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Old February 7th, 2007, 18:17   #1
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Brampton, Ontario

i was wondering if i would be able to use my pellgunoil for moving parts in my gun... there are no labels specifying the ingredients
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Old February 7th, 2007, 18:25   #2
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Don't use real-steel gun oil in an airsoft gun, ever.

Go to a hobby store and look for RC Shock Oil, or get some silicone oil from ASCA or AI.
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Old February 7th, 2007, 18:30   #3
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sorry for the noob question, and thanks for clearing that up for me.
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Old February 7th, 2007, 18:33   #4
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If you dont have a good hobby store near you, Canadian Tire sells white lithium grease that does work for most things. Or really good gun shops may have graphite grease.

External AEG parts are less of a problem, but still... try to find silicone oil only. Check the Information section for how to maintain AEG or gas guns.
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Old February 7th, 2007, 18:54   #5
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the white grease, it would be ok for lubing up the barrel for the moving slides and everything? i searched it up, not sure if its the right stuff, but it can be found around the garage door department or something? or would it be better to just run down to le barons and grab some graphite lube?
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Old February 7th, 2007, 20:35   #6
no, use the grease to lube your gears, use silicon for your cylinder and barrel.

Canadian tire will sell lithium grease
they also carry silicon lube spray. Dont get dry silicon spray.

If your unsure about it being safe, spray some into the lid and then pour it onto Styrofoam. If it melts, its bad.
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Old February 7th, 2007, 20:51   #7
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powdered graphite is an excellent lubricant for gbb slides. I had a G19 FMU a few years ago, and used graphite on it as my primary lubricant for the slide. Smooth as butter and won't eat away at anything.
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Old February 7th, 2007, 21:30   #8
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If you have nothing else available, and I dont know if you have a GBB or an AEG yet, the White Lithium grease (that is it's name) will take care of almost anything.

Put a small amount of it on all the contact points. It's reasonably fine for seals and o-rings, it works inside mechboxes.

But still, unless there are no hobby shops at all in your town, or you cant order any from the internet, find pure silicone OIL. You dont need much either.
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Old February 7th, 2007, 22:09   #9
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alright, so pure silicone oil/spray, white lithium grease, or graphite grease for moving slides. well, i checked canadian tire but damn those guys there dont know anything about their own damn products. they just stood there looking at me as if im making stuff up, but im going to look for some in some hobby shops.
thanks for all ur help, really appreciate it. im surprised i didnt get hardcore flamed for my noob questions :P thanks again.
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Old February 8th, 2007, 06:15   #10
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Just be very careful of the spray; the component that makes it spray is sometimes a petroleum distillate or stuff like it to make it spray. That's why it was suggested to spray it in a cup, then use that from it's liquid form.

I'm surprised that Canadian Tire cant find white lithium grease... It is called, exactly, Motomaster White Grease. It works for GBB moving parts and AEGs.

If your gun is a GBB, the hardest thing to find is the oil. For gas, we now have MadMax's adaptors and regular propane tanks. I must get one of those adaptors...
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Old February 8th, 2007, 15:58   #11
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i think ive seen the motomaster grease before. before i go buy it, is it safe to apply onto the barrel/slides of a gun constructed of ABS plastic?
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Old February 8th, 2007, 16:54   #12
for a GBB? I would still use silicon oil on a GBB slide as grease is a dust and dirt magnet.
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Old February 8th, 2007, 17:46   #13
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If I use the grease, it's only in the frame-rail channels and even then very little amounts.
You need no more than what can cover a toothpick to spread along the rails, then manually move the slide a few times.
Same for silicone oil, you barely need a drop, maybe two.
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Old February 8th, 2007, 17:51   #14
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Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
powdered graphite is an excellent lubricant for gbb slides. I had a G19 FMU a few years ago, and used graphite on it as my primary lubricant for the slide. Smooth as butter and won't eat away at anything.
Anhydrous Graphite, small tube for $1.45 at Le Baron, made by GunSlick. You will LOVE the stuff, I use it for most things now.

Pellgun oil, is "silicon oil, even if it has some petro distills in it still, should be fine for parts where you don't have the option of wiping it on surfaces. Grease is only for surfaces you can wipe it on, and it serves to reduce friction between parts. White lithium can be found in the garage door opener parts department of CT for $5 a tube. It'll last you a long while.
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Old February 8th, 2007, 18:26   #15
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Fuck Canadian Tire, go to a real hardware store (Home Depot etc) and get white lithium there; a commonly available brand is made by "Gunk" (if you aren't familiar with it, yes, I am serious).

It's safe to use on ABS and whatnot; I've used it on GBBs and AEG mechboxes for almost 10 years.

Use the stuff SPARINGLY, don't goop on a pile of it. Properly applied, you'll usually find a noticeable improvement in how your slide cycles (much smoother...)

I find oil to be useless on moving parts, like slides. Besides collecting dirt, it doesn't contribute a whole lot. While grease does collect dirt, dirty grease still does it's job. Keep the silicone oil for the o-rings and gas.

Also, the Pellgunoil is designed for airguns and stuff. While it isn't recommended by airsofters in general, it's not harmful per se. It actually does a decent job of sealing up slow leaks on airguns (CO2). I use it on my KWC MiniUZI since that's CO2 powered. It's silicone based, but there's other stuff in it.
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