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Old January 13th, 2006, 11:46   #16
k2x5's Avatar
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Just my 2 cents but, no matter what anyone on the boards says, don't just run out and buy the one everyone says is a good gun for beginners... Trust me on this one.

About 5 months ago I was in your position, and I was deciding between a TM M4A1 & TM G36c. I made my decision based on the information I found in reviews & through searching the boards & from responses from other members. I finally chose to buy a TM G36c, and I have been regretting it ever since. The TM G36c is a GREAT airsoft gun, and it performs great, better than I expected an airsoft gun to perform. My regret comes from the fact that I did not listen to one crucial piece of advice from the people on the boards... GO TO A GAME AND ASK TO TRY PEOPLE'S GUNS OUT!

So, long story short, don't buy anything until you've held it in your hands and shot it at least once, and no matter what people say the best gun for a beginner is, it may not nessecarily be the best for you.

Note: No gun sales outside of age verified areas
Originally Posted by Skruface View Post
I recommend you wait until you're 18+, have a decent education, a good job, a home that isn't your parent's basement, a car, and enough expendable cash that you don't have to ask my advice on buying junk - by then you'll be old enough, wise enough (hopefully) and have enough cash to buy whatever you want regardless of the multitude of conflicting opinions you're going to get.
I'm Going To Live Forever... Or Die Trying!
- TM Sig P226
- TM M4A1 w/ G&P Metal body
- TM G36c
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Old January 13th, 2006, 16:31   #17
Sniper Steve
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From my understanding, the real steel G36C is not "full metal" at all. Of course the barrel and stuff is metal but I thought that the main body was some sort of plastic (can't remember what). So making a full metal G36C would be unrealistic. That would be why the G36C is not metal and not that TM makes plastic guns. However I wouldn't go buy the new C8 because like many new release guns, there MAY (not all but some) to be problems with them. Especially with a new chinese company. I have personally held the TM G36C, because my freind has one, and they are very nice. I would suggest the G36C because it has been proven that it is good quality.
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Old January 13th, 2006, 16:46   #18
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Originally Posted by realitys-soulja
A full metal gun is very sturdy and reliable but you have to know how to take care of it, internal metal parts needs to be kept well oiled with CLP so that your gun does not rust and become a piece of useless junk.

I don't know about you but I won't put CLP in my internals. This is airsoft, not real steel here.
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