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CA36C Trigger Problem


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Old February 12th, 2007, 17:08   #1
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CA36C Trigger Problem

Hey all,

I couldn't find a thread on this and a google search didn't give me anything, so I thought I'd ask. If a similar problem has been posted already, please delete this thread.

I had just gotten a CA36C from a friend(never gamed, only used in a basement for test-firing and whatnot) and while I was running some BBs through it, the gun stopped firing. The trigger began to just make a clicking noise and there was a small amount of resistance on the pull. I tried pulling back the handle to see the hop-up and it feels like there's something blocking it. The cover doesn't even pull back far enough to reveal the hop-up now.

This is probably a very simple problem that I should be surprised hasn't happened to me before now. ^_^ Any thoughts? Suggestions? Should I bring it to a local gun-doctor for a proper diagnosis?

I was hoping to get out to a Splatters game soon, but if the gun is b0rked, I may have to hold off. Help?
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Old February 12th, 2007, 18:04   #2
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Trigger assembly might have been loose and just came apart.. or something happend to the mechbox.
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Old February 13th, 2007, 12:17   #3
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It's also been suggested that a BB has been jammed. I'll try clearing it to see if that's the case, and if not I'll have a look inside. If one of these is a fix, I'll post an update.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 12:11   #4
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does the motor turn when you're pulling the trigger?
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Old February 19th, 2007, 12:45   #5
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Not that I could hear. I'm going to take down the gun and have a look at the mechbox tonight to see if anything is misaligned. Stupid lack of free time! It's taking me way too long to get around to this. ^_^;
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Old February 19th, 2007, 13:00   #6
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Have you tried charging the battery? Sounds like what happens with a dead battery, motor reacts a bit to electricity, but doen't get enough current to turn the mechbox over.

To see if the barrel is clear, take the battery out and place it well away form you and the gun (lol, sorry, couldn't resist!), grab a flashlight and shine it into the magwell directing it at the loading tube. Look down the end of the barrel from the muzzle and you'll either see light or no light. Light means it's clear, no light means there is a BB in there. Try turning the hop up fully off and gently tap the muzzle on a piece of wood on the floor and see if anything falls out.
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Old February 19th, 2007, 13:11   #7
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If it's something as ridiculously simple as this, I'll eat my hat. I honestly didn't even think to switch out batteries. 0_o That'll be test number 1 tonight.

Hahaa, I gotcha with the procedure for making sure the barrel is clear. *remembers your eye* Ouch! >_<

Thanks for the tips! I'll give them a go tonight and post an update.


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker View Post
Have you tried charging the battery? Sounds like what happens with a dead battery, motor reacts a bit to electricity, but doen't get enough current to turn the mechbox over.

To see if the barrel is clear, take the battery out and place it well away form you and the gun (lol, sorry, couldn't resist!), grab a flashlight and shine it into the magwell directing it at the loading tube. Look down the end of the barrel from the muzzle and you'll either see light or no light. Light means it's clear, no light means there is a BB in there. Try turning the hop up fully off and gently tap the muzzle on a piece of wood on the floor and see if anything falls out.
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Old February 19th, 2007, 13:14   #8
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Hehe, the BB that hit my eye came out of the loading nozzle, not the muzzle. Sure as shit won't do that again, even with eyewear. Faceshield maybe.........
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Old February 19th, 2007, 13:27   #9
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A friend I'm getting into airsoft was left alone with my Hi-Cap for a few minutes. I had the mag loaded with BB's to test-fire one of the guns and I had just left it on the table. I was out of the room when I heard a lot of BB's landing on the floor and my friend making a "Ptbbtbtptptbptbltbltllptbtpbbaaaaaaarghhh!" noise. He had pulled back the little catch on the mag and let it unwind in his face. I *really* wish I could have been there to see it. ^_^;
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Old February 19th, 2007, 15:48   #10
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The clicking noise you hear if the switch springing backwards. The trigger inside of a v3 gear box is 2 piece. The trigger itself and then the switch wedge as I like to call it.

When you pull the trigger, the back portion of the trigger, that has a wedge on it that catches on the switch itself and pushes it forward.

For whatever reason, the switch is pushing upwards and slipping off the wedge. The clicking sound is actually a snapping sound, the sound of the spring loaded switch snapping backwards before it makes contact with the rest of the switch.

There are a few things that cause this. Grease on the switch and wedge, causing them to slip off each other. The area of the switch the wedge catches on may also be worn down.

Funny I see this post, I was actually here looking for a diagram of a G36C because I'm working on one that has the EXACT same issue and I forget which direction one of the springs goes in this gun.
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Old February 19th, 2007, 16:22   #11
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Hmm, interesting! That'll be test number 2. ^_^
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Old February 19th, 2007, 19:02   #12
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So test number one-- the battery seems to have been the cause. >_< I put in a fresh battery and a fresh mag. I pulled the trigger and the mechbox cycled. I began to see holes appearing in the box I was aiming at. It fires louder than I remember, so would it be a good idea to get some gun oil or something? 0_o [/n00b]
Otherwise, problem solved! Thanks for the tips, guys!
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