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Airsoft seizures/raids in BC - Act 1 Scene 2



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Old September 16th, 2006, 09:55   #31
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
So.....anyone else planning to dig a hole in their backyard this weekend?
Planning? I already did :P

But seriously, just wait, calm down and wait for one of the retailers or individuals affected to come and say something. Till then, its just speculation and its causing a shit storm.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 10:13   #32
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Originally Posted by Jackals
Originally Posted by yanhchan
So.....anyone else planning to dig a hole in their backyard this weekend?
Planning? I already did :P

But seriously, just wait, calm down and wait for one of the retailers or individuals affected to come and say something. Till then, its just speculation and its causing a shit storm.
What if they've been captured and probed already?

It's all happening over again...
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Old September 16th, 2006, 10:23   #33
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Good Advice Jackals.

Shinjin_MC , is there a reason your friend hasn't posted here using your computer or a public one to directly feed us what happened? ( I realise he can't use his computer....)

Why have none of the affected people not posted...something? It is due to this lack of communication that has these threads ALWAYS go sideways into conspiracy land.

If any of the directly affected people could throw us a bone here.....
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Old September 16th, 2006, 10:33   #34
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Could be that they've been instructed by cbsa not to release any info...

Either way, dont start burying your guns yet, we dont have enough info. Shinjin stated this person was a collector, it is possible he could have had a number of things imported by the effected retailers. If the raids are being conducted by the CBSA, then it likely has something to do with importing guns, not owning them.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 10:49   #35
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Originally Posted by redhawk_six
Could be that they've been instructed by cbsa not to release any info...

Either way, dont start burying your guns yet, we dont have enough info. Shinjin stated this person was a collector, it is possible he could have had a number of things imported by the effected retailers. If the raids are being conducted by the CBSA, then it likely has something to do with importing guns, not owning them.
The CBSA has no authority to seize property that is not directly related to importation. If they believe that you illegally imported an object, they can come seize it as evidence in their own proceedings. They have many levels of appeals internally, and the Customs Act will not allow you to take them to a Federal Court until all of their internal measures have been exhausted.

If you are successful in your appeal, they must return seized items to you. A judge cannot intervene until the CBSA process is ended.

First, you appeal to the Division Superintendant. If he/she can't render a decision, then it goes to the CBSA HQ in Ottawa and an adjudicator is assigned to render a decision. If he/she can't, then it goes to the Minister of Industry and Trade (the person responsible to Parliament for the CBSA). He will render a decision. If you still do not agree, then you take the CBSA to Federal Court (Queen's Bench in Alberta).

The CBSA has no authority to come into your home for a seizure if YOU DID NOT DIRECTLY IMPORT OR ARE NOT EMPLOYED BY THE IMPORTER. The only guys authorized to seize outside of this are the RCMP or your Provincial or Municipal police force, and only with a warrant.

The guys who've had seizures enforced can't be coerced by the CBSA to keep quiet. They chose to remain silent for whatever reason and it really does the community no benefit to remain silent.

All we can do is speculate and this helps nobody.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 10:58   #36
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was anyone home when the raides took place? if it was the police they would have to identify themselves.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 13:04   #37
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Originally Posted by Jackals
Originally Posted by yanhchan
So.....anyone else planning to dig a hole in their backyard this weekend?
Planning? I already did :P

But seriously, just wait, calm down and wait for one of the retailers or individuals affected to come and say something. Till then, its just speculation and its causing a shit storm.
I don't have a backyard.... >.< but i'm not worried. What are the odds...of them tracking every single airsofter in Canada...
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Old September 16th, 2006, 13:32   #38
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
I don't have a backyard.... >.< but i'm not worried. What are the odds...of them tracking every single airsofter in Canada...
This airsoft forum.
The verification lists.
The retailers (if they hold customer information).
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Old September 16th, 2006, 14:02   #39
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Originally Posted by WP_NewBie
Originally Posted by yanhchan
I don't have a backyard.... >.< but i'm not worried. What are the odds...of them tracking every single airsofter in Canada...
This airsoft forum. - No Address and its illegal to give out IPs in Canada
The verification lists. - Once Again, no address just names.
The retailers (if they hold customer information).
This airsoft forum. - No Address and its illegal to give out IPs in Canada
The verification lists. - Once Again, no address just names.
The retailers (if they hold customer information). - Could be a Privacy issues, would need a court order. I would doubt any Judge in Canada would be willing to sign that. Then on top of that, they would need a court order to go after every airsofter in Canada, I am not sure how many of us there are, but I would be willing to bet that no judge would sign off an that many warrents.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 14:15   #40
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Old September 16th, 2006, 14:26   #41
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Originally Posted by Penguin
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country ~John F. Kennedy
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Old September 16th, 2006, 14:28   #42
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what a bunch of bullshit, waisting tax payers money on this.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 14:40   #43
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Originally Posted by sukivan
what a shitty country we live in
Feel free to move.

Until then, do the smart thing and wait for the real information to come out.
I've actually been looking at property in Montana.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 14:45   #44
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if the news is real then....theres gonna be a BIG migration to the states or the the east of canada lol
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Old September 16th, 2006, 14:53   #45
NewType ZERO
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I wouldnt mind moving to the states.. I mean Id Hate to be an american.. but there are somethings about the US that isnt so bad.. including the ability to buy firearms at almost any convience store.. But I like being a Canadian.. theres something less.. asshole-ish about it. sorry back to the thread...

If that guy was raided, and it was the police, the "friend" wouldn't have been able to call after to say what happened.. he'd be held by the police.. that includes the RCMP, and yea.. they can't force you to be quiet about what they do to you.. no judge could order you to. and the CBSA can't raid someone NOT importing things. its just that simple.
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