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KSC G19 double feed


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Old November 7th, 2005, 13:38   #1
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KSC G19 double feed

Been using my KSC Glock 19 for a little while now. Recently started double feeding bb's, one trigger pull two bb's come out. It doesn't happened all the time, but when it does it's towards the end of the clip maybe the last 8 bb's or so. I've been running proprane through it since day one. I don't think that's causing it. Anyone else have similar problems or have any suggestions for a fix.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 13:56   #2
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I can only think of two reasons, 1/ You don't make sure that the BBs are loaded properly, every GBB will double feed if you leave gaps in the BB spacing in the mag; 2/ Possibly the mouth of your mag has too wide of a gap on it, causing two BBs to leave the mag and be chambered. How easy do the BBs load in, and does your mag empty of BBs if you press down on the top?

Seems like an odd problem, but I had a similar problem with my TM G17 springer, BBs would double feed, causing one to jam inside the slide. Fixed it by heating up and squeezing the feedlips together a bit. But, neither of my KSC G19s (one bone stock, the other metal slide & outer barrel) have this problem, nor do any of the 4 mags I have for it. And I run BOTH of them on propane constantly.

If your problem is the mag, being that the feed lips are too far apart for spacing, find a hard solid surface, use a small hammer, lay the feed lips on one side, and gently tap the lips closer together. Tap a couple time lightly, then check again. Might be the fix you are looking for.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 14:20   #3
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Is your gun properly lubed?

The KSC Series glocks have a strange habit of gettin the blowback chamber stuck on recoil. The stranger thing is that sometimes the feed tounge (the thing that contacts the bb in the mag and pushes it forwards) get stuck juuusttt where the bbs are. If you've ever had a mag spray out bbs by accidentally depressing the back of the top bb you migh know what I'm talking about.

I had this problem as well, but for some reason, it problem went away after a bit.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 15:04   #4
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Originally Posted by KaneLupis
Is your gun properly lubed?

The KSC Series glocks have a strange habit of gettin the blowback chamber stuck on recoil. The stranger thing is that sometimes the feed tounge (the thing that contacts the bb in the mag and pushes it forwards) get stuck juuusttt where the bbs are. If you've ever had a mag spray out bbs by accidentally depressing the back of the top bb you migh know what I'm talking about.

I had this problem as well, but for some reason, it problem went away after a bit.
As KaneLupis pointed out, this is the most common reason behind double feeds for KSC Glocks.

The few options you do have to fix this is, as pointed out by KaneLupis, lube the blowback chamber. You could either do this by sliding the blowback chamber forward and placing drops of lube into the channels where the chamber slides along the chamber block. Otherwise, you could strip the slide down to the chamber and put lube on the areas the blowback chamber comes into contact with the chamber block. I find stripping it down completely allows for better application of lube.

Your other option is to obtain stiffer blowback chamber springs, part#23. They aren't actually made from 3rd party companies who make upgrade accessories, but I've read on other forums that certain springs in hardware stores do have similar sizing to part#23 and are stiffer.

In any case, the blowback chamber should easily slide forwards and be able to snap back smoothly for proper function.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 15:23   #5
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Originally Posted by WhatTheWho
Originally Posted by KaneLupis
Is your gun properly lubed?

The KSC Series glocks have a strange habit of gettin the blowback chamber stuck on recoil. The stranger thing is that sometimes the feed tounge (the thing that contacts the bb in the mag and pushes it forwards) get stuck juuusttt where the bbs are. If you've ever had a mag spray out bbs by accidentally depressing the back of the top bb you migh know what I'm talking about.

I had this problem as well, but for some reason, it problem went away after a bit.
As KaneLupis pointed out, this is the most common reason behind double feeds for KSC Glocks.

The few options you do have to fix this is, as pointed out by KaneLupis, lube the blowback chamber. You could either do this by sliding the blowback chamber forward and placing drops of lube into the channels where the chamber slides along the chamber block. Otherwise, you could strip the slide down to the chamber and put lube on the areas the blowback chamber comes into contact with the chamber block. I find stripping it down completely allows for better application of lube.

Your other option is to obtain stiffer blowback chamber springs, part#23. They aren't actually made from 3rd party companies who make upgrade accessories, but I've read on other forums that certain springs in hardware stores do have similar sizing to part#23 and are stiffer.

In any case, the blowback chamber should easily slide forwards and be able to snap back smoothly for proper function.
Never thought of lube being an issue (guess it goes to show I maintint my babies too much).

As far as those springs go, try out the springs found in Bic lighters (presses the flint against the striker wheel), they are about the same diameter, maybe a touch smaller, but are stiffer and cheap/easy to find. Cut them down to length and see what happens.
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Old November 7th, 2005, 18:39   #6
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Any more suggestions? I will try swapping the springs out of the blowback chamber tonight. It doesn't appear to be a mag problem. I tried my own two G19 mags and my buddies G17 and 23F mag with the same result. I keep my gun pretty well maintained and lubed, so lubrication shouldn't be an issue.
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Old November 8th, 2005, 14:25   #7
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Originally Posted by 604_ep3
Any more suggestions? I will try swapping the springs out of the blowback chamber tonight. It doesn't appear to be a mag problem. I tried my own two G19 mags and my buddies G17 and 23F mag with the same result. I keep my gun pretty well maintained and lubed, so lubrication shouldn't be an issue.
Then do a simple test on the blowback chamber; pull the nozzle forward and release it. If it can slide back itself effortlessly, then it's working properly (don't push it back yourself, the springs should this all by themselves). If it binds/sticks, then it needs lube. Do this a few times to actually simulate regular use when firing.

Also, try lubing part#209 on the magazine. This part mates with the blowback chamber for gas flow. Lubing this part reduces friction between the chamber and the rubber when the magazine is in.
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Old November 8th, 2005, 22:14   #8
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Tried the bic spring trick. Seems to have fixed the double feed problem. But has broken one of the ear pieces where the springs seat onto on part #22. Is there an aftermarket version of that piece? if not where the best place to order a replacement of that piece? With the upgraded spring before part #22 broke, approx. 6 mag, the gun shot much straighter.
Thanks in Advance
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Old November 9th, 2005, 02:35   #9
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There is no upgrade to part#22, just replacement.

Simple replacement parts like these can be easily obtainable from certain local retailers who do custom parts order, or from overseas.
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Old November 9th, 2005, 10:25   #10
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Word is the blowback thing will work just fine with one spring in it.
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