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Replicas siezed in York Region



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Old March 3rd, 2007, 12:39   #151
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Originally Posted by Oddjob View Post
I'd like to point out something from my past experience with LE and this website. If you've posted here, they've tracked who you are. [assumption]If you posted what equipment you own or have done trades in B&S they know what you own (roughly).[/assumption]

ASC is a free registry that LE can use. It might be hard to believe but I've had full print outs of topics thrown in my face by LE before, and they knew exactly who I was.

*Edit - It was not airsoft related, just thought I'd say.
I find this very hard to believe. The only way they can track who you are through posts on this forum is by tracing the IP address back to your ISP and getting personal information from them.

The day I hear that they got my identity by doing that without having a warrant, or some other legal documentation that states that they can do so is the day that my lawyer gets involved.

I don't see ASC as being a free registry. There is no way that they can just go around digging up people's personal information just because they posted on a forum that centers around a controversial sport. That is a HUGE invasion of privacy.
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Old March 3rd, 2007, 12:41   #152
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Originally Posted by vatek View Post
I find this very hard to believe. The only way they can track who you are through posts on this forum is by tracing the IP address back to your ISP and getting personal information from them.

The day I hear that they got my identity by doing that without having a warrant, or some other legal documentation that states that they can do so is the day that my lawyer gets involved. There is no way that they can just go around digging up people's personal information just because they posted on a forum.
You are correct that they need a warrent to get your information from the ISP, however, there are many other ways to track people down online. I've been able to get the home address and phone number of people simply from an e-mail address, all 100% legal and 100% information already existing on the internet.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old March 3rd, 2007, 12:48   #153
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Good thing I use hotmail then. Then again, anyone who actually uses the e-mail account that their ISP provides them is asking for trouble anyway.
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Old March 3rd, 2007, 13:23   #154
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Boy are you guys dense. All the big ISPs already provide info to LE freely, without a warrant. Bell, Telus, Rogers, Persona and more. There have already been cases where arrests have been made for infractions talked about and pictures posted on internet chatrooms.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old March 3rd, 2007, 13:27   #155
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Originally Posted by frankiet
But this is why I want to see guidelines in writing. Yes they can seize anything, but they cannot indiscriminantly destroy things. Yes they can tie things up for an eternity, but until I see something in writing that all airsoft are replicas, then I'll keep investigating that avenue. Right now, most airsoft is considered replicas, but they are dealt with on a case by case basis. Either way, the issue must be pressed. I have requested guidelines in writing several times, and received zero responses. I've even given a specific example of an AEG from UNCompany shooting 450, and received no response. I may be reading between the lines, but I'm interpreting their lack of response as a weakness. They don't want to commit to anything in writing because it could open the floodgates. If they are all replicas, I'm sure I would have received that word immediately.

Your assuming that "they" would even want to tell you anything at all. Why should they, it's not "their" responsibility to inform you of anything. Don't bother pursuing the "replica" angle, as it's a waste of time and "they" are not interested in a protracted fight on this issue. "They" can simply ask the OIC to prohibit all of them, period.

Then it wouldn't much matter about a few FPS here or there.

When the time comes for larger community involvement, all stakeholders will be informed.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

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Old March 3rd, 2007, 13:28   #156
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How are we dense? Unless we're "in the know" about such things I don't think throwing insults around is appropriate.
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Old March 3rd, 2007, 13:58   #157
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Thanks Vatek, my point exactly. There can be no concensus or even on-topic discussion. Some twit veers the thread off-topic and everyone follows.

ASC should stick to discussing important issues like "witch gun is teh best" or wierdest places you've found BBs.

That's why nothing gets done but talk.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

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Old March 3rd, 2007, 14:06   #158
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Personally, I think there's way too much rumors and theories going around. I've contributed my bit, and now I'm going to wait to hear "official" news from people who actually know what the hell is going on.

Every topic like this always ends up the same. 12 pages of rumors and guesswork, then the trash. Until something actually starts to get done in the real world I don't see much use in continuing to post in threads like this.
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Old March 3rd, 2007, 14:30   #159
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Originally Posted by Oprah View Post
You can bet my sweet chocolate black ass I am.
your ass might look like chocolate, but that's where the resemblance ends
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Old March 3rd, 2007, 14:39   #160
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I dont normally post on ASC. Ususally i just read post for humour sake.

I do find it interesting how many people on here throw ideas and gripes back and forth. Mean while on other boards people are going to great lengths orginizing meetings with everyone from NFA to the RCMP and the DND.

I think if your not going to add something you are doing to assist the cause you need to stop talking about it.

Macguyver has it right. Takl about "the wierdest place youve found a BB" and put a possitive spin back on our sport. The more trash gets talked, the less progress gets made and less reason those who ARE doing something about it are going to be motivated to keep going.

Support your sport. Quit trying to close it down in spirit. After all, its the spirit that we play with thats going to get us through this.
Don't bitch about you day or the price on something. A Canadian soldier died so you might enjoy today.

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Old March 3rd, 2007, 14:42   #161
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Originally Posted by DarkAngel View Post
Damn proud of it!, someday ill be known as the signature guy,

"Whos Darkangel? OOOOH!! The Guy with the 8 Page Signature!"
Zeon Prime has you beat by a few inches...
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Old March 3rd, 2007, 14:46   #162
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Originally Posted by PostMortem View Post
your ass might look like chocolate, but that's where the resemblance ends
If Op ponied up some of that bare black back, you're telling me you wouldn't hit it?
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Old March 3rd, 2007, 15:17   #163
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Yanhchan - Yes, with our audience participation and those seinor's who are more familiar with benoi ball use, we had soon discovered .25's along with gravity dropped out quicker

PostMortem - Darling, even if in postmortem, rigor mortis set in you'd never be as stiff as needed for this sista.

Poncho - I saw that little doll of yours, we'll be giving them away on Monday's show, you can hit it up anytime suga'
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Old March 3rd, 2007, 16:36   #164
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Originally Posted by vatek View Post
Good thing I use hotmail then. Then again, anyone who actually uses the e-mail account that their ISP provides them is asking for trouble anyway.
In my example, I tracked the person down from a hotmail address.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old March 3rd, 2007, 17:40   #165
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Your assuming that "they" would even want to tell you anything at all. Why should they, it's not "their" responsibility to inform you of anything. Don't bother pursuing the "replica" angle, as it's a waste of time and "they" are not interested in a protracted fight on this issue. "They" can simply ask the OIC to prohibit all of them, period.

Then it wouldn't much matter about a few FPS here or there.

When the time comes for larger community involvement, all stakeholders will be informed.
True, its not their responsibility, but it is somebody's responsibility. There needs to be a place to obtain this information. We've all heard the old "ignorance of the law is no excuse", but in this case where does one find these things out. If they end up changing their playbood, then so be it. Until that happens, I'm pestering my MP to get this information. It's preposterous that we can't get something in writing.

Example, I get busted selling an AEG firing at 450 fps. I get charged because it is deemed to be a replica and transferring of a replica is illegal. My arguement is that I am ignorant to the law. I have sent several letters to the Chief Scientist of the RCMP requesting classification of this exact AEG. The Chief Scientist is the person everybody keeps referring me to. So in my defence (just playing devil's advocate), how the hell am I supposed to know if it is legal or not? I am making every attempt not to knowingly break the law.
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