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AEG Hop Up


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Old January 27th, 2019, 07:21   #1
Join Date: Jan 2019
AEG Hop Up


I just purchased a fully metal receiver to replace the plastic receiver for my M4. Now that I have the metal receiver, I've noticed that it does not have a bracket to secure the lower half of the two piece hop up.

Trying to avoid buying a new hop up as i just spent $80 on the metal receiver, has any tried to epoxy the two piece hop up together or heard of someone doing so? If so, how did it turn out? did you have to do any additional steps to make it work?

thanks in advance.
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Old January 27th, 2019, 10:04   #2
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Need more details. What M4 receiver Was the original

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Old January 27th, 2019, 18:09   #3
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Thank you for your quick reply, unfortunately I've purchased this M4 used a couple of years ago and don't know what brand it is. I do however have picture which will show the two receivers and the two pieces of the hop up system.

Sorry I couldn't attach the pictures directly to the post, let me know if the google drive link doesn't work.

Last edited by Rigio; January 27th, 2019 at 18:13..
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Old January 27th, 2019, 18:30   #4
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It's an old Velocity Arms M4
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Old January 27th, 2019, 19:28   #5
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Looks like a standard m4 hop up but it's just 2 pieces. I imagine they moved away from that design because of alignment issues and fewer moving parts.

Just grab any old m4 unit that looks like the one you have and drop it in.

The next fun part starts when you drop it in and realize none of your old mags will feed with the new hop up unit.
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Old January 27th, 2019, 23:19   #6
Join Date: Jan 2019
the issue is that the two piece hop up doesn't work in the new receiver as it does not have the bracket that holds the lower part of the hop up. I'm wondering if anyone has modified the two piece hop up to a one piece by gluing/epoxy the two together. If so were there any issues with the lower receiver not aligning properly with the mag.

I've tried googling solutions in hopes of finding someone that has successfully modded the hop up in this way but haven't had any luck. Was hoping someone here would have some insight.

Last edited by Rigio; January 27th, 2019 at 23:22..
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Old January 27th, 2019, 23:53   #7
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Originally Posted by Rigio View Post
the issue is that the two piece hop up doesn't work in the new receiver as it does not have the bracket that holds the lower part of the hop up. I'm wondering if anyone has modified the two piece hop up to a one piece by gluing/epoxy the two together. If so were there any issues with the lower receiver not aligning properly with the mag.

I've tried googling solutions in hopes of finding someone that has successfully modded the hop up in this way but haven't had any luck. Was hoping someone here would have some insight.
Get a new hop up unit. No point holding onto the old one that's now useless.
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Old January 28th, 2019, 00:26   #8
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Get a new hop chamber.
Tokyo Marui used a 2 piece hop chamber so the M4 and M16 receivers could be split at the rear, like the real rifle.
This, however, was a completely fucktarded idea (especially considering they used a flexible plastic receiver) and only made things weaker and more complicated.

Every decent company that copied Tokyo Marui's design opted for a much more durable "slide apart" design with a much more reliable single piece hop chamber.

And given the variety of things that can go wrong adapting aftermarket metal receivers to plastic guns, let alone the cheapest of aftermarket receivers, it's generally considered a much safer idea to sell the plastic gun and buy a new gun that already has a metal receiver.
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Old January 28th, 2019, 00:33   #9
Join Date: Jan 2019
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Get a new hop chamber.
Tokyo Marui used a 2 piece hop chamber so the M4 and M16 receivers could be split at the rear, like the real rifle.
This, however, was a completely fucktarded idea (especially considering they used a flexible plastic receiver) and only made things weaker and more complicated.

Every decent company that copied Tokyo Marui's design opted for a much more durable "slide apart" design with a much more reliable single piece hop chamber.

And given the variety of things that can go wrong adapting aftermarket metal receivers to plastic guns, let alone the cheapest of aftermarket receivers, it's generally considered a much safer idea to sell the plastic gun and buy a new gun that already has a metal receiver.
Fair enough, however I've already bought the metal body so I'm already in the process of converting. My biggest concern with buying a single piece hop up is that then it wont properly seat into the mags. I was thinking of trying to epoxy the two piece hop up together so that it doesn't need the bracket on the lower receiver and will seat directly into the mag. Thoughts?
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Old February 1st, 2019, 23:47   #10
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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The only functional difference between a two piece and single piece hop chamber is that the single piece hop chamber will not allow a plastic receiver to be split from the rear like a real steