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new RAP4 Product


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Old February 2nd, 2006, 19:03   #1
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new RAP4 Product

I dont know if this has been posted yet or not, but RAP4 is now making conversion kits for people to use airsoft bb's instead of paintballs.

Introducing the next generation of realistic war games and combat training: RAP4 AirSoft Systems and Kits. These systems have a waterproof, tough, all-metal construction, making them both reliable and powerful. Never before have such high-quality, high-performing systems been available at such an affordable price.

What makes these systems different? Regular AirSoft products are battery operated, so the moment they get wet or a little moisture gets into the housing, your training or game is over. Also, regular AirSoft products are normally manufactured out of plastic unless you willing to pay for an expensive upgrade.

On the other side, standard paintball guns have their own set of potential difficulties. They are typically bulky, and make use of ammunition that immediately changes shape and becomes unusable when exposed to moisture.

Conversely, RAP4 AirSoft Systems have a all-metal construction, giving them the weight and feel of a standard, real-world assault rifle. They are also waterproof, meaning your training or game will be able to continue under any weather or environmental condition. RAP4 AirSoft Systems can even be completely submerged in water and still be fully operable. Additionally, these systems are capable of taking any standard attachments or modifications (sight, scope, mount, etc.).

RAP4 AirSoft Systems use CO2 to operate and are capable of putting out more than 400 feet-per-second of power, providing groupings of 7 inches at over 50 yards. This level of power and accuracy - not to mention dependability and durability - will take your training and war games to a whole new level.
RAP4 Airsoft is patent pending

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Old February 2nd, 2006, 19:11   #2
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They have been making these kits for about a year now-I have one and its pretty cool.
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 19:34   #3
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doesnt mention anything about hopup, but if it's claiming 90 yards of effective range it's got to have something of the sort. perhaps that brass thing is hopup?
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 19:42   #4
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I may grab one in the summer. Read about them a while back. Im still a bit interested.
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 19:56   #5
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Wonder if you can use regular Star mags...

I also wonder if you order the market AND and upgrade kit, (while expensive)...

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Old February 2nd, 2006, 20:04   #6
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Am I missing something? A conversion kit for a paintball gun to make it into an airsoft gun?

And airsofters are interested in it???

Something wrong with the thousands of M16 AEGs on the market?
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 20:06   #7
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Originally Posted by W.K.Shuridys
Am I missing something? A conversion kit for a paintball gun to make it into an airsoft gun?

And airsofters are interested in it???

Something wrong with the thousands of M16 AEGs on the market? can't get them wet or too cold or they break.

Not saying that the cliams of this manufacturer are true, but I play hard, and not having to put hot shots wrapped in a sock so my freakin mechbox doesn't crack would be nice... :mrgreen:
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 20:06   #8
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Originally Posted by W.K.Shuridys
Am I missing something? A conversion kit for a paintball gun to make it into an airsoft gun?

And airsofters are interested in it???

Something wrong with the thousands of M16 AEGs on the market?
i think the 180ft range might have something to do with it.
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old February 2nd, 2006, 20:15   #9
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i did make some resarch about it a while ago ! and ive contact the retailer in canada and they only had paintball gund and they say that they were not able to bring airsoft conversion kit here in Canada !

I dont know if they change that ? if so it's seems pretty cool to me !
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 20:19   #10
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Originally Posted by disndat
They have been making these kits for about a year now-I have one and its pretty cool.
You have the airsoft version, or just the paintball version? Either way, maybe you could do a small review on it, so that others can see what you think of it.

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Old February 2nd, 2006, 21:01   #11
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Hey guys yes I have the airsoft version and the paintball version(basically you just swap barrels).The hopup version is not available yet.The brass insert allows you to use regular airsoft mags.If you want the shells to eject you have to use the rap4 mags(30rds).There is no blowback but you can adjust the fps and the rof via allen screws.You can completely submerge it in water and fires fine(great if you really want to pretend to be a navy seal).It can use a small co2 tank that goes in the stock or hook it up to an external tank(hpa or co2).Just a note this thing can shoot really hard(close to 600fps),but you can knock it down to about 350fps.With the paint its surprisingly accurate.With the bbs its ok(not as good as a tuned aeg).If you want to get one(they're not cheap)I would buy the paint version from a canadian dealer(not RAP4 canada they're a ripoff)and then just buy the airsoft kit direct from rap4 in the states.I have ordered different barrels and accessories from them and had zero problems.
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Old February 2nd, 2006, 23:20   #12
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Hey, just a question, but with it turned all the way down, how many shots do you think you can get (airsoft, non-shell ejecting) out of that small tank inside the stock?

I've got a few friends here and we're all working on and off at the local paintball field... We were thinking about going through a local contact to get a few of these things to run between airsoft/paintball when it suited us, and i've yet to find someone who had any useful information on them -

Maybe drop me a PM if you have time, I'd like to talk to you about it.

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Old February 3rd, 2006, 23:29   #13
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All it looks like is an insert for the chamber/reciever and a 6mm barrel. If it's the same configuration on the feed, I can't see why it would have feed problems with your regular mags.

Although I also can't see any reason to buy one, other than you want a combination milsim paintball marker/airsoft gun, unless the gas power is a deciding factor.
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 23:42   #14
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Why not just stick in a stronger spring into a CA? Then you get the higher power, a full metal body and a hop-up, not too mention not having to buy those stupid CO2 canisters at a buck a pop. Some people think it would be better for cold weather. Doesn't compressed gas lose pressure in cold temperature? And who really needs or even wants to submerge an AEG? I'm not going to stick 500$ worth of metal and machinery under the water just so I can play a SEAL.
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Old February 3rd, 2006, 23:53   #15
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I thought they had some sort of remote line system you could install for these, but I might be mistaken. (Or maybe I'm thinking of the RAP5) But, I agree with you on that there is no good reason to take it over an upgraded AEG unless you are going for the paintball aspect as well.

Not to mention the reliability of a gun being used for something it isn't actually designed to do can't be great.
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