advice and opinions on what should and shouldnt go on at a game.
Please don't assume that I don't play airsoft. You don't even know me. Granted, I may not have as much experience as many people on this forum, but that doesn't revoke my entitlement to my opinion.

And if the subject comes up again in 5 or 6 months from now these people will be replaced with the new crowd of noobs who feel the need to berate us with the fact that this is illegal.

So unfortunately we could never have a constructive conversation on the topic.
Repeating that this is illegal is meant to deter conversation. A public forum isn't the best of places to discuss this sort of thing.

I tried to discuss it on our local airsoft forum and was shot down. I was frustrated at first but it makes sense. For one, someone looking to build an explosive device for malicious purposes could use some of the info presented here to make a larger scale device.

I should also point out that if Gryphon says this shouldn't be discussed, I'm definitely inclined to agree with him. If anyone's word has any weight on this topic, it's his.

Lastly, I never said these grenades shouldn't be used at games. I've been grenaded at games once or twice, and it was awesome. My argument is that the construction of these devices shouldn't be discussed openly like this. It's irresponsible. I'm all for discussion, I'm just saying this might not be the best place / medium to conduct this conversation.
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Old August 2nd, 2007, 17:03   #62
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Maverick is far from what you people call a chairsofter, and is a valuable and active member on my team. Which just proves the quality of your judgement of people. Suggestion: dont make assumptions about peoples involvement in their sport based on their concern for safety and law.

In Manitoba, we have banned certain types of grenades from our fields due to being unsafe. Does that make every MB player a chairsofter?

Yes, grenades are used in games
Yes, therye fun and add a nice level of realism with minor risk to our safety. (sometimes)
Yes, theyre illegal 99% of the time.
Yes, they shouldnt be discussed openly on public forums for dozens of reasons.
That being said.. its also illegal to roll through a stop sign, or download a movie dvd. See what Im getting at here?

Although, I DO find it funny how people on here are so worried about airsoft becoming illegal, yet have no issues with discussing Publically how to build illegal pyrotechnics to be used solely for throwwing at people. Maybe we should keep the bomb-building discussions on the DL till the sports no longer in a grey area eh?
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Old August 2nd, 2007, 17:23   #63
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
The grenades that the Kameradschaft have are completely illegal unless they are constructed by a licensed pyrotechnic...
Fair enough!

Originally Posted by Amos
I'm lookin' to get accessories for my MK23
Isn't airsoft illegal under 18?

Ontario Airsoft WW2 Reenactors
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Old August 2nd, 2007, 19:00   #64
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Originally Posted by Maverick0 View Post
Please don't assume that I don't play airsoft. You don't even know me. Granted, I may not have as much experience as many people on this forum, but that doesn't revoke my entitlement to my opinion.

Repeating that this is illegal is meant to deter conversation. A public forum isn't the best of places to discuss this sort of thing.

I tried to discuss it on our local airsoft forum and was shot down. I was frustrated at first but it makes sense. For one, someone looking to build an explosive device for malicious purposes could use some of the info presented here to make a larger scale device.

I should also point out that if Gryphon says this shouldn't be discussed, I'm definitely inclined to agree with him. If anyone's word has any weight on this topic, it's his.

Lastly, I never said these grenades shouldn't be used at games. I've been grenaded at games once or twice, and it was awesome. My argument is that the construction of these devices shouldn't be discussed openly like this. It's irresponsible. I'm all for discussion, I'm just saying this might not be the best place / medium to conduct this conversation.
Bingo, everyone is right, let the thread die and get stashed somewhere safe. While we are in no way talking about taping nails to the sides of propane bottles and trying to activate with cell phones or whatever, arguing about firework use for games (am sure this includes using Roman Candles to simulate night time tracer fire) in public is retarded and some things are best left unsaid. I call for a good cleaning and leave the compressed air or whatever one "has to back to pick them up in order to re-use them" suggestions intact.

BTW, there are some cops that play/own fields and they allow the use of grenades (as distactions or to 'blow up' an objective) on fields provided there is a low fire risk in the area at gametime. Othewise they are forbidden when it's dry out.
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Old August 2nd, 2007, 21:01   #65
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Originally Posted by mr.ptrap View Post
Fair enough!

Isn't airsoft illegal under 18?
No, playing Airsoft isn't illegal under 18; It's just a commonly accepted age limit that's been adopted cross-country. There are not real laws for airsoft. I do not own my guns, They are property of some one who is of age, They remain at their residence when they are not in use (at Xtreme-Tactics, a CQB field that is 16+) They will remain her property until next month when I do turn 18.

Thanks for your concern.

(My whole point about using illegal pyro is that with the state Canadian airsoft is in... I don't think the whole "WE TAKE APART FIREWORKS AND LOAD THEM UP WITH BBS AND MAKE SHRAPNEL SHOOT AT PEOPLE LOLOL!!" would make us seem like the responsible people we're trying to put ourselves forward as..)

I'll italicize my opinion... Because some people have a hard time distinguishing it from fact.

I'm not going to say any more on this subject.. Because the dead horse has already been beaten.
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Old August 3rd, 2007, 03:48   #66
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Originally Posted by tony123 View Post
LMFAO!!!! i draw that 3 or 4 month ago, pretty much what i had im mind lol. Im really gonna make a couple of those. some may remember , laughing at me because i dont think the bb will fly more than 3 meter lol.
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File Type: jpg seb homemade bb grenade.JPG (40.7 KB, 16 views)
Finished and installed my SL8 style stock.

Last edited by Naerah; August 3rd, 2007 at 03:54..
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Old August 6th, 2007, 14:23   #67
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Reminds me of the idiots who made a stink about the German uniforms at The Stalingrad gane at Deadlands and said we should replace Germans with Japanese so there would be no Swastikas.....Losers

Originally Posted by Slick View Post
I can see why now that this cant be discussed in an open public forum. Theres always going to be those 3 or 4 guys that are just going to keep repeating that this is illegal. Sadly these are mostly comprised of people who dont even play airsoft. They might be interested in the idea of playing airsoft. Maybe even own a gun or two but have no plans on playing the game. Then they come into all the game threads give their advice and opinions on what should and shouldnt go on at a game.

Kind of like one of the WW2 game threads that had pictures of players (reenactors) who wore SS uniforms and swastikas. People who knew nothing about reenacting turned the game thread into a debate on what players should and shouldnt be wearing at a reenactment of a historical battle.

And if the subject comes up again in 5 or 6 months from now these people will be replaced with the new crowd of noobs who feel the need to berate us with the fact that this is illegal.

So unfortunately we could never have a constructive conversation on the topic.
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