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Real names on the forum?



View Poll Results: Would you like to see real names used on this forum?
Definitely. Being anonymous doesn't help the community - we should be using real names. 29 7.97%
Yes, but only show it in my profile, or under my username - I want to keep my callsign! 105 28.85%
Yes, but only as an option - I'll post my real name if I feel comfortable sharing it publicly. 106 29.12%
Not really, but I'd go along with it. 32 8.79%
No, definitely not. 51 14.01%
Yes, but only my first name and initial of my last 41 11.26%
Voters: 364. You may not vote on this poll

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Old May 16th, 2006, 07:37   #76
Dullege's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
Keep in mind the Privacy Laws of this country, too. What everyone does with their private information and ID is their legal choice unless required by some form of law enforcement.

This is a forum, like it or not you cant enforce any part of asking for real ID or even first names. You can only ask.
If folks want to post their real name, fine, it's their right. But if they dont want to, it's also their right. Making this a requirement would be a huge can of worms.
Don't want to start a beef with Ottawa.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 08:05   #77
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Dullege, that is what he said, its a matter of choice. By law I have the right to not post my name and by law I have the right to grant Hojo's request of my real name, that'd be an "option."

Also Greylocks has posted his opinion already, why don't ya go back and read through all the messages in the forums. It'd be pretty dumb for him to repeat his opinion and all said pro's and con's on EVERY post he makes here.
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Old May 16th, 2006, 10:42   #78
Those who I want to know my name already do. I see no need to advertise it.
Old May 16th, 2006, 11:08   #79
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
Dullege, that is what he said, its a matter of choice. By law I have the right to not post my name and by law I have the right to grant Hojo's request of my real name, that'd be an "option."

Also Greylocks has posted his opinion already, why don't ya go back and read through all the messages in the forums. It'd be pretty dumb for him to repeat his opinion and all said pro's and con's on EVERY post he makes here.
No matter what opinion you may hold on this those who have attempted to characterize this as a legal privacy issue should really give it a rest.

This is a private board, and if the administrators (owners) decide they will require some form of real name disclosure (as some other boards I am on do) than they can do it.

All this "by law I have the right to..." is simply inaccurate, and might actually mislead someone into believing it is true.

It is amazing how many people claim they have rights, that really don't exist.

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Old May 16th, 2006, 11:13   #80
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LE might be interrested in knowing our real names. As well as robbers. No way for me!

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Old May 16th, 2006, 11:52   #81
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I dont see the "need" - sure people want to be able to identify people - but there is no need to have our real names on here..
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Old May 16th, 2006, 12:14   #82
The Saint
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Originally Posted by troz
I dont see the "need" - sure people want to be able to identify people - but there is no need to have our real names on here..
Identifying people by real name at games don't work as well as one'd think, too. It's not like we all have our real names floating above our heads along with our health and mana bars, you kinda have to ask "Are you so-and-so?" regardless of whether you know of the person by their callsign or real name, or overhear conversations, etc. At the same time, I think more people have their callsign as opposed to their real name nametaped to their vest.

And if one is really concerned about being properly identified at a game, there's a whole space devoted to personal pictures on our profile page. Even if one feels strongly enough to blank out their face in the photo, as long as they don't have 5 kits and 20 guns, you can usually ID them by their kit, gun and physical dimensions/characteristics.
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Old May 18th, 2006, 01:27   #83
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id be fine with whatever

yes, you can look up their name here and there, but heck, look in the classifieds in the newspaper,"Oh look here, 1990 toyota mr2 for sale at 1398 westwood ave. $8900 obo." says me to myself.

ill go steal it.

you can look anywhere, steal anything. just some pie to think about.. que sera sera:P
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Old May 18th, 2006, 02:46   #84
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Portions of airsoft boards really require using actual names. In buying and selling or in game sign up threads, my name is right there.

Otherwise, it doesn't really matter.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 06:25   #85
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Shit, you want my opinion.

My name is Adam von Tettenborn (I KNOW I'm the only one with that name), and I live at 630 Sabrina Rd SW Calgary. You show up at my house for some reason, if you got my name/address off of ASC, I'll probably invite you in for a beer. If you have poor intentions...well, I pity the person who tries to break into my house. Far too many times, I've been trying to find someone at a game, and since many of the players don't frequent ASC (and some don't even know about it, heaven forbid) I ask around for someone's screen name/callsign, and no one has any clue who the hell I'm talking about. If you came to a Calgry game and started asking around for Fluffy, there's about four people out of several hundred who would know who you were looking for. Also, If I've known someone for weeks/months/whatever as a callsign, and then meet him and get introduced, I'll forget his name within minutes. It's kind of embarassing to HAVE to call someone by a name they only use here because you don't remember their real name.

Either way, I'll blindly put my faith in the Admins of ASC as I've always done. If they want my name, well, I've already given it to 'em at the beginning, and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. If they don't, as long as it doesn't come up, I'm not going to run around saying "I'm Adam, I'm Adam, I'm Adam". So I suppose my post had little point in the end, except to say whatever you choose, I'm behind you.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 20:48   #86
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Well my nickname, callsign and IRL name are all one in the same. I've belonged to a few forums but they've been for online games. I find it's handy to do so. Although the difference here is your "ingame" name will be said IRL not over some pixels. I think if your playing an airsoft game against someone you'll learn their name but chances are you'll call them by their nick. So I agree with The-Saint, it's better to just use name-tags of your call-sign because real life names are hard to remember no matter where you meet them and if your used to calling them something else then do so. But on the board it would be cool to have your IRL name under your nick. Something like a title but more of a name-tag.
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Old May 25th, 2006, 23:02   #87
Brian McIlmoyle
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real names is carried

200 votes positive\ don't care to 132 negative.

Seems pretty clear that the majority would like to see or don't care if real names .. at least first name and last initial were a manditory part of the profile.

now what?
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old May 25th, 2006, 23:24   #88
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357 out of 12,569 is hardly a majority
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old May 26th, 2006, 08:13   #89
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by ATREYU
357 out of 12,569 is hardly a majority
True.. but the majority did not vote so it is an issue that they don't care about.

no vote = don't care... so then 12 769 in favour .. 132 against... according to your reckoning.

so disregarding those who did not vote and counting only those who did. still carried.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old May 26th, 2006, 08:47   #90
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Yes, this is horrible, this idea.

Seriously, this is worse than the Jump to Conclusions Mat (yea, i just finished rewatching office space)

Maybe verifiers could take it of new verifications and forward to mods for use in case of bad sales transaction (not visible anywhere on forums) but otherwise fuck no.. just creates pointless work for mods etc.

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