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Old September 5th, 2006, 00:02   #166
Join Date: Jul 2006
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Originally Posted by Daes
I thought you had access to CNC machining, as stated in this post:

to create something of this complexity:

A bunch of sheet metal and thin hobby brass tubes ARE NOT GOING TO REVOLUTIONIZE THE MARKET!!!! I want something that is going to withstand the damage of play, not fall apart due to cheap shoddy materials. Sheet metal, especially the 22-26ga material that you are using is shit, thin brass tubes are shit, now that you are actually showing materials, this whole process looks like shit. Yes, you may eventually make a gun that will work for yourself, but it will not be factory viable. This is a joke and until you actually show a viable workshop and some skill, then don't bother posting this crap.



Somebody want to inform this arrogant, frothing-at-the-mouth poster that I'm not building the entire gun out of tubes and sheet metal?
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Old September 5th, 2006, 00:04   #167
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I could build that with a lemon, some paper clips and some tin foil. That's why the call me mcguyver.

If I substitute the lemon for a potato and an old tire, I can make a microwave receiver capable of listening in on North Korean troops. Or I could get the Playboy Channel. Depends on my mood.

But Daes, you are right about one thing. Hobby tubes and sheet metal will not make a gun. But give the kid a break. Maybe he'll impress us all with his technical skill.

And if he doesn't, turf his ass out of ASC with extreme prejudice for wasting valuable server space and everyone's time.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old September 5th, 2006, 00:11   #168
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Yeah, but you are going to build the internals with that shit. As shown in the pic, from YOUR other tread, you said you were fully capable of building that (which is internals). You lied, as with everything else about this project, it will be a joke. I look forward to when you eventually give this BS up and try again later when you have the tools, the skill, and the ability to not mouth off until you have a working project.


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Old September 5th, 2006, 00:21   #169
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Originally Posted by Daes
Yeah, but you are going to build the internals with that shit. As shown in the pic, from YOUR other tread, you said you were fully capable of building that (which is internals). You lied, as with everything else about this project, it will be a joke. I look forward to when you eventually give this BS up and try again later when you have the tools, the skill, and the ability to not mouth off until you have a working project.

I pray that you are not an engineer - if you are, you are not a very good one.

Yes, I do have access to a machine shop that could build this. A better question to ask would be why I would opt for a more complex and expensive design when I believe I can achieve adequate performance with a simpler one.
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Old September 5th, 2006, 00:27   #170
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I agree with Daes and MC on one thing... first do then speak...

If you can do what you say you can. Then why not just shutup... start the damn project then comeback and shove it in everyones faces.
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Old September 5th, 2006, 00:34   #171
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Because you are not an engineer and using shit materials will make a simple gun that will simply break. As you are going to mass produce your product, you need to have processes that are not labour intensive. Using brass tubes and sheet metal, constructing by hand, are labour intensive. Create a sheet press mold, machine a chamber block, yes, creating shit all out of hobby tubes, no. This thread has demonstrated that you are not capable of making a MASS produced airsoft, let alone one that will be superior to what already exists on the market.

So please, create this gun, enjoy and learn from the process. Have something unique and interesting. But please, please, do mouth off so much... Learn to be a bit more humble, admit that you are in the learning process right now, and that eventually, just maybe, one day you would like to make airsoft guns professionally. Until then, STFU, and just share with us what you have, not what you are "going" to have.


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Old September 5th, 2006, 00:45   #172
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Originally Posted by Daes
Because you are not an engineer and using shit materials will make a simple gun that will simply break. As you are going to mass produce your product, you need to have processes that are not labour intensive. Using brass tubes and sheet metal, constructing by hand, are labour intensive. Create a sheet press mold, machine a chamber block, yes, creating shit all out of hobby tubes, no. This thread has demonstrated that you are not capable of making a MASS produced airsoft, let alone one that will be superior to what already exists on the market.

So please, create this gun, enjoy and learn from the process. Have something unique and interesting. But please, please, do mouth off so much... Learn to be a bit more humble, admit that you are in the learning process right now, and that eventually, just maybe, one day you would like to make airsoft guns professionally. Until then, STFU, and just share with us what you have, not what you are "going" to have.

