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Fresh soccer mom ammo / Neg AS news article



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Old January 28th, 2007, 12:16   #16
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Originally Posted by Xenos-Fear View Post
The world man... education is falling... and failing... little britney girls are everywhere... at 10, the all have thong at this age... and most of them already know... you know what...

they all saying fuck you to mom and pop ! Also to their teachers... slogan for them ?

Fuck everything, fuck me and get drunk 3 times a day !

Man, our society is much more like a garbage can than what we are trying to build for the best of our future generation. I don't know what's going on with people on earth, but ... everything seems to be wrong in every aspect of life these days. You have to focus on something you truly believe in and keep this on your mind if you want to make it through the world today !

Seems like every children doesn't really care about the consequence of their acts. They just do what they want without thinking if it's good or not. They don't see what's coming after a bad move or something stupid. They just do it and say : Ah... oups ! Wow ! Great man ! Really great !

Anyway...sorry, but too frustrated about my job, about what's going on in the world, about what people can do to help our future and they just don't care about... they just sit on their ass and wait... about how life could be so easier if we could stand all together instead of shitting on the guy who's beside us... anway... what's next in the next 10 years for all of us ? Mmmmm... man, things will just to worst I think...

Just to say that we'll heard more news about this or similar to this for next years... let's hope our world will get better and our government will keep off his hands on our precious sport... airsoft !
A true man of wisdom.
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Old January 30th, 2007, 22:58   #17
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Another story..

Here's another story from this past Sunday. Did someone turn over a big rock and a whole bunch of morons scurried out with airsoft guns?

Police seize another replica handgun
Boy was waving it at skateboard park, witnesses say

Times Colonist

Sunday, January 28, 2007

In what is becoming a common occurrence, Victoria police seized another replica handgun Saturday from a boy at an Esquimalt skateboard park.

A witness told police about 4 p.m. that a young male had been spotted with the gun at the park in the 300-block Esquimalt Road. Police surrounded the park, and arrested the boy, recovering a black plastic replica of a Beretta handgun tucked into the waistband of his pants.

Police said the gun fires non-lethal plastic pellets and that the boy had been seen waving it around and showing it to other people in the park. He was taken home and turned over to his parents.

Victoria police warned recently that their officers are seizing at least one replica handgun a week, and that it is only a matter of time before someone gets killed.

In October, a 37-year-old Pitt Meadows man was shot and killed by police after he produced a handgun, which was later found to be a replica.

The law does not forbid carrying a replica gun in public, although, if it is used in the commission of a crime, it is treated in the same way as if it was a real weapon.

In other news, Victoria police recovered a potentially dangerous igniter assembly from a Second World War practice bomb.

Police were called about 2 p.m. to a residence in the 700-block Matheson Avenue in Esquimalt, where cleaning staff had located the device, which police say had the potential to cause serious injury if mishandled. It was taken to the Fleet Diving Unit for proper disposal, police said in a news release.
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Old January 30th, 2007, 23:05   #18
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These punks are gonna screw it up for all of us. I mean, they're just some kids that went to CT and bought a cheap pistol that's labelled "airsoft". Other people don't know enough to distinguish between the idiots and the serious players, so they group us all together. What we're gonna end up with are large scale bans on AS guns, then we serious players can all kiss the best sport in the world goodbye.
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Old January 31st, 2007, 02:17   #19
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OK, ithink ive solved the problem, if you = parent you should beat your kids, fuck laws, just woop their ass. Im just saying if you put a smack down on your kids this wouldnt be a problem, all you old timers look at your childhood, were you this dumb? did your parents woop your ass? It really gets under my skin that a bunch of little bastards are screwing it up for the rest of us...... just do me a favor and beat your kids.

Well....somebody had to say it...
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Old January 31st, 2007, 07:17   #20
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If parents don't know what their kid is doing is wrong, then what gives them a reason to beat their kids?

To their parents, it's just a toy.
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Old January 31st, 2007, 09:28   #21
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You know what upsets me most about this article??

The game wasn't stopped, and the kids dealt with, until the referees were hit.. How about dealing with the kids when they START shooting other people? How about stopping the game when they START shooting players? Why wasn't it dealt with until the refs got shot?

It's news like this that makes me SO mad with the administration of that arena.

...... for those of you who's irony meters are broken, that is exactly how easy it is to pick out one of multiple factors that exists in an article, because it related to you more than the others, and focus on it.

I don't think this is as serious as you all believe.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old January 31st, 2007, 13:59   #22
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Ya, if they thought the guns were so dangerous and/or disruptive, why didn't they kick em out earlier? If some kid is shootin bbs at me, I know i'm gonna walk on over and lay him out.
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Old January 31st, 2007, 16:05   #23
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Great, forget about Soccer moms, now we got Hockey moms on our ass!

Wow they are so stupid, I can understand that they got arrested for at least having it on them, but to have the balls to shoot PLAYERS and REFEREES! wtf? are they asking to be arrested? its so dumb... god I cant believe how stupid people are.
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Old January 31st, 2007, 22:31   #24
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Thats not far from my town ethier , Dam idiots trying to ruin our sport!
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Old February 1st, 2007, 20:59   #25
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i read "Fresh soccer moms" so i clicked right away before reading the rest and was so dissapointed with this story of dumb people. thanks for ruining my day.

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Old February 5th, 2007, 23:30   #26
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Lol that doesn't help current situations at all.

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Old February 5th, 2007, 23:54   #27
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the damn kids are older than me and they arent as responsable like WTF they need to take a course or some shit like that
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Old February 6th, 2007, 00:02   #28
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Fuck it.. Looks like we should make Airsoft Valid under P.A.L
No Comment.
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Old February 6th, 2007, 06:13   #29
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"In October, a 37-year-old Pitt Meadows man was shot and killed by police after he produced a handgun, which was later found to be a replica.

The law does not forbid carrying a replica gun in public, although, if it is used in the commission of a crime, it is treated in the same way as if it was a real weapon."

Solution is simple to me; wave a replica in public, get shot, end of your stupidity. Then let the police enforce the existing laws with more than slaps on the wrists, hold the parents fully responsible in Court for their kids and hit them in the wallet (or the job). They WILL take care of their kids after that.

Then the attitudes will change. Not before.
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Old February 28th, 2007, 12:18   #30
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Wed, February 28, 2007

Pellets shot in school
Male student suspended

A student at a junior high in Oakbank has been suspended indefinitely for shooting two other students with a soft air pellet gun.

The shooting occurred in the multi-purpose room at Springfield Middle School before classes began last Friday.

Duane Brothers, superintendent of Sunrise School Division, said a male student brought the gun to school and shot two fellow students with soft plastic pellets.

The first boy was hit in the arm -- and apparently wasn't sure he'd been hit -- while the second boy was hit in the face after the pellet ricocheted off a wall, said Brothers.

He noted that neither hit drew blood or caused any serious damage.

The boys were all known to each other, said Brothers.

Staff stepped in and called the boy's parents and RCMP.

"Weapons of any kind are totally unacceptable in our schools," said Brothers.

The shooter has been handed a "Level 3 suspension," meaning he will be off school until division officials meet with his parents.

Mounties say no charges have been laid and it's not likely that any will be. The gun has been returned to the boy's parents.

Soft air guns fire soft plastic pellets, but not at a high enough velocity to be considered legal firearms. They're often used for target practice or in war games -- similar to paintball, but without the paint.

Cheaper clear models, like the one used in this incident, cost between $25 and $200.


"We have a policy -- we won't sell them to anyone under 18 -- and I know a lot of other stores do, too," said Terry Robinson, general manager of S.I.R.

He said soft air guns are "very popular."

The more expensive models, used mainly for the airsoft sport, resemble real guns and their purchase is regulated by airsoft associations, said Ed Matheson, president of the Manitoba Airsoft Association.

Matheson said incidents like this don't give his sport, which has 300 to 400 players in Manitoba, a bad name.

"That's not a real airsoft gun. They're not associated with us at all. It's just a kid bringing a toy gun to school," he said.

"That's exactly why the distributors regulate their sale. We don't want any idiot going out and doing what this kid did."
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