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Collecting statistical data on GBB life



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Old December 5th, 2005, 22:12   #46
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Vancouver, BC
First of all, something on the frame has to stop the slide from moving back at the end of its motion, or the slide will fly off and hit the user in the face.

Secondly, if you used duster, the slide might not have had enough kinetic energy to damage the frame.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 22:49   #47
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Well, wearing out the slide catch isn't really a propane related issue as it's only loaded by the recoil spring instead of the propane blowback.

The safety wearing is also pretty lame. The slide-frame shouldn't have interferences either with duster or propane. Is it possible you got a bad GBB?

Most KSC GBBs seem pretty good. The USP sounds like the first one with chronic issues and actual design flaws. It might actually be a bad build. Their Glocks certainly do better even with propane.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 22:50   #48
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Originally Posted by Myoga
First of all, something on the frame has to stop the slide from moving back at the end of its motion, or the slide will fly off and hit the user in the face.
Yeah, and the 1mm thick plastic frame at the back ISN'T IT.

Secondly, if you used duster, the slide might not have had enough kinetic energy to damage the frame.
If, if, if. You don't own one, do you? Didn't think so. Stop hijacking this thread with your unsolicited, uninformed opinion.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 23:02   #49
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Originally Posted by MadMax
Well, wearing out the slide catch isn't really a propane related issue as it's only loaded by the recoil spring instead of the propane blowback.

The safety wearing is also pretty lame. The slide-frame shouldn't have interferences either with duster or propane. Is it possible you got a bad GBB?

Most KSC GBBs seem pretty good. The USP sounds like the first one with chronic issues and actual design flaws. It might actually be a bad build. Their Glocks certainly do better even with propane.
I doubt I got the odd lemon. The safety wearing out is common on all USP Compacts. The problem is legion on Arnie's. I've also seen several broken rear frames here on ASC and locally, because as Myoga fails to realize the rear plastic part that butts up against the hammer mechanism apparently isn't flush with it with respect to the slide rails. As the slide recoils, it catches and rubs on the thin plastic part and stresses it, eventually cracking and breaking it off. Doesn't matter what gas you're using, if it's rubbing and catching it will eventually break.

It seems this gun was built as more of a showpiece than an actual skirmishing weapon, which is too bad because I REALLY liked it. Felt good in the hand, snappy recoil, and relatively reliable. It's too bad they're so plagued with breakage.
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Old December 6th, 2005, 00:33   #50
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-KJW Glock 23(Metal slide version)

One coleman propane bottle
-Round gone through it
Hundreds of BB's I haven't kept track
None, nil, zilch, this is by far the best GBB for gaming i've handled yet
I am extremely impressed with this gun, I bought it new from spec arms for like $230, at first it wasn't the exact gun I was looking for. But at his new years sale the one I wanted was gone, well good thing for me I got something better. I ordered a propane adaptor, 3 spare mags, and some silicon oil. All I do is clean it once and a while, relubricate the slide, springs, etc. and it runs amazingly. I haven't even scratched it at all on the gun itself even though I use it quite a bit. My recommendations go towards this gun for anyone looking to purchase a solid backup weapon.
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Old December 8th, 2005, 20:03   #51
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i've had my Ksc usp compact for about a year... 5 maybe 6 bottles of duster throu it. NOT A SINGLE PROBLEM... I take care of it, but it's been drop in sand and was in my holster when proned in winter games. it's been trough a lot and still very trustworthy. why take the chance and use a stock ksc usp on propane when it's not recommended, that sounds like a waist of money...
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Old December 8th, 2005, 23:13   #52
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Where did you purchase yours from?
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Old December 9th, 2005, 01:55   #53
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TM Desert Eagle Black (2nd owner)

At least 5 bottle of propane

As many rounds as 5 bottles of popane will allow

Slide lock (valley on the slide) worn from normal use. Not propane related.

Some of you may have read the full auto mod floating around - I wrote that article a few years ago for the KWC DE. I decided to do it again for the TM DE. Worked beautifully on full auto. No problems after that either.

Glock 26c KSC (full auto)

6 cans of propane.

many many many thousands of rounds

It'll only fire on propane now... Upgraded mag catch, but the mag is still not tight on the blowback internals in the slide.
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Old December 9th, 2005, 01:58   #54
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Thanks Kane.

I suspect that there are a lot of GBBs that are working fine that I'm not hearing about. I can't put together useful statistics without also including GBBs that are working too.
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Old December 9th, 2005, 02:09   #55
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our team has collectively something like 60 gbb's. every major manufacturer (tm,ksc,w.a.,w.e. kjw) and not 1 failure in over 2 years with only green gas use. no duster, no propane and many thousands of rounds. i have a ksc usp compact that's seen 1 river and more sand than i can count. only runs on green and never gave me any grief. soem guys in my area have bought ksc g23f and 18c and rocket valves have broken in full-auto use with green, probably 6 or so that i can recall. i did see 1 w.a. with a broken slide from green use last year. i think it was an infinity 4.3 of some sort.
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