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Toronto indoor field pricing poll



View Poll Results: Toronto indoor field pricing (all day fee)
$15 28 20.00%
$20 49 35.00%
$25 29 20.71%
$30 19 13.57%
$35+ 15 10.71%
Voters: 140. You may not vote on this poll

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Old April 19th, 2007, 00:58   #1
Join Date: Apr 2007
Toronto indoor field pricing poll

My friends and I were wondering what would be considered reasonable pricing for an indoor field in Toronto. We were thinking along the lines of a one 'all day' fee, as opposed to an hourly set up, so the pricing in the poll reflects an all day cost.

What do you guys think?

Last edited by ILLusion; April 19th, 2007 at 03:51..
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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:03   #2
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Toronto indoor field pricing poll

20-25 dollars. That's what PB and non PB fields charge in Toronto for a game day, 4-6 hours usually.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:05   #3
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depends on what is included.

I'd like to see it at 25 tops. Anything higher than that, and your field better be teh uber 7331.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:08   #4
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Originally Posted by Goldman View Post
depends on what is included.

I'd like to see it at 25 tops. Anything higher than that, and your field better be teh uber 7331.
What are things you like to see included?
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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:14   #5
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Originally Posted by Trict View Post
What are things you like to see included?
Variety and realism(?)

Things like TTAC3 are great for simulating CQB training, but something like that Ferry in BC simulates CQB fighting.

At least that is what I think.

15-25 is my recommendation. And you might want to invest on having in house AEG for rent, though you might have trouble with shit heads coming in. So best to set it up that it is only people that come along with AEG owning players (who you can assume have some responsibility) that can introduce people to the sport.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:19   #6
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Obviously the essentials. Lots of power outlets for chargers, secure, or moniterd kit areas so things don't "walk away".

Decent washrooms that don't smell like something died in them are KEY.

Ideally a floor made of astroturf, or concrete, just please god not SAND and not GRAVEL. If you absolutly must do sand, don't let anyone shoot any bloody paintballs in the place, because then you get a sandy tar. Some sort of concessions stand would be nice, be it an acessable outdoor BBQ, or some vending machines for quick sugary boosts... Basicly the same stuff you find at most sucessful paintball places, only without paintballs.

As for the field, structures, a nice well thought out urban set up would be awesome. Keep the field sort of unven with few high points that allow for a command of the field. Preferably structures with multiple rooms, and if possible get some old furniture donations to kit out the structures.

Vehicles are cool, especially the enginless permanently parked variety. They add an air of authenticity to a game, and make for great photos. Lighting is also key. If at all, keep it evenly lit across the field, with overall lighting on a dimmer that would allow for multiple light levels depending on the senario. It would also be cool if individual sturctures had self-controlled lighting both Int. and Ext.

speakers rigged up around the perimiter would also be good for ambience. The ability to either blasty some jazzin tunes, or ambient sounds always adds good effect.

Good parking! Please have parking set up in a way that de-kitting a car is discreet, and not in a shady as hell part of town.

I'll post more as i think of it, but thats just off the top of my head.



Just out of curiosity, is this the pipedream of some highschoolers, or do you have legitimate backing? Who are you? How old are you? Before seeing a real reply from the community ,you would need to introduce yourself to them. As it will be stated, many have come here asking what you have asked only to fade back into the wings, while few others have actually opened fields.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:23   #7
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Given that a common reference for an airsoft outing in the GTA includes a trip to Flag Raiders in Cambridge, I'll use this basis as a corollary for evaluating a fair price for a Toronto based field.

$25 at FR gets you a full gaming day and hot dogs (at least it used to, I haven't actually been to a game in ages). I don't credit much value to the hot dogs, and my travel to and from the field is at least 2 hours. Given the fuel costs and my driving time, I think it's very reasonable to expect a field fee upwards of $30 for the convenience of a metropolitan field.

