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WA SV Infinity mags leaking


Doctor's Corner

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Old March 22nd, 2007, 08:40   #1
Gerkraz's Avatar
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WA SV Infinity mags leaking

I am having a bit of trouble with my SA Infinity mags. I've tried to fill them with propane, but every time the propane just leaks right out. I have two mags and they both seem to have the same problem. When you try and fill them, the propane goes in but you can hear the propane leaking out and it completely gone within seconds...enough time to load the mag and fire one shot (maybe).

One of them was dropped onto the floor (not by me) but the other was not.

I've tried tightening the gas port of the bottom of the mag, but that didn't help.

Is there a common problem with SA mags that I am overlooking? This is my first GBB so I don't have very much experience with common problems/solutions.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 12:17   #2
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I dont have alot of time, Im in class and if the prof sees me on this he will hang me. Seach the Dr. corner for leaky mags, Chances are its your o-ring needs to be heavily lubricated.. Could be other rubbers as we... Take the mag apart get all the rub and put them in.... Shit(not this) silicone oil thats it and also when you use your mags with propane make sure you put some oil into the mag to keep the rubbers for drying out.... OR you can get new o-ring to replace....


Hopefully another person can comfirm my answer or adapt it. GL
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 13:29   #3
Scotty aka harleyb
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Whenever my SVI mags leak, I just disassemble them, get the rubber parts all silliconed up (except for the port on the top, the part that actually makes contact with the gun's nozzle) and let them soak for 10 minutes or so. Reassemble and they should be fine.

I find my mags only leak when I've left them un-gassed for extended periods of time, so just keep them under a little bit of pressure.
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