Famas upgrades?
(checks his anti flame undies before typing) Alright before we get in to a debacle over my questions and wording lets plz rember I am a noob and my home work in done on the questions( atleast to my understanding) . I have read several post in the past few months without avail regarding upgrades on Famas and for the most part the answer has been "not a chance in hell". Well atleast for the most part. I play in the Brooks area and have interest in expanding to larger games as do my friends that play here as well. While they have been slowly modding their guns and upgrading I have been unable to thus far due to lack of info for my gun. I have had the famas for some time and while I do Have other guns I can feild, I really like the solid feel and rock solid reliability of this particular gun. I will be getting a tight bore barrel for it as I have taken it apart and seen for myself with a micromiter and calipers that it should be little to no effort to install. I had also looked at changing the internals and piston and spring, I was told that ver 2 gears would work in my ver1 ( I remain skeptical of this lacking any evidence to back it up) I have been warned that my ROF will decrease if I go too big with the spring ( was thinking M120) not really too worried about it as this beast goes thru bb's with avengance. In the end I simply would like to upgrade it to keep up with my buds( some fire over 50ft farther than me) and while skill plays a huge part lets rember that having a weapon that preforms well dosn't hurt either. In the end I would like it to have about 320-360 fps, good accuracy and retain that rock solid reliability that I love. Plz note posts like" that gun sucks, upgrade a good one" and "you can learn more in 5 min in a game than anywhere( not that it's invalid, it is a good spot of info just impractical at this time)" are not helpful. Post like " Theres this site...." There's this retailer...." I did this..." You could contact......" are more what I had in mind for. Thanks for your time and have a great day
PS: in regards to mech Box I will be trying to get Ken @ 007 airsoft to do installation