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TTAC3/EOTEC goes to "Realcap" only



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Old January 30th, 2006, 17:15   #31
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Dozer_01
Brian, what is your tolerance with M203 shells? I understand that the realism is completely the opposite to that of real steel. The Airsoft M203's are really only 'useful' in close range engagments...
I have been thinking about these after having witnessed one for the first time on Friday..

In the past I have considered these as "outside toys" but I am starting to think that they could be used inside to take the place of the ellusive airsoft grenade.

a shot of 165 bbs into a room is going to create quite a ruckus.. and then...
The only worry is close engagment.

I see them as more of a ubershotgun than anything .. and certainly the shotgun has its place in CQB.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old January 30th, 2006, 17:18   #32
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Sounds like this will keep some people on their toes.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 17:21   #33
Raw Deal
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Great news! Some of us at ttac3 have been using r/s loadouts for some time now, nothing beats reloading under fire for sheer adrenaline.Once again you have upped the ante!!!
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Old January 30th, 2006, 17:39   #34
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Bravo on you for going down this road Brian and to be honest with you a lot of us here in Ottawa use the 33 or 34 round loadout in the bush and it works just fine, you just need to get used to it.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 17:41   #35
Brian McIlmoyle
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I won't have much choice .. as I just got 30 AK starmags
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Old January 30th, 2006, 18:01   #36
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I still have yet to use my M203 indoors...

Hopefully my work schedule will let up for an evening so that i can finally come down to ttac3 and make use of my 3 month membership prize... that's pretty much almost expired by now.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 18:32   #37
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I'll ask my cousin what they're running over in afganistan currently. He just went over on the roto with 2PPCLI and C Battery, 1RCHA if i'm not mistaken. We talk on the MSN every now and then. Techies got it down pat over there.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 18:46   #38
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Right on Brian! Finally, someone in Toronto decided to implement this rule. EOTEC event worked out just great with 300rd loadout, I don’t think anyone was close to running out by the end of the day. That's the way it should be. No 2000rd box mags, no hosing for 20 seconds without reloading etc.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 21:00   #39
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Originally Posted by 666
No 2000rd box mags, no hosing for 20 seconds without reloading etc.
I've been loading 33 rounds in my mags for ages and it's great. I still do. That was the one thing I didn't like when I ordered up my para, having a 2000 round box mag was really gay. I modded my box mag on my 249 to hold around 240 rounds. A little more than what the real one holds, but after some firing, I noticed once the box unwinds, there is nearly 40 rounds left anyhow.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 21:12   #40
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Same here with mags. I find it a lot more chalenging to play with limited ammo. A lot different than having 600rd in a hicap and another 14 lows in the vest. I'm loading 50 bbs just to have couple of extra bb's in case if person will not feel it when playing outdoors, especially in the cold weather. My biggest problem is new RPK drum mag which I just ordered, thing holds 3000rds I don't think it will even fire if I loaded with 75 rounds. I guess I'll just use my RPK with locaps at EOTEC.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 21:28   #41
Red Ghost
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I feel out of place now, some of the guys I play with think I'm nuts for having all midcaps or standards. But I just have no purpose for a hicap.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 21:39   #42
a.k.a. SniperChic
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
Effective Feb 1 2005 highcap magazines are banned at TTAC3and at EOTEC

In addition magazines must be loaded with realistic counts. 30 round magazines are to be loaded with 33 rounds for AEG. For indoor games at TTAC3 . For outdoor at EOTEC the capacity of the lowcap will be taken as a simulation of a "full mag" this is to take into account the ability of targets to feel a single bb impact at the outside effective rage of these weapons.
Midcaps may be used but for indoor must be loaded to "realcap" levels and outside to Realcapx2.

In the future ammo restrictions will be published in term of "magazines" with a magazine ment to mean a "realcap" for indoor and a "lowcap" for outdoor.

(Realcap meaning a lowcap or midcap magazine loaded to 33 rounds , or the "realsteel" capacity plus 3 follower rounds. Pistols due to their nature as a close combat weapon will always be restricted to "realcap" loads)

Pistols also are to be loaded with realistic loads. If the replica you are running has a 7 round single stack mag.. then your mags should be loaded with 7 rounds.

experience has shown that in most of the engagments at TTAC3 30 rounds is sufficient to resolve the situation.

As a learing and training environment it is encumbant upon us to strive to realism in our Tactical Scenarios.

In my opinion having access to some 300 rounds or more will induce one to be come overreliant upon volume of fire to deal with circumstances that may be better resolved with skill.

I will endeavor to have in stock a selection of lowcap magazines should someone visit that has none.
I agree.........I have noticed players just hosing and all I think is...umm are you going to run out of ammo any time soon, or gonna change mags?

I find that when you have "real steel" ammo loadout it forces you to properly execute individual and team tactics correctly. When you do run low on ammo due to intense firefights you will want to make those shots count. Been there done that with real steel during training. I have run low on ammo, not due to "spaying and praying" (I make every round that exits my rifle count), due to long intense firefights and without ammo resuply, this forces one to make each and every shot count and think about the tactics one may want to execute. Think about having to lug not only your pack and weapon, but the ammo too, imagine carrying 300.....maybe 400, or 600 5.56 ammo on you, one may be able to carry all that, but think on how it will slow you down during a patrol, and when you come into contact during that patrol... not very realistic. Therefore with Brian having this real steal loadout will make the game not only realistic but fun as well as a great training tool for some of us :salute:

As stated by Brian, if the real steel BA mag holds 5 rounds, well one may want to load his/her mags to that,or 10 rounds. I havent seen a real steel BA mag having a 25, or 30 round capacity...yet! the next EOTEC game I attend I will load 10 rounds into each of my APS mags and give that a shot :cheers: we shall see how that goes...
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Old January 30th, 2006, 21:41   #43
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That's great, I hope organizers around here pick up on this for the milsim events. I don't personally care if people carry a lot of ammo, but there has to be reloading time.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 21:44   #44
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Cool, but..

Hey Brian,
I really like the idea that we have to use real mag capacity, but to INCREASE the realism why can't we have full auto as well? Realistically, full auto for CQB is why the submachine gun was 'trench broom.' Now that we can't hose people with hundreds of rounds it will lead to even more realistic firefights. I understand the 'pain factor' and 'danger factor' but pain is part of the game and I really dont think that with 30 rounds total it's that much more dangerous than semi only.

just my 2 cents...I really miss full auto when playing ttac3 :cry:
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Old January 30th, 2006, 21:51   #45
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Low-Caps are the only way, I like the realistic feeling of having to reload quite often. Can't wait to hit up TTAC3
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