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Scariest airsoft moment...



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Old July 9th, 2006, 11:19   #16
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When i opened my creditcard bill this month.
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Old July 9th, 2006, 14:28   #17
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Originally Posted by The_EssenCe
When i opened my creditcard bill this month.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 00:58   #18
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Calgary, AB
Scariest moment would probably at laser trek in calgary, playing a simple elimination round.

I was messing around in the maze, rest of my team got shot out.

I mercy-killed one of the other team just as his buddies showed up. I got lucky, and nobody asked me what team I was on. I took up position as the second last person in a line of 5 guys. We roamed around for about a minute looking for the last opposing member (aka: me) before I shot 2 guys in front of me and called myself out.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 12:29   #19
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I was hiding behind a tree, the area seemed clear so I went on and continued forward when suddenly some one shot at me but missed (several time) I quickly turned around and started runing to my last hiding place, but unfortunately while turning I hit my right knee on a trunk I just passed. I lost my balance but manage to take cover behand the same tree I was before. I was lucky that the person was a bad shooter, I managed to make the kill shortly after.
Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at. - Murphy's Law of combat
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Old July 10th, 2006, 13:39   #20
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Originally Posted by lonesalamander
Scariest moment would probably at laser trek in calgary, playing a simple elimination round.

I was messing around in the maze, rest of my team got shot out.

I mercy-killed one of the other team just as his buddies showed up. I got lucky, and nobody asked me what team I was on. I took up position as the second last person in a line of 5 guys. We roamed around for about a minute looking for the last opposing member (aka: me) before I shot 2 guys in front of me and called myself out.
you called yourself out!? why the hell did you do that!? your story was sweet because it seemed like you were all devious like, untill you said that, now it seems like you were just afraid to get shot. i woulod edit your post and remove that last comment... makes you sound like a pu$$y.
Age verifier southern Alberta

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 13:53   #21
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during a night game:
i was laying prone on the ground, someone shot a paraflare overhead, but it hit the top of some trees and fell to the ground, 3 feet in front of me. It popped back up into the air and landed right between my face and my gun, i got up and it followed, the para flare somehow got caught up in my sling and i started shouting, screaming, and spinning around all while the flare was right in my face.

I managed to take my sling off and threw the gun to the ground, everyone playing stopped and my squadmate picked up my gun while the, stil burning, paraflare dangled from the sling.

It didn't damage anything but my sling, and i didn't receive any burns to my body nor my gear.

And that was the most terrifying moment EVER in my history of airsoft.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 16:02   #22
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At one of our winter games a year or two back we were crossing this small river like thing and it had a fallen over tree, so my much lighter friend went over without problem, but me being generally of bigger build i went across it cracked and one of my legs went completely in. it was also very cold hence being a winter game so it ruined some fun for me but still hilarious... And not even scary really just sucky luck. Then was in a big rush cause a bunch of enemies on the hill that was right beside this and i was trying to be sneaky but the constant slushing of my boot and such made it hard. :\
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Old July 10th, 2006, 17:38   #23
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At Dorchester we play at an old abandoned ... uhm well I'm not really sure what it is, but it's old and abandoned and all grown over. For some reason there are open culverts (holes with cement walls) about 2 foot in diameter, not sure how deep cause they are filled with water up to about 5 feet down. Basically a well. Anyways they are grown over with weeds so you can't really see them. I was planning an ambush behind a bush thats beside the main intersection. I take a step and my foot keeps on going. Because I was stepping forward and my other foot is still on the ground, I fall down and sideways. The edge of the concrete culvert hits me in the right ribs, stopping my fall. I'm simultaneous really happy that I didn't fall in all the way cause I wouldn't be getting out by myself, yet hurt and worried that I may have broken a rib or even worse, some of the mags in my vest. Anyways, I pull myself up, check the mags, realize the pain is fading and I'm ok, and continue on with the game.
The Doctor is in.
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Old July 10th, 2006, 19:43   #24
I had stag chili at a game before the sun went down...During the night game I was waiting down a trail to ambush the enemy team if they moved on our territory. Suddenly I felt this terrible grumbling feeling as i dropped my gun, stood straight up and grabbed my ass. The biggest loudest and possibly wettest fart of all time came roaring out.
At first I thought I shit myself, but to my surprise, I was good and safe...only to notice about 4 shapes moving out of the bush infront of I stood in the middle of a trail in the moonlight, hands on my ass and gun at my feet.
I was able to drop and roll behind a bush. Unfortunatly my gun was a few feet from me.
As I waiting for them to pass, I was sure they would find me, if not by hearing my aftershock farts, but by that terrible smell. Lucky for me, it must have fallowed me behind the bush (ala backdraft). Nasty time. it seeps up your BDU and combined with the heat and moisture from under your LBV, it had such a terrible tang.

