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Homemade Pistol Grip Mag Release Guards?


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Old September 16th, 2006, 11:53   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Athabasca, AB
Homemade Pistol Grip Mag Release Guards?

I have a nice modular holster from drop zone that has worked quite well for my TM Glock 18C AEP.

Last game I played, however, I realized I lost my magazine and took a close look at the holster and noticed that the mag release can be accidentally actuated thru leaning and body movement.

I was thinking the easiest thing to do would be filing down the release tab and form a guard for it (similiar to m16 magwell release guards) with pieces of small diameter tubing afixed to the grip.

My question is has anyone done this, or gone a different route? Also, I am guessing a crazy glue type bond would not work well as it has no elasticity. I am thinking of some kind of semi-flexible epoxy ( or shoo-goo) that would allow a bit of flex instead of breaking while protecting the release tab in the holster during use.

Not sure what kind of plastic material that glock grip is made of, if knowing well help with glue selection.

From what I have read here the Glock cannot have its mag release swapped to the other side.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 12:13   #2
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I've been told a good field-expedient method of securing your magazine is to tape it in with some black electrical tape. That'll at least keep it from falling out and since you're supposed to be using your sidearm as a last resort, a quick mag change likely isn't necessary.

After losing not one but TWO gas G17 mags in the field, I'm a big proponent of this method.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 12:21   #3
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Location: Athabasca, AB
Yes, I thought of doing that now. Additionally, though, I am upgrading my gun to be more effective at longer ranges (longer inner barrel/silencer) and when going thru heavy brush I intend to sling it over my shoulder and use my AEP as a CQB primary...
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Old September 16th, 2006, 13:08   #4
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I've had to do rapid mag changes several times with my pistol, a pistol is supposed to be a weapon of last resort but that doesnt mean you should be taping the mags in. This problem with the mag release button is worst on glocks but is still present to a lesser extent on other guns. CDN_Stalker uses a hogue grip that is pushed a little further down so it covers part of the mag, he can just flip it back quick when doing a mag change but it holds the mags in solid when the button is accidentally pressed. He can give you more details. I'm just working on a bracket to put inside the holster or make a custom holster that has a gap around the mag release button so it cant be accidentally pressed.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 15:16   #5
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How do you people lose so many mags in the field? Don't you notice it when something large falls out of your gun and you are no longer able to fire?
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Old September 16th, 2006, 15:23   #6
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Originally Posted by sukivan
How do you people lose so many mags in the field? Don't you notice it when something large falls out of your gun and you are no longer able to fire?
Imigine going prone...and doing a small prone don't really notice a mag falling out. You don't hear the soft thump in the mist of grinding AEGs. Especially if you play in the woods or grassy areas.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 18:43   #7
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this kinda scares me....People actually lose mags on the field? ekk... why don't you just put some electrical tape around the base of the mag to keep it secure? Sure; some force will be required to remove it, but hey it's worth $90.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 04:19   #8
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Originally Posted by sukivan
How do you people lose so many mags in the field? Don't you notice it when something large falls out of your gun and you are no longer able to fire?
1. Ever gone prone? Didn't think so.
2. Ever used a drop leg? Didn't think so.

Hard to notice it stop firing when it's in your HOLSTER.

Originally Posted by kos
Sure; some force will be required to remove it, but hey it's worth $90.
Mental note: don't shop wherever kos gets his mags. eHobbyAsia has G17 mags for $23.99 plus shipping dude. If you're paying $90 for ANY mag except an electrically fed box, you're getting ripped so badly it borders on highway robbery.
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Old September 17th, 2006, 17:02   #9
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Location: Athabasca, AB
Originally Posted by LUTNIT
I've had to do rapid mag changes several times with my pistol, a pistol is supposed to be a weapon of last resort but that doesnt mean you should be taping the mags in. This problem with the mag release button is worst on glocks but is still present to a lesser extent on other guns. CDN_Stalker uses a hogue grip that is pushed a little further down so it covers part of the mag, he can just flip it back quick when doing a mag change but it holds the mags in solid when the button is accidentally pressed. He can give you more details. I'm just working on a bracket to put inside the holster or make a custom holster that has a gap around the mag release button so it cant be accidentally pressed.

Yea, I think I solved my problem last night.

I found where my drop zone holster was pressing against my mag release..

-made a cut-out, used a flexible sealant glue to attach a small rubber o-ring to reinforce the cut-out.

-glued a bevelled cone shaped rubber washer onto the inside of the holster so it contacts the pistol just above where the mag release rests in the holster.

This keeps the mag release clear no matter how much weight you press down on top of it.

Seal-All Contact flexible adhesive $5
washers and o-rings $2.50
A few cuts of a knife....

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Old September 18th, 2006, 00:03   #10
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Unfortunately when your drop legs are expensive and rare Danish M84 camouflage, cutting and altering them is NOT an option. I'll stick with the tape, thanks.
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