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Old September 22nd, 2006, 20:00   #16
Thunder Kimerson
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you have to be a member
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Old September 22nd, 2006, 23:37   #17
John Willis
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: San Diego
Yes you have to be a memeber nut it take only a couple of minuets. Its the same as registering for this board. I was searching my name in google last night and found this board. I registered and 2 minuets later I was posting here.

John Willis
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Old September 22nd, 2006, 23:49   #18
John Willis
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: San Diego
I thought since Trixter had posted on a public forum that he might also answer me here so every one else could see. He was very out spoken about the quality being the same and saying that he knew me. He e-mailed me last night so I am going to paste his e-mail here:

Hi, I'm Trixter from Airsoft Canada. When i said i know you, i forgot one crucial word. "of." What i meant by that was that i know of your amazing business practices and dedication to quality. As a mere airsofter, i may not be able to tell the difference in quality between your gear, and BDS gear. All i know is that i have used both the old SOE gear, and my BDS MOLLE Vest in a Patrol setup. I honestly can't say that i feel the quality of the BDS rig is less than that of the SOE gear. Maybe it's because i'm not in situations where being able to do pullups on the pouches really does matter. For someone who is in the real deal, i could see that being the case. However, i say again that i am a mere airsofter who enjoys better quality gear than that of more readily available competitors and chinese knockoff gear. I offer you my most sincere apologies if i happened to piss you off or offend you in anyway. All i was saying is that my rig works for me, and i can't foresee it NOT working for me. I know the story about your ex-wife, and i believe that what she did was wrong, to say the very least. If your personally made stuff was more readily available, i would not have hesitated to buy it, but then again, i don't need it. Best to not waste your time making a rig for airsofters when your time would be better spent making it for a real operator, and not some poser wannabe right? All i do is pretend to be one for weekend every month. Hopefully, i'll be a real one in a few years once i'm in the USMC. Again, i apologize if i offended you or your amazing work in any way, and i hope you accept this long winded and, most likely boring, apology.

I erased his name from this. Other than that This is the same text he sent me. I post this here because he spoke very factually and as if he had inside knowledge. What people dont realize is that I built soe over almost 15 years and other people are living off what I made. They are existing on my name. I do take it personally because It feeds and clothes my kids. I dont have 35 employees at this time nor do I have a stash of cash in a bank account so every customer matters to me and if even one person was swayed from my product based on what Trixter said abope then I do take it personaly.

Trixter---You say you are within 20 minuets of me. Feel free to contact me and perhaps we can do some gear for you or at least have coffee or lunch. I am at air soft xtreme all the time. My good friend Andrew owns that place.

John Willis
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