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Old January 26th, 2006, 22:54   #16
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BCAS IS SLOWLY BRAINWAS...I love the cheap prices there!

:P. Yahncahn is only spreading the word of the Lord Sam, who is on a quest to sell stuff at awesomly low prices!


To be more serious, Hello there. American forums can help you better then us Canadians can due to differences in pricing.
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Old January 26th, 2006, 22:55   #17
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
I'm just asking why he decided to start with an NBB if he plans to play games.
No, you told him it made no sense to buy the NBB and that it would instead be more logical to purchase a UTG MP5...

I'm just asking why
you seem to be advertising these AEGs all over the place...

As for you, ert, your post pointing out how I post useless posts...
How ironic...
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Old January 26th, 2006, 22:58   #18
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Yes, Sam is great. But I believe he does sell in the states too, he has a store down there I think. So even in Texas, Buy from Sam!

Check for my review in the reviews section tomorrow morning, it's all done, just sent it over to Sam to see if he had any thoughts about it first.
(review for BCAS)
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Old January 26th, 2006, 23:00   #19
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Ok children...

Yanhchan is just a little excited about his new gun. Nothing wrong with that.

Mirage13 stop Trolling.

ert I second that notion.

EDIT: Mirage13- If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all!!
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Old January 26th, 2006, 23:00   #20
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whats wrong with a NBB saves gase doesn't it?
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Old January 26th, 2006, 23:00   #21
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Originally Posted by Kid
Yes, Sam is great. But I believe he does sell in the states too, he has a store down there I think. So even in Texas, Buy from Sam!

Check for my review in the reviews section tomorrow morning, it's all done, just sent it over to Sam to see if he had any thoughts about it first.
(review for BCAS)
Isn't the whole point of a review to give your opinion??

Yeeess... Let's first ask the retailer what he thinks...
Shit, why not get him to edit it for you?
"And that's how, with a few minor modifications, you can turn one ordinary gun, into five guns." - Moe Sizlack
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Old January 26th, 2006, 23:18   #22
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Originally Posted by mirage13
Originally Posted by Kid
Yes, Sam is great. But I believe he does sell in the states too, he has a store down there I think. So even in Texas, Buy from Sam!

Check for my review in the reviews section tomorrow morning, it's all done, just sent it over to Sam to see if he had any thoughts about it first.
(review for BCAS)
Isn't the whole point of a review to give your opinion??

Yeeess... Let's first ask the retailer what he thinks...
Shit, why not get him to edit it for you?

I dunno why ppl are bothering to be nice about it but I won't bother STFU n quit trolling.
Maybe that'll help you catch the clue you've so obviously missed numerous times.

I'll add a little so my post isn't useless to Duelus.
It's a nice pistol to start with and yes probably will save on gas but if you plan on using "green gas" just get a propane adaptor and use that and it'll save you a bundle over time.

You're still pretty young so I wouldn't be too worried about getting a pistol b4 an aeg, you've got pleanty of time to cath the bug and save up a ton of cash to spend on airsoft in your future like most ppl end up doing.
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Old January 26th, 2006, 23:25   #23
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Sorry bout turning your thread into a flame war but some people just need a kick in the head to understand.

Originally Posted by Duelus
whats wrong with a NBB saves gase doesn't it?

Nothing. He's just saying if you plan on playing in games it's a better idea to get yourself a AEG. Pistols are cool to screw around with but not to practial for games.

Nice gun though.

Mirage13 - Stop posting in this guys thread. If you have a problem, start a new thread.
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Old January 26th, 2006, 23:26   #24
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I'm very confused as to how yanhchan can reply to every random post with "buy a utg mp5" (I've seen it in at least 4 different threads now) but I can't ask if he's affiliated or getting paid for saying it?

And what's wrong with pointing out that a review is supposed to be your own, not someone else's (especially the retailers')...?

Sorry to be such a "troll" :!:

EDIT: Somebody care to enlighten me as to what "trolling" is anyways? Right now, all I can assume is that it means to ask questions and make statements, otherwise known as "discussion," which, as far as I know, is the objective of online forumns... Either that or I have long, sticking up, unnatural-coloured hair... *checks mirror* ...Nope...
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Old January 27th, 2006, 00:07   #25
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Originally Posted by mirage13
I'm very confused as to how yanhchan can reply to every random post with "buy a utg mp5" (I've seen it in at least 4 different threads now) but I can't ask if he's affiliated or getting paid for saying it?
He was most likely saying he should buy a UTG gun because they are fairly cheap and they are a good starter gun from what I read. What is wrong with that. Also, even if he is affiliated with the seller, what does it matter. Is it any of your business? He was simply giving duelus good advice. All your doing is ruining the thread. And by the way. That gun doesnt look to be that bad of a starter gun. Although I have never fired one personally HFC isn't all that bad of a company. Not that good but that that bad of a starter. It will get your familiar with airsoft guns and how they work so that when you pick up your fist AEG you wont be so lost.
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Old January 27th, 2006, 00:10   #26
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I think that SRC's are much better starter guns then UTG's.

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Old January 27th, 2006, 00:18   #27
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Originally Posted by yanhchan
I don't get it...why not start with a UTG MP5/AK?...and then get a side arm?
Sidearms are cheaper, so it's a good way to start with your own gun but still have room to upgrade after you get a better feel for things. I still have some problems shooting straight with a pistol, why would I throw my money away on something larger so immediately?
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Old January 27th, 2006, 00:53   #28
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Mirage, you haven't posted anything that has contibuted to furthering the discussion of a topic within the last month except the crayon trades thing but even then you only needed to have posted once or twice, not 5 times. I didn't bother checking back any further because you're dazzling insight and intelligence in your posts astounded me so much that I couldn't handle it anymore.

And I'm sorry Duelus for stepping in on your thread. It is very exciting getting your first gun and getting into the world of airsoft. Just remember to use it responsibly because even the things that hit the news in the US about airsoft will one day affect how other canadians see us canadian airsofters when this is more public up here.
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Old January 27th, 2006, 05:45   #29
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BURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNN...I see Mirage is seriously losing ground so lets do the fair thing and call this a draw. We're not being fair to the guy who started this topic...I'd like to see where I'm replying random topics with BUY UTGs FROM SAM....I've back tracked for ages...Couldn't find shit that is random most of it is related to buying a first airsoft gun. I have an opnion I'll give it. What the fuck is wrong with that. Sure I can say BUY TM...but most people say they have an uber fixed budget.
YANHCHAN'S AIRSMITHING: AEG repair/Tune up/Upgrades V2/V3 mechboxes, rewiring/reconnecting.

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Old January 27th, 2006, 23:32   #30
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Originally Posted by Kid
Make sure you have goggles... the BBs will bounce back if they hit wood.
No doubt about that. I learned that the hard way.

Playing Naked = +1 Speed
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