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ideas for CQB primary


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Old July 9th, 2006, 11:30   #31
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Originally Posted by dontask
Originally Posted by yanhchan
What about the P90?
wouldn't a p90 be too awkward for a 6' guy?
Welllllll I'm 6'1" and not a lineman(although on the local rugby team) and the P90 makes a really good fit for me. Go for it, I'd say.

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Old July 9th, 2006, 11:33   #32
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Hmm...A local player and organisator ( Red Tiger ) is about 6'7 and uses a P90...
It looks real cool in his hands

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Old July 9th, 2006, 12:18   #33
Freedom Fighter
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Hype, a Spetz is no where that expensive if you shop around. I bought a bunch of them in the $350 range. Buy a gently used Spetz, a 600 round hicap, a large battery and charger and your set. I'd never suggest a used battery but as for the hicap and charger go used. You should be able to grab up everything you need for $500.
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.
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Old July 9th, 2006, 15:24   #34
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Originally Posted by ^Hyperion^
EDIT : Just read a review about the TM Tactical Launcher , seems like a nice CQB weapon for me. Plus : no battery or charger or gas , low cost and no nozzle breaking issues. However , I don'T see any canadian retailer having it In Stock , is it out of production ?

Go get verified and you'll see one in the classifieds section.
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Old July 9th, 2006, 15:41   #35
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Unfortunately , I can't get verified for now ( personnal reasons ).
If the person could send me a PM , it'd be awesome !

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Old July 9th, 2006, 15:52   #36
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Originally Posted by ^Hyperion^
Unfortunately , I can't get verified for now ( personnal reasons ).
If the person could send me a PM , it'd be awesome !

I'm selling mine but only to verified people (sorry man but it's the rules)
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Old July 9th, 2006, 17:08   #37
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No problem , it's a good thing. IS it out of production ?? Because I can'T see a single retailer that has it in stock.

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Old July 9th, 2006, 17:28   #38
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Originally Posted by ^Hyperion^
well actually , I'm a real big guy. I'm about 6' 260 , I play football as a Defensive Lineman. I train everyday , I'm paid to do such things lol...
anyways , I don't really care about going with a very small gun , I want it to be small. The AUG is not the shape of a gun I want to have for CQB.
The MP7 seems perfect but the low FPS and same range as a GBB but for 200 $ more isn't really cool..
Louis Mackey - Montreal Alouettes, its you I know it

cant go wrong with a G36
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Old July 9th, 2006, 20:29   #39
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Unfortunately no :lol: and Louis Mackey is linebacker , 6'1 225 and a black man loll

I just found a gun that should fit me well. ICS MP5a2. metal body , has the trigger group that makes me have goosebumps every time I see it ( in a good way ) perfect for CQB and suitable for outdoor , comes with a hi-cap.

anybody have any issues with it ?

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Old July 9th, 2006, 23:38   #40
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i thought you were adament about not likeing the looks or anything about the mp5? ics is very good buy, metal body is a must, i would go with the ris or sd5 version myself, but beggars cant be choosers, but an mp5 isnt REALLY an effective outdoor gun, itll do tho, just not as well as a rifle. itd be ok, but most guys i know that buy mp5 dont keep them, not for bad reasons, just cuz theyre limited in "fieldability"
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 14:15   #41
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If i were you i would pick up a GBB for CQB's. I bought a TM Hicapa a year ago and have been playing in a indoor CQB facility for some time. I find that a pistol removes the akward situations that occur when your using a rifle and also improves your mobility. But then again it depends on your playing style. I like to be able to push the attack and by having that extra mobility makes it easier. I would suggest renting a few guns and trying them out before you make any decisions. I played my first few CQB matches with a rifle and found once i switched to a pistol i was getting 2x the kills and only getting hit 1/2 as much.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 18:25   #42
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That's a sweet idea. I myself like being able to jump everywhere and be in awkward positions to have the best shot. A pistol would be a good idea. If I choose that , it will probably be a TM P226 or Hi-Capa. As for the MP5 looks , It's true , I hate MP5. The trigger group of the A2 gives it some kind of beauty I can't describe.

Thanks for the input guys. I have couple weeks to make up my decision. Your posts were very instructive

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Old July 10th, 2006, 18:33   #43
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Like I said on MSN spend like an idiot and buy a G36c :-D
I know I would.... but hahaha you know why I dont :P

The slick and sweet look of two full automatic glocks firing makes my sex wand hard as a rock
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Old July 10th, 2006, 18:37   #44
Brian McIlmoyle
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CQB Primary

The answer is .. it depends.
How much Money you want to spend
How much you want to carry
How your typical CQB game is played
How the others in your fireteam are armed.

The best CQB "suite" in my opinion is.
MP5 , my preference is the "classic" full stock. This weapon is very well designed for CQB, and is a dream to shoot. it is very intuitive to aim and with practice reflexive shooting becomes second nature. it should be fitted with a single point sling that keeps the weapon handy when slung but also allows it to be cleared to the non dominant side when necessary. Don't bother with any sort of RDS.. the iron sights are good for CQB. RDS can make you tunnel visioned.. particularly if you are not well practiced at shooting with both eyes open

Second weapon.
p226. very accurate, the double action allows for the weapon to be carried charged, but safely I carry mine in a drop leg.. with the pistol slung at just above mid thigh.

Third weapon.
Rubber Knife... for "wet work" if the rules allow.

I have seen the shotgun put to very effective use.. but you have to be skilled to use it due to the length of the weapon

Folding stocks.. many like them.. but they are overrated. to effectivly deploy a weapon with a folding stock you have to unfold it.. and they are usually not as robust as a fixed stock, and shorter. Anyone who shoots their weapon with the stock folded... 1. has probably never fired a real weapon. 2. does not know how to shoot, or the principles involved.
Folding stocks are for making the weapon compact when not deployed, not for for "shortening it for CQB"

Really, if you know how to shoot and move well you don't really need anything other than a pistol for CQB.
CQB is likely the most accessable of the airsoft activities. 1 pistol, 2 mags and practice .. and you can be just as effective as anyone on the field.
Upgrades don't mean squat in close quarters.. skill at arms is the factor.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old July 10th, 2006, 18:52   #45
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I can't agree more. My style of play has always be the intrepid guy. Maybe some of you as seen the video on Google video called Airsoft Elche. I'm totally like the guy playing this CQB with only a pistol ( DE I think ). Jumping on obstacles , literally taking the less space to effectively do my job.
I guess a pistol would be perfect for me

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