You better alert Mikhail Kalashnikov of how inefficient it is to use stamped sheet metal (rather than machined blocks) for AK receivers. What a moron that guy is! No wonder the AK47 was such a failure - sheet metal designs are clearly a poor choice for mass production. It's a good thing we have people like you to set us straight. 8)
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Old September 5th, 2006, 01:07   #173
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Originally Posted by sukivan
You better alert Mikhail Kalashnikov of how inefficient it is to use stamped sheet metal (rather than machined blocks) for AK receivers. What a moron that guy is! No wonder the AK47 was such a failure - sheet metal designs are clearly a poor choice for mass production. It's a good thing we have people like you to set us straight. 8)
The AK is stamped and riveted gun steel, not a tin alloy. There is no brass or aluminum in an AK. As I've actually held the real thing, I can tell you that the build quality is shit compared to Western guns, but the design is tough and proven. And that design comes from the German MP-44 and Kalashnikov used it to create his gun.

The bolt is machined steel and very tough and heavy. The steel you're looking at just won't be durable or usable as a rigid structural material. Now if it were laminated with other suitable materials, that is a different story.

But Daes is correct. What you've shown is off-the-shelf hobby parts barely usable for repairing a model airplane and totally unsuitable for a GBB rifle, no matter whether you use it as a structural material or in the gas chamber.

The machining of hard metals required to make this work would simply be out of your capacity as an 18 year old, unless your father owns the largest machine shop in Western Canada. Otherwise the cost to build and integrate an untried design is outside your capacity.

You may very well have a brilliant idea. But face reality and get onto the work of playing airsoft and not dreaming about what you "might" build.

I'm just trying to save you alot of embarrassment, time and money. Take my advice or don't. It's up to you.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old September 5th, 2006, 01:18   #174
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You need to read the post more carefully,

"Create a sheet press mold, machine a chamber block, yes"

I fail to see how you are going to stamp anything by hand there, let alone stamp 26ga shit. You need to research your materials a bit better...

Go HERE,, it is an excellent tutorial on how to make an AK reciever from scratch.

So please, post more pictures, and less BS. Please STFU and think before you open your mouth next time.


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Old September 5th, 2006, 01:22   #175
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Originally Posted by Daes
You need to read the post more carefully,

"Create a sheet press mold, machine a chamber block, yes"

I fail to see how you are going to stamp anything by hand there, let alone stamp 26ga shit. You need to research your materials a bit better...

Go HERE,, it is an excellent tutorial on how to make an AK reciever from scratch.

So please, post more pictures, and less BS. Please STFU and think before you open your mouth next time.

it's pretty funny that you're still yapping about your mistaken notion of my making the receiver from 22ga steel :-D
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Old September 5th, 2006, 01:45   #176
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Old September 5th, 2006, 01:52   #177
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Originally Posted by sukivan
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
You want to see who can make something? Sure, lets go. You have a head start, lets see what you have by the end of this week. Lets see this commercially viable gun here. I bet you that if I start right now, I will have an airsoft gun made or near completion before you by the end of this week. I have already tried and FAILED with many designs and materials. I won't make something commercial. I will make something that I will personally enjoy and use.

We have still yet to see anything MADE by you!! A picture of some sheets of metal and some tubes means jack. Lets see something real....


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Old September 5th, 2006, 04:39   #178
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Impractical I know, but a metal storm airsoft version
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Old September 5th, 2006, 09:50   #179
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boy if I had the money for a C&C machine, I do beleive I'd be able to afford materials that are quite a bit better than these $1.99 bits.

Question Sukivan, do you have a press large enough to stamp these bodies?

Because I'd like to point out that the bare minimum size and strength for a hydraulic press for this is somewhere in the $20,000 and up range. Unless you have one of those pump presses, in which case you're back to labour intensive aswell.

Sorry Sukivan, I have a wood shop with my brother, and knowing the cost of both machinery and material for such a setup, I do doubt these projects of yours. I tend to agree with Daes here and that this kid/person needs to show something. And really the materials you've shown REALLY do not lead me to beleive that you have such a set up.

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Old September 5th, 2006, 10:26   #180
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Flaming him is really going to accomplish NOTHING.

If he is able to do this, he will need the support of the community.

If he quit now, that would look bad, if he did end up making a prototype, that would be one cool thing to show off at a game, whether it went into production or not.

Let the guy do what he wants, if he has the materials and the will to do it, let him, if it doesn't work how he wants and the materials are too shotty, it's a prototype anyway.

You have to learn from your mistakes to further your product. Do you really think Kalishnakov got it the first time? If you think the AK-47 was his first gun and first prototype, look it up. You'll be suprised.
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