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Laser Sight Problem:


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Old October 28th, 2006, 15:17   #1
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Laser Sight Problem:

I figure I'll turn to you guys as you may have seen this before. But I Bought a green laser sight off of Ebay from some ASSHOLE who sent me a defective unit and refuses to issue me any kind of a refund or exchange to product... or now even respond to my emails regarding the issue. But anyway, I'm thinking its the preasure switch because it works sometimes quite well and then just stops dead and doesn't matter how hard I press or where on the switch it won't turn on. I took the switch appart to see if it wasn't connecting properly, I'm going to do some more tinkering with it to see if I can't find the issue myself but figured I would see if anyone else had run into a similar problem with a laser before.
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Old October 28th, 2006, 15:24   #2
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I've purchased presure switches where teh wires soldered the tail cap have broken free. It was really as simple as re-soldering the wires back to the spring etc and all was good. In your case, it could be a break anywhere between the presure switch itself and the tail cap. See if you can find another switch assembly and test out your laser ... if the laser works without a problem no matter what with the new presure switch then the presure switch is at fault and narrows down what you have to do.

Of course if you discover the switch assembly is bad, you can either try to fix it or buy a new one.
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Old October 28th, 2006, 15:33   #3
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I've had that pressure switch problem a few times with a few cheaper taclights. Like Johnny said, the connections disconnected presumably with the tugging of the pressure switch wire. The connections broken were at the cap where it screws into the tail end of the light. (my green laser works the same way) I just took that apart and resoldered it and it was fine.

What you could try to varify that it indeed is the switch and not your laser is if you have a taclight lying around, try switching the tailcaps (of they fit, I have a flashlight click cap on my laser for shooting stuff (spiders) around the house)

If you do find out, tell the ebay guy to send you a new pressure switch, he might consider that rather than sending you a new unit. And well, if he doesn't even do that, leave bad feedback and file a dispute.
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Old October 28th, 2006, 16:06   #4
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best way to find out, take the bladder off, so you have two bare wires, put them together to finish the circut, and if it works, its just the bladder switch.
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Old October 28th, 2006, 16:40   #5
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I'm going to assume you already checked you have fresh batteries. If the batteries are low it could be at threshold voltage for the laser...

You can check the switch assembly by unscrewing it from the laser, and metering the contact with the switch not pressed and then pressed a bunch of times. If you don't have a meter then set up a mini circuit on your desk with a flashlight bulb, a battery and some wire. Once you get the light to work then connect the circuit through the two metal leads on the switch and try to see if it lights consistently when the switch is pressed.

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Old October 28th, 2006, 16:52   #6
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Oh and by the way, don't use that in games.
I got "lased" in the eye by one of those in a game and I can now enjoy a dead spot in my periferal vision.

Really fun!

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Old October 28th, 2006, 17:43   #7
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I'd have to say the battery is fine because when it does work its quite bright and powerful, when my red laser unit's battery is going you can definitely tell. But I had taken the rubber off the end of the switch to see if anything was disconnected and it looked fine, but I plan on taking the whole tail appart to see if there is a break since you mentioned it could be anywhere. I just wanted to ask to see if there was anything you guys could recomend, thanks for the help. I'll do some testing.

And as for the ebay seller, after going through his ratings he has a lot of ppl who got products that worked as they should and they were very happy, but he about 50 of 3000 negative ratings. All of which were the same problem I had, product didn't work right and he refused to deal with it in any way. So I don't think that I'll be getting a replacement preasure switch any time soon.
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Old October 29th, 2006, 20:44   #8
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and that, ladys and gentlemen, is why we always check user ratings BEFORE purchasing things from the internet.
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Old October 31st, 2006, 22:25   #9
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Originally Posted by mykill666 View Post
and that, ladys and gentlemen, is why we always check user ratings BEFORE purchasing things from the internet.

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Old October 31st, 2006, 22:47   #10
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seriously. . .
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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