Problem With ICS MP5SD5
hey people help me out; mp5 will not work.
I have recently bought an ICS MP5SD5(full metal) that is in great condition, my friend had to make a few minor repairs such as the wiring since it was wrong but other than that it was fine. I've had it for a week now..been practicing on it every other day.. my battery is a high capacity Sanyo 2400, 9.6v supposed to last me up to 3 days. the ROF is awesome..couldn't have asked to have a better gun.
I have a "5-hour" charger that is both for Ni-cd and Ni-Mh,
input: 120v --60Hz 18W
output: 12v --- 280mA
9v --- 560mA
when my gun stopped firing the first time, I assumed that the battery was out. since i was shooting on auto and then the gun stopped firing slowling.. "bang" so i charged up the battery for 5 hours (the charger automatically stops charging after 5 hours)..i stick the battery back in, and it works the next day. Lasts me about 1 and a half days then i ran out of batteries. I recharge the battery again and stuck it back into the stock connected and everything..and it didnt fire. I checked if everything was connected..and then i decided that the battery needed more charging so i charged it up for another 5 hours. i stuck it back in the mp5, it STILL doesn't work! so i charge it up one more time for another 5 hours..and my gun STILL did noT fire at all. I stripped my mp5 thoroughly to look for seems like all the wires to the gearbox are connected properly, the fuse looks fine, then i found a BB still stuck in the chamber, I excitedly removed it, and reassembled my mp5.but still it did not fire..there is NO sound of the motor working or spring piston moving, this time, i check the motor that's located within the pistol grip, i remove the bottom plate of the pistol grip, and i see one wire isn't connected to the motor, so once again, excited..I reconnect that wire and reassemble my mp5..but STILL it does not fire! there are no obstructions within the chamber or barrel..I cannot seem to find the problem!!! I have just got this gun! I don't know what to do now. I don't know if something went wrong with my gun or my battery got fried or both! so to all you experts out there, please help me! it would be much appreciated!!! thanks!
"Drilling is bloodless battle. Battle is bloody drill"