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Operation Irene 3 video


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Old October 2nd, 2005, 18:20   #16
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And THAT is why I say there is no such thing as Milsim in Canada, Tacsim yes....but no Milsim. There isn't a single game in Canada that can compare to the 300+ turnout with working ranks and squads.

It's unfortunate that we can't have things work out the same up here as down there.

Anyone who views that and thinks we do milsim up here....they are smokin some wicked large splifs...
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 18:31   #17
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That's amazing ! Mmmm... wanna have games like that in future... but difficult to organize I think... :S
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Old October 2nd, 2005, 18:56   #18
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I don't think it could happen, we don't have the population density of players.... Keystone Strike or Op Radar would have been the closest things and we would have had only 150-200 Players or so I'd imagine, as well, getting the ranking sorted out would be difficult, it would involve a lot of preregistration so we could set up the ranking before we started the game.
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Old October 3rd, 2005, 00:53   #19
zero delay
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I've watched all of those OP Irene DVDs, IMO the trailers make it look far more organized than the first two actually where.

As far as Ranking is concerned,from what I saw on Irene 1 and 2 both COs relied on internal ranking with in the teams that were participating, they may have annexed unattached players or smaller squads, but mostly the squads consisted of either larger teams or multiple teams that were familiar with each other. Attempting to institute any other form of ranking other than the organic one the teams had, would end in complete and utter SNAFU. In general Airsoft players can have some difficulty, for what ever reason, following even elementary orders, with massive number I'm certain the problem would only be exacerbated.

The reason that a Operation of that size and complexity can be acredited with any sucess can be traced directly back to the organization of the teams particpating, with out that factor no amount of planning could make it successful.

Until the day all the Political B.S thats seems to plague airsoft in Canada comes to an end we will likely never get the chance to participate in some thing that extravagant.
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Old October 11th, 2005, 11:28   #20
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Links to the sequel to Black Eagles first Irene 3 video can be found at
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Old October 11th, 2005, 11:40   #21
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Originally Posted by zero delay
I've watched all of those OP Irene DVDs, IMO the trailers make it look far more organized than the first two actually where.

As far as Ranking is concerned,from what I saw on Irene 1 and 2 both COs relied on internal ranking with in the teams that were participating, they may have annexed unattached players or smaller squads, but mostly the squads consisted of either larger teams or multiple teams that were familiar with each other. Attempting to institute any other form of ranking other than the organic one the teams had, would end in complete and utter SNAFU. In general Airsoft players can have some difficulty, for what ever reason, following even elementary orders, with massive number I'm certain the problem would only be exacerbated.

The reason that a Operation of that size and complexity can be acredited with any sucess can be traced directly back to the organization of the teams particpating, with out that factor no amount of planning could make it successful.

Until the day all the Political B.S thats seems to plague airsoft in Canada comes to an end we will likely never get the chance to participate in some thing that extravagant.

I just wanna see Keystone Strike next year. But I completely agree with your statement. I think we could possibly see some sort of ranking system if it was completely sorted out before hand, but there's no guarantee that the units would follow through on their orders, unfortunately. However, if the teams were made up of, as you stated, smaller, familliar teams, then it could possibly work, or even individuals willing to submit to another team's ranks for the event. I'd like to see an organized event like this with actual COs and full ranking systems, missions, scouting, battle plans, the whole shebang. Whether it'll happen or not, that's to be seen.

- Sorry to digress like that.
Ubique Quo Fas et Gloria Ducunt

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Old October 11th, 2005, 19:44   #22
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That.. was.. amazing looking, the field itself is 99% of what makes it amazing. The fact that they had proper squads that seemed to work. wow. I wish that could happen in canada.

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Old October 11th, 2005, 22:07   #23
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I think that Canadian "MilSim" teams are just as organized and disciplined as our American counterparts. As I was deeply involved with organizing a large game (which did not happen), I've come to realize that a well organized and planned game + location + props (in the form of buildings, vehicles, non-player characters) + pyro + quality/numerous players equals a good game. We can organize the games. We can get the people. We can get the pyro. We have a hard time with props and location. It's one thing to have land with some wooden structures on it like Flag Raiders, it's a whole other ball game to have access to a real MOUT training facility! And that is where we fall short.

I'm once again, in the planning stages for resurrecting Humanity's Hammer for early summer 2006. So far, I have 1 CF Iltis (my own personal ride) which can be used as a prop vehicle and am working on negotiating for other vehicles (possible a tracked APC, fingers crossed) from a friend who works at a local military vehicle museum. But the problem I'm having is finding land that will allow us to tear the shit out of it as well as transportation and insurance for the vehicles participating. All things I should have solved by the time the game rolls around.

Hopefully, 2006 will prove to be a good year for quality Mil-Sim style games. Let's hope the community can stay tight enough to make it worth the effort.
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Old October 11th, 2005, 22:56   #24
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Originally Posted by whisper_kill
I think that Canadian "MilSim" teams are just as organized and disciplined as our American counterparts. As I was deeply involved with organizing a large game (which did not happen), I've come to realize that a well organized and planned game + location + props (in the form of buildings, vehicles, non-player characters) + pyro + quality/numerous players equals a good game. We can organize the games. We can get the people. We can get the pyro. We have a hard time with props and location. It's one thing to have land with some wooden structures on it like Flag Raiders, it's a whole other ball game to have access to a real MOUT training facility! And that is where we fall short.

I'm once again, in the planning stages for resurrecting Humanity's Hammer for early summer 2006. So far, I have 1 CF Iltis (my own personal ride) which can be used as a prop vehicle and am working on negotiating for other vehicles (possible a tracked APC, fingers crossed) from a friend who works at a local military vehicle museum. But the problem I'm having is finding land that will allow us to tear the shit out of it as well as transportation and insurance for the vehicles participating. All things I should have solved by the time the game rolls around.

Hopefully, 2006 will prove to be a good year for quality Mil-Sim style games. Let's hope the community can stay tight enough to make it worth the effort.

Well, if you get the ball rolling and find some land for it, kudos, I would support it 100%, there should be more "milsim" like games like this in Ontario.

Sponsored by Boland Howe: Cause Scheisse Happens
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Old October 22nd, 2005, 05:30   #25
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we are lucky in alberta we have a 300plus acre field at the tacticalcommando field plus my buddy owns 1 apc 2 lynxs and is getting 2 leopards in all for his personal collection but we DONT have any buildings yet which is what we are saving up for. If we get some nice buildings up we will look into hosting a big game like our friends from westcan and manitoba.
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Old October 26th, 2005, 16:54   #26
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All I can say is... wow. Best airsoft video I’ve even seen, it'll be hard to top that.
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Old November 2nd, 2005, 19:05   #27
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woa id love to be part of something like that. Music is a uber nice touch too.

THIS is why id join airsoft lol.

Saw this other airsoft videos few years ago from Germany. Looked liked something Tom Clancey would put in his books one of which was baisicly this train station that they were able to play in. (obviously it was closed to the public) and it was all dark and spooky and they were going pretty hardcore too.

and onother was like 3 huge empty wouldnt say warehouse buildings as some of these buildings were like 3-4 stories. and that was pretty amasing too. showed a guy with a MG looking out a window (2-3 stories up) shooting at a guy down in the middle of a tall grass field. WAAAAAY COOL!
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Old November 3rd, 2005, 17:25   #28
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very nice
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Old November 10th, 2005, 21:13   #29
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amazing, I would do alot of things just to get to play there.
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