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XP/Specarms Raided by CBSA



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Old September 12th, 2006, 22:31   #76
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Originally Posted by He Man
Well honestly what are my chances of getting back my guns?

keeping in mind that they were not for sale nor do they fire over the legal limit.

also would I have to go directly to customs to get my guns back?
If Will had it when it was taken, as blunt as it may seem, he'll probably be accountable...

Hopefully they get their guns back... that would be quite a loss, not something you can just 'write off'.
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Old September 12th, 2006, 23:18   #77
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Originally Posted by He Man
Well honestly what are my chances of getting back my guns?

keeping in mind that they were not for sale nor do they fire over the legal limit.

also would I have to go directly to customs to get my guns back?
Only will can tell you. Try contacting him, he'll get back to you. No one else can tell you.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 00:59   #78
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in all honesty, i dont think customs gives a rats ass if your gun was for sale, or shoots over the limit. If they raided a store of airsoft guns, they are gonna take all the airsoft guns they see. I dont think it much matters if its a crappy cyma, or a high end systema. hopefully they realize they are gay and give wil his property back, and yours aswell
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Old September 13th, 2006, 02:04   #79
PTE. Pyle
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coming from a very reliable source. will and peter lost over 100 grand of products and will not be getting it back, they are shutting down the airsoft suppliers in Canada, just look at rangers and double edge. as much as I hate to say it this time it is not a scare. xp may rebound but after my discussion today id say it is doubtful that we will ever see either of them as a retailer again. also it is only a matter of time before the other retailers get nailed. take this as you may but only time will tell.

if you had guns at wills shop at the time of the bust kiss them good bye.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 02:28   #80
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Unless you are an agent of customs in the west coast region, there is no such thing as a "reliable source".

Even Will and XP won't have full information for some time, and real decisions and outcomes take awhile in any beauraucracy. Until it's become clear what if any real infractions are being leveled against them, I would wait to see what happens, and what opportunities there are for appeal.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 02:34   #81
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I seriously hope your right hojo and this all blows over,
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Old September 13th, 2006, 07:26   #82
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its such a shit thing to hear that the CBSA has nothing better to do than raid airsoft shops. youd think that there are more important things going on like drugs being smuggled, real guns, illegal immigrants, etc... shit can be taken sooo overboard sometimes. good luck to the guy who lost his gun, i can only imagine what thats like, and good luck to XP and getting their business back up and running if they decide to do so.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 10:25   #83
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Originally Posted by PTE. Pyle
coming from a very reliable source. will and peter lost over 100 grand of products and will not be getting it back, they are shutting down the airsoft suppliers in Canada, just look at rangers and double edge. as much as I hate to say it this time it is not a scare. xp may rebound but after my discussion today id say it is doubtful that we will ever see either of them as a retailer again. also it is only a matter of time before the other retailers get nailed. take this as you may but only time will tell.

if you had guns at wills shop at the time of the bust kiss them good bye.
DEA and Rangers were not shut down, they retired on their own. What is your 'reliable source'? Theres been a lot of speculation, but speculation gets us no where other then "the sky is falling!!!111". Wait until either will or someone from xp post about it, and they will. Until then, there should be no more speculation, as it does us no good. Come on, its not the first time an airsoft retailer has been raided, hell, xp has a history of being the target of police/customs raids.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 10:57   #84
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Originally Posted by PTE. Pyle
coming from a very reliable source. will and peter lost over 100 grand of products and will not be getting it back, they are shutting down the airsoft suppliers in Canada, just look at rangers and double edge. as much as I hate to say it this time it is not a scare. xp may rebound but after my discussion today id say it is doubtful that we will ever see either of them as a retailer again. also it is only a matter of time before the other retailers get nailed. take this as you may but only time will tell.

if you had guns at wills shop at the time of the bust kiss them good bye.
That sounds like a bunch of bullcrap. $100k worth of airsoft??? If you price them at $500 each, that's 200 guns between the two of them, and the last time I checked, most guys don't stock that many guns. And I don't think they'll confisicating BDUs and other gears since it isn't illegal or remotely shady last time I checked.

Your "reliable source" was probably on crack when you talked to him/her.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 12:00   #85
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Phenom - how do you know? Just because it doesn't sound right? I would say it's actually pretty realistic. It's ok though - we won't blame you for not knowing any better, or knowing any 'reliable sources' in BC.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 12:47   #86
Red Tiger
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Originally Posted by thephenom
Originally Posted by PTE. Pyle
coming from a very reliable source. will and peter lost over 100 grand of products and will not be getting it back, they are shutting down the airsoft suppliers in Canada, just look at rangers and double edge. as much as I hate to say it this time it is not a scare. xp may rebound but after my discussion today id say it is doubtful that we will ever see either of them as a retailer again. also it is only a matter of time before the other retailers get nailed. take this as you may but only time will tell.

if you had guns at wills shop at the time of the bust kiss them good bye.
That sounds like a bunch of bullcrap. $100k worth of airsoft??? If you price them at $500 each, that's 200 guns between the two of them, and the last time I checked, most guys don't stock that many guns. And I don't think they'll confisicating BDUs and other gears since it isn't illegal or remotely shady last time I checked.

Your "reliable source" was probably on crack when you talked to him/her.
When you are not sure what are you are talking about i would suggest to not write anything !

The last time i check XP inventory for my store ! he had 76 000$ worth of AEG / GBB in stock ! + we were at least 3 store with coming in order !

So if our order came in before the seizure, it's more than 100$K that we are talking about !

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Old September 13th, 2006, 12:48   #87
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I had a gun on order from DEA and it made it as far as customs. They were only waiting for it to clear. A week later, no more special orders, my gun never made it through and all the AAC members shut down, seemingly at their prime. Randy never told me specifically, but from what I gather from e-mails, they lost their license. So did Canadian Airsoft.

These license revocations must have been initiated by the CBSA as the CFO has never been back to check on Canadian Airsoft after their license was pulled. The CBSA claimed that guns were being sold to the public, they had zero proof and would seize all shipments, even though a valid license was in place.

This was at the North Portal ground division of Customs, but who knows what they're doing at Vancouver.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old September 13th, 2006, 14:12   #88
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Not all guns are $500. M249's quickly jack up the average cost of AEG's too. Not to mention average cost of a new G&P is $800 a peice. $500 is only a average for TM guns. Even then There are still other airsoft guns that can push prices up too, pistols for instance. And generally I would suspect they'd have a few good looking pricy shooters in there. $100,000 worth of airsoft wouldn't be THAT hard to put into a room. That's only 110 guns at an average cost of $900. And even at $500 average per item, they each only need to have 100 guns in hand.

My question to Mcguyver though is, wouldn't they have to do something illegal to loose the importation license? False declarition of an item or something like that? Or would we not have caught wind of the licenses being taken away as a whole a little sooner than this?

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Old September 13th, 2006, 14:18   #89
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I was gonna say, as long as they are not doing anything illegal surely they would be able to retain their license? And as far as the legality of airsoft and the public we all know how confusing that can be...but is it grounds for a raid?
My Sig was removed beacuse i'm a moron...
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Smelly troll is smelly.
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Old September 13th, 2006, 14:20   #90
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Alright, I take my comments back, $100k could be the reasonable amount...but all I was trying to say is that it's just another speculation more than a reliable source. (Or at least from the sound of it)
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