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Old December 25th, 2006, 13:21   #196
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Yea, I guess you're right, let's CONTINUE to bicker and bitch back and forth, sound good Jixton? Apparently by you posting my quote, it's what we should all be doing.

Well then let's continue to bicker and fight on Christmas day, sound good? I'm assuming you don't celebrate Christmas? Joy to all? Nope, didn't think you got that one.

Oh well, that's just a damn damn shame.
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Old December 25th, 2006, 14:50   #197
-Number7-'s Avatar
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Thanks Jixton, and can we please just put it behind us before someone gets someone really pissed. FFS it's Christmas where is the cheer in here people!!

loadout: SRC Gen3 G36C, KJW KP-05 hicapa, TM Spas-12 Stockless
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Old December 25th, 2006, 22:46   #198
Corey Darling
Join Date: Mar 2005
my bro got me a soft air shotgun from fall-apart-mart

i was sceptical, but it actually fires extremely well. with its .12 g bbs, they rake up. so i tried my .25g ksc bbs and it fires beautifully!
just about the same range as a stock p90
accuracy is good too, and has triple rails to put a sight on.

comes with 2 mags, a pistol mag shaped loader, and a sling

i think i may actually paint the clear parts black and try it at a game lol. not bad for 70 bucks

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Old December 26th, 2006, 00:01   #199
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Originally Posted by Corey Darling View Post
my bro got me a soft air shotgun from fall-apart-mart

i was sceptical, but it actually fires extremely well. with its .12 g bbs, they rake up. so i tried my .25g ksc bbs and it fires beautifully!
just about the same range as a stock p90
accuracy is good too, and has triple rails to put a sight on.

comes with 2 mags, a pistol mag shaped loader, and a sling

i think i may actually paint the clear parts black and try it at a game lol. not bad for 70 bucks

A post like that is only gonna make more trouble then needed, nothing against you Corey, but this thread is made up of one post like that, and 100 posts ripping it appart. I pose another vote to lock and do whatever with this thread.
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Old December 27th, 2006, 05:54   #200
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You say it fires beautifully now, give it some use n see if it continues to work, beautifully.
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Old December 27th, 2006, 20:47   #201
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i have the exact shotgun and i have bashed against a tree and it still fires great. beleive it or not but the shotgun probally has more metal parts then a stock AEG (not including the mechbox)
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Old December 27th, 2006, 21:04   #202
Corey Darling
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Im not saying its of good quality, I said it shot very well for what you pay for. i was very suprised. for 70 bucks you cant go wrong if you want something to plink around with. if it breaks, who cares, it was 70 bucks.

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Old December 27th, 2006, 21:12   #203
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Originally Posted by somedude View Post
i have the exact shotgun and i have bashed against a tree and it still fires great. beleive it or not but the shotgun probally has more metal parts then a stock AEG (not including the mechbox)
Obviously you haven't touch a stock FULL METAL AEG.
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Old December 30th, 2006, 23:21   #204
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That is illegal in so many ways I cant start to comment, so I wont and I will hope you inform yourself instead.
Again, sorry to be blunt, but there is nothing illegal about this. I don't know where your information has come from.

Mtallman said HE stored it. You CANT do that legally. It MUST be stored by the person to whom it is registered.
If you store it, you wind up being in control of it and that IS illegal.
Please clarify what you mean then.
Greylocks, there is nothing illegal about it. As I stated, I have a minors firearms licsense. This allows you to be in possesion, and use a non-restricted firearm without the direct supervision of someone who can legally have the gun registered to them. This also means you can store them for a legitimate use (hunting/target shooting), as verified by myself with the cfc. A firearm doesn't have to be stored with the person who it is registered with, rather it must be stored with someone who is licsensed to posess that class of firearm. If you have a minors licsense, you can thus store a non-restricted firearm for a legitimate use (hunting/target shooting in my case).

No, because Federal laws apply everywhere. You cant own one, and you cant store it either if you are under 18. If you store it, you are in legal possession of it.
Yes, I can't own a registerable firearm on paper, but I can store one, and as you accidentaly said, I can store a non-restricted firearm and be in legal posession of it.

Must be 18 to own, that includes physical control (storage and use) of it.
You must have a firearms licsense to own (FAC, POL, PAL), and a firearms licsense (Minors lic, FAC, PAL, POL) to store and use.

If you are over 18 and letting someone under 18 use it, you must be there.
False. You must be there when anyone of any age without a licsense is useing a firearm. You don't have to be 'there' if they have a firearms licsense.

Correct me if im wrong, but you can't own a .22, a 12 gauge, and a .303 if your're 16.
True. I can't "own" but I can "have" (posess, store, use) a non restricted firearm.

Mtallman said HE stored it. You CANT do that legally. It MUST be stored by the person to whom it is registered.
Again, this is fully legal, and it doesn't have to be stored to the person who it is registered to.

If you store it, you wind up being in control of it and that IS illegal.
Again, there is nothing illegal about being in control of a non-restricted firearm if you have a firearms licsense.

It may be the way he wrote it, but HE cant store them. That becomes possession in the legal sense.
Same as above.

Sorry to go to this length, I just wanted to make sure it is confirmed I am not doing anything illegal.
I am under 18, and I am trusted with a real gun, but not an airsoft gun :wink:

Making up federal laws is the Federal Government's job

Last edited by mtallman; December 30th, 2006 at 23:39..
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Old December 31st, 2006, 00:31   #205
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Originally Posted by mtallman View Post
Again, sorry to be blunt, but there is nothing illegal about this. I don't know where your information has come from.

Greylocks, there is nothing illegal about it. As I stated, I have a minors firearms licsense. This allows you to be in possesion, and use a non-restricted firearm without the direct supervision of someone who can legally have the gun registered to them. This also means you can store them for a legitimate use (hunting/target shooting), as verified by myself with the cfc. A firearm doesn't have to be stored with the person who it is registered with, rather it must be stored with someone who is licsensed to posess that class of firearm. If you have a minors licsense, you can thus store a non-restricted firearm for a legitimate use (hunting/target shooting in my case).

Yes, I can't own a registerable firearm on paper, but I can store one, and as you accidentaly said, I can store a non-restricted firearm and be in legal posession of it.

You must have a firearms licsense to own (FAC, POL, PAL), and a firearms licsense (Minors lic, FAC, PAL, POL) to store and use.

False. You must be there when anyone of any age without a licsense is useing a firearm. You don't have to be 'there' if they have a firearms licsense.

True. I can't "own" but I can "have" (posess, store, use) a non restricted firearm.

Again, this is fully legal, and it doesn't have to be stored to the person who it is registered to.

Again, there is nothing illegal about being in control of a non-restricted firearm if you have a firearms licsense.

Same as above.

Sorry to go to this length, I just wanted to make sure it is confirmed I am not doing anything illegal.
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Old December 31st, 2006, 01:04   #206
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
What does pwnd mean?
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Old December 31st, 2006, 01:11   #207
Corey Darling
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Gamer talk

comes from "Owned", meaning in the use of a game - you kicked their a**
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Old December 31st, 2006, 01:45   #208
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well to get back on topic..
my friend(corey darling) and i were at the local wal mart and saw that yes every thing that had to do with soft air and airsoft were out in the open with a group of kids all piled around it "acting cool"... i will note this was before x-mas and that there where about 30 of the colt shotguns that corey got for xmas from his bro...

after xmas we went there to pick up another of these shotguns and found that they were completely sold out along with almost the entire stock of pisols and uzzies... but not the gogles or face masks
we both had the same thoght in our head of a group of kids running around with this stuff.. the irony is there parents prolly didnt even bother to check the boxes for the warnings as they wraped these things up for there kids.

can only hope the smart kids get them
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Old December 31st, 2006, 10:38   #209
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Tallman, you are quoting laws about real guns. Okay, you have one of the very rare permits that allows you to store a real gun. You get a cookie. But that makes it look like if having a PAL is the solution. It's not.

Please read about Replicas now. Different set of laws. The PAL does not matter for them.
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Old December 31st, 2006, 11:24   #210
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Originally Posted by malachite View Post
well to get back on topic..
my friend(corey darling) and i were at the local wal mart and saw that yes every thing that had to do with soft air and airsoft were out in the open with a group of kids all piled around it "acting cool"... i will note this was before x-mas and that there where about 30 of the colt shotguns that corey got for xmas from his bro...

after xmas we went there to pick up another of these shotguns and found that they were completely sold out along with almost the entire stock of pisols and uzzies... but not the gogles or face masks
we both had the same thoght in our head of a group of kids running around with this stuff.. the irony is there parents prolly didnt even bother to check the boxes for the warnings as they wraped these things up for there kids.

can only hope the smart kids get them
That's kindof scary. People should need licenses to be parents. Maybe it's a good thing real airsoft guns are so pricy. It keeps parent from buying little Jonny a 300fps full auto G3 for Christmas.
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