That is, given that the satisfaction of experience and utility from an indoor Toronto field is comparable to options available in an outdoor setting beyond the GTA. In addition, I expect that replicating an outdoor field experience is difficult, if not impossible, to do indoors. On the flip side, there are several advantages to an indoor field - CQB arenas, clean play, and zero rain days.

Would this be an airsoft only field? Or a multiuse field (indoor soccer / go-karts etc)? To me, there's a lot of value in being able to play and leave without being covered in paint and grime.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:23   #8
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I think Goldman hit the nail on the head with what we want in a indoor field.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:44   #9
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Originally Posted by Goldman View Post

Just out of curiosity, is this the pipedream of some highschoolers, or do you have legitimate backing? Who are you? How old are you? Before seeing a real reply from the community ,you would need to introduce yourself to them. As it will be stated, many have come here asking what you have asked only to fade back into the wings, while few others have actually opened fields.
We're bouncing ideas around right now. I know that others have come here before saying they wanted to open a field, and talked about their grand ideas for it. Right now I'm just looking for thoughts on pricing from the community, and what they would expect to receive for paying said price.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:52   #10
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Originally Posted by quaestor View Post
Would this be an airsoft only field? Or a multiuse field (indoor soccer / go-karts etc)? To me, there's a lot of value in being able to play and leave without being covered in paint and grime.
Well, the current ideas are leaning towards an airsoft only field. There are currently lots of options for those who want to play paintball, but very few for those who play airsoft. I understand that there is a field in Winnipeg that is airsoft only and has been around for 3 years, so it's certainly possible to do airsoft only.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 01:54   #11
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Again, would you please introduce yourself and provide a brief background on who you are?
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old April 19th, 2007, 02:37   #12
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Originally Posted by Goldman View Post
Again, would you please introduce yourself and provide a brief background on who you are?
I was first introduced to airsoft back in in 98 or 99 by some friends. While I've never owned guns myself, I've always used my friends guns. I've played at various games over the years, but I was never very active in the community. I'm most likely not known by many on these forums, there is a picture of me somewhere at one of the games but I have no idea where it is, it may even be on here somewhere.

We're honestly just asking for thoughts from you guys, consider this research. You guys make up the airsoft community in Canada and so it makes sense to ask you guys what you would want in a field. Outdoor fields are easy, there are lots of those around. I know of only one indoor field in Canada, and it runs on a time based system from what I understand. It's hard to compare running an airsoft field to a paintball field because they can run with lower field costs due to them being able to charge a lot for paint. So for an airsoft field to exist, higher field fees would have to happen, but one can only ask for so much, but to ask for higher fees you have to back that up with a better service/experience, so here we are.
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Old April 19th, 2007, 08:24   #13
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Still no introduction as to who you are........ who here knows you?
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Old April 19th, 2007, 08:47   #14
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who cares? just tell the guy what you would like to see. does it really matter about his back ground. if he wants info give it to him. he is Joe blow from but Fing the moon. there. sorry to go on a rant but does it matter who he is? its his money, his time. if you have nothing good to say well "if you do not have anything nice to say, then do not say anyhing thing at all" Bambi.

and back to the thread:

all pay what ever the amount is with in reason. if the building is shit then you get e.g. 10 bucks but if the building it goood e.g. lighting, props, washrooms ect. then i do no mind paying 25-35.

Last edited by baraccuda; April 19th, 2007 at 08:58..
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Old April 19th, 2007, 09:05   #15
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Originally Posted by baraccuda View Post
... sorry to go on a rant but does it matter who he is?
Actually, it does. Airsoft isn't only about the guns, the gear whoring, the fun - but it's also about the players and this community. Due to the sensitivity of airsoft in public eyes, most players (perhaps typcially the more senior players) would like to get to know new players and/or people who come in boasting they want to open a new field. Many of us who've been on this board long enough has seen enough cycles of these threads.

Plus, it won't help Trict and his field if he ends up being a total asshole (not saying he is one), but if that becomes the case, no one will go to the field.
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