Once they passed I was able to retrieve my gun and radio in their position, leading to their elimination.

now I eat stag every game.
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Old July 12th, 2006, 15:28   #25
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Calgary, AB
Originally Posted by swatt13
Originally Posted by lonesalamander
Scariest moment would probably at laser trek in calgary, playing a simple elimination round.

I was messing around in the maze, rest of my team got shot out.

I mercy-killed one of the other team just as his buddies showed up. I got lucky, and nobody asked me what team I was on. I took up position as the second last person in a line of 5 guys. We roamed around for about a minute looking for the last opposing member (aka: me) before I shot 2 guys in front of me and called myself out.
you called yourself out!? why the hell did you do that!? your story was sweet because it seemed like you were all devious like, untill you said that, now it seems like you were just afraid to get shot. i woulod edit your post and remove that last comment... makes you sound like a pu$$y.

I guess a part of me just didn't want to get shot by 3 different guys at once :P
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Old July 12th, 2006, 17:07   #26
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Me and about twenty other guys were playing in some woods with a medium sized creek running through it, theres a small bridge my team has to cross, of course i go across firstas i make it close to the end, three guys leep out of the water and grab four (one guy grabbed a second guy by his sling) and pull them into the water, the rest of us spray the water and are all killed in a matter of seconds by the rest of the enemy team that was waiting in the bushes. The guys under water had been using bambo straws to breath all ninja style.
scarred the crap out of me.
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Old July 12th, 2006, 17:19   #27
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Originally Posted by Droc
I had stag chili at a game before the sun went down...During the night game I was waiting down a trail to ambush the enemy team if they moved on our territory. Suddenly I felt this terrible grumbling feeling as i dropped my gun, stood straight up and grabbed my ass. The biggest loudest and possibly wettest fart of all time came roaring out.
At first I thought I shit myself, but to my surprise, I was good and safe...only to notice about 4 shapes moving out of the bush infront of I stood in the middle of a trail in the moonlight, hands on my ass and gun at my feet.
I was able to drop and roll behind a bush. Unfortunatly my gun was a few feet from me.
As I waiting for them to pass, I was sure they would find me, if not by hearing my aftershock farts, but by that terrible smell. Lucky for me, it must have fallowed me behind the bush (ala backdraft). Nasty time. it seeps up your BDU and combined with the heat and moisture from under your LBV, it had such a terrible tang.

Once they passed I was able to retrieve my gun and radio in their position, leading to their elimination.

now I eat stag every game.
Hahahaa, oh man!

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old August 14th, 2006, 04:11   #28
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Originally Posted by chwebby
I had my buddy pinned behind this box thing, but he didn't look up for a while so I thought he was reloading, so I rushed him, but turns out he was just standing there waiting for me to come. Well I ran around the corner of the box to see the barrel of an mp5 pointed right at me, I almost $h!t my pants. Had some painfull welts after that.
ha ha i did that. :tup: :tup: 2 thumbs up
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Old August 14th, 2006, 07:01   #30
Bravo One-Six
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Originally Posted by bloodkoala
Me and about twenty other guys were playing in some woods with a medium sized creek running through it, theres a small bridge my team has to cross, of course i go across firstas i make it close to the end, three guys leep out of the water and grab four (one guy grabbed a second guy by his sling) and pull them into the water, the rest of us spray the water and are all killed in a matter of seconds by the rest of the enemy team that was waiting in the bushes. The guys under water had been using bambo straws to breath all ninja style.
scarred the crap out of me.
So these guys in the water... they didn't mind ruining the guns of your friends by just pulling them into the water. Not exactly safe either. I don't know about the rest of the people here. But if someone jumped up, pulled me into the water unprepared and tried to hold me there, I'd be doing everything I could to get air and that includes ripping up the face of the person whos hands are on me.

"Solving an imaginary world's contrived and over dramatic problems... 6 millimeters at a time."
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