yesterday i droped my hi cap on the the floor i was taking out the mag to look at it but then the box fell and my gun with it
after it fell my trigger and safty grip was all messed up i was able to pull the trigger without presing the safty and my hammer would pull down but then i couldnt pres the triger and make the hamer click back
ive taken my gun apart and found that the metal thing along the grip was loose the three lines (first one is bent and 2nd is coming towards and the 3rd is goin away from you)so i put it bak together
after a million trys to get the proper combination the trigger now works and the hamer moves bak wen i press the trigger but now i cant pull the hammer half way like i could before
so i took it apart and looked at it for a bit and i noticed that the black piece in this pic (circled in red is the black piece) has a litle metal stub the yelow dot is where the stub is i dont no if there was a spring there before and it might have broken off wen it fell
if any of u guys can post sum pics of your hi caps up of that piece or comfirm with me if there was a spring that would be realy helpful
and for this pic i was just wondering if the spring might have looked like that