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KJW M9 Berretta - Vents gas EVERYwhere.


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Old November 30th, 2006, 18:16   #1
Lego Head
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KJW M9 Berretta - Vents gas EVERYwhere.

So I've taken it apart and found a couple culprits I think it may be.

1. The blow-back chamber seal ((looks similar one out of a P228))

2. The blow-back valve.

3. Rubber vent seal.

Okay, so symptoms. Rack the slide, and pull the trigger gas goes everywhere, the loaded bb will fire but *I* could out run it.

Just putting it out here to anyone that's had a KJW M9 Berreta and wonder if they've had this issue before and what they had to replace to fix it.

Other details on the gun, I am the third owner, from wear on the metal slide I'd say deffinatly over 100+ rounds through it. And I only have the one magazine to test. Reason I am suspicious of the mag is the rubber seal inside the bb-lips-feed the rubber seal that is there to direct the gas is cracked and not flush with the feed of the magazine. So its possible the gas just isn't all getting to the slide, but the slide doesn't move. Least not enough to recognize movement.

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Old November 30th, 2006, 22:06   #2
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hmmm....similar problems with the gas rifle i just got at my friends dad's gun had the same problem with gas leakage. he put in a new gas vavle and its worked fine since. that might help. but being as the 3rd owner means that guns got some use. try taking it to your local gun doc for the seals ive never messed with those. also try getting another mag just to test it. your local doc might have one. um but thats all the help i have.

see if it works.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 22:17   #3
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Numerous kjw m9 mags bite the dust like that. I have worked on several and have heard of many others. I believe the marui ones work int he kjw m9 and would be a better fit. Some things you can try is clean the hammer mech and oil it liberally. Do the same to the gas spot on the mag where the hammer strikes it could be getting stuck.
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Old December 17th, 2006, 23:38   #4
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my plastic kjw m9 has a loss of power and i think it may be the mag. When i shoot if i load the gas in at the same time i shoot (except right side up) it does better. Any suggjestions?
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Old December 17th, 2006, 23:43   #5
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P.S i use green gas
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