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Age to play



View Poll Results: What is the minimum age req'd to play at your local field?
No age req/unregulated 24 9.76%
16+ 103 41.87%
18+ 119 48.37%
Voters: 246. You may not vote on this poll

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Old February 20th, 2006, 04:56   #16
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Vancouver
18+, 16+ with parent/gaurdian

HeL is another name i go by
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Old February 20th, 2006, 06:24   #17
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If my opinion counts, the only way to ever resolve any Legal issues would be to make this sport 18+ only.

18 to buy AND to play. Period, no loopholes.

Yes, the under 18 will scream at me for it. But read again; to solve ANY legal problems, that's the only way. Fair? Laws dont consider fairness or maturity, only liability.

It would also go a long way to solving the public's distorted views and lawmaker's ideas if you had to be of legal age.

But this wont get solved any time soon.
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Old February 20th, 2006, 09:20   #18
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Originally Posted by Greylocks
It would also go a long way to solving the public's distorted views and lawmaker's ideas if you had to be of legal age.
Well legal age in Ontario is so confusing. A child can legally stay home alone at 12, drive at 16, join the CF at 16, quit school at 16, vote at 18, drink at 19. What does legal age really mean?
Douglas Alexander Maxwell (Known pedophile).
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Old February 20th, 2006, 10:32   #19
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the LEGAL age is 19 can DO mean anything...example having sex in the corner of Yonge and
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Old February 20th, 2006, 14:47   #20
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Originally Posted by ATREYU
Originally Posted by Greylocks
It would also go a long way to solving the public's distorted views and lawmaker's ideas if you had to be of legal age.
Well legal age in Ontario is so confusing. A child can legally stay home alone at 12, drive at 16, join the CF at 16, quit school at 16, vote at 18, drink at 19. What does legal age really mean?
It's really not as confusing as it may look to an outsider. An individual in Ontario reaches the age of full legal responsibility at age 18 (that is that they are no longer a minor). Very straightforward stuff.

The older ages (19 for drinking etc) is actually a form of licensing for a particular product, kind of like your drivers lic. You can't be a judge etc until a certain age either but nobody gives a %%^& about that one. The younger ages are just variations on penal or regulatory conduct controls.

Personally, as a pliantiff lawyer, I don't have a problem with someone under 18 playing, because I am not an organizer or parent. However if someone under 18 injuries me stupidly I can sue the parents to get access to more insurance and assets to satisfy my claim.

If you have a problem with this theory, please make sure you can explain joint and several liability, the "knew or ought to have known" doctrine in tort, and subrogated interests before you take issue with it. It will save me boring everyone in the discussion.

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Old February 20th, 2006, 17:36   #21
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Okay, for the nitpickers; if you cant vote, you force others to be liable for you.
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Old February 21st, 2006, 16:27   #22
satanic pope
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The min. age at the field I help to organise is set at 16. At 16 the players must first have a parent sign off on their playing with the group and after that for them to attend games without their parents they require another player to "sponsor" them and take responsability for them. We find out very quickly if we do or don't want them to be a part of our club, yet there are some younger players we'd love to see at regular games. And those few are quickly sponsored by a veteran player. Should any problems become of the sponsored player it's the job of the sponsor to deal with the problem. Should they refuse then obviously the player in question gets black flagged out of the club.

As soon as players are 18 they have the same right as every other non sponsored player.
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Old February 24th, 2006, 22:04   #23
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I think age is pointless. I know plenty of guys 20+ who I wouldn't be caught dead letting them come to an airsoft game and vice versa lots of guys 13 and 14 mature way past their age.

If I'm playing I say anyone who wants can come out and their conduct determines whether or not they get invited out again.

Setting strict guidelines based upon numbers is really silly in my opinion.

The games I normally play in though are more informal, a buddy of mine has an acerage with a decent amount of land up north and we usually will play there, those who come out are normally people we've met here and there, friends who've expressed an interest and have been invited out. Not too often will we have people come out that we don't know at all.
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Old February 24th, 2006, 22:10   #24
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Originally Posted by DannyMac
I think age is pointless.
I agree. I call for the LIEberals to introduce Private Member's Bill to ban time, so none of us will ever age again. Most assuredly, this will decrease the amount of deaths due to old age, and make Canada a safer place for our children (who, henceforth, shall never become adults).

I feel this initiative is especially important in Toronto, where gang members regularly use watches imported from the US to observe the passage of time.
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
That was a very bad move on your behalf. Sort of like cutting off your foot for money, but not getting the money first and then letting the person with the money run away.
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Liberals rely on emotion. Conservatives rely on evidence, and the Socialists rely on everyone else.
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Old February 24th, 2006, 23:01   #25
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Originally Posted by satanic pope
The min. age at the field I help to organise is set at 16. At 16 the players must first have a parent sign off on their playing with the group and after that for them to attend games without their parents they require another player to "sponsor" them and take responsability for them. We find out very quickly if we do or don't want them to be a part of our club, yet there are some younger players we'd love to see at regular games. And those few are quickly sponsored by a veteran player. Should any problems become of the sponsored player it's the job of the sponsor to deal with the problem. Should they refuse then obviously the player in question gets black flagged out of the club.

As soon as players are 18 they have the same right as every other non sponsored player.

That could make so many people (well, maybe exageration... it would make me atleast :P) very happy here in the GTA'ish area. Because frankly, when your parents are really not that interested in said sport, it can be hard to convince them to hang around for hour +.

I mean, it could work. But the problem I forsee is that it would make the sponser moreso a babysitter.
C/WO. Crowe (RSM)
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (Princess Louise's) 2347 Regimental Cadet Corp
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Old February 25th, 2006, 01:23   #26
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Originally Posted by Skruface
Originally Posted by DannyMac
I think age is pointless.
I agree. I call for the LIEberals to introduce Private Member's Bill to ban time, so none of us will ever age again. Most assuredly, this will decrease the amount of deaths due to old age, and make Canada a safer place for our children (who, henceforth, shall never become adults).

I feel this initiative is especially important in Toronto, where gang members regularly use watches imported from the US to observe the passage of time.
I don't think this is a good idea, without positive and preventitive checks in place, the population will grow larger than our access to food supplies, I will be voting against this proposition, I'm sorry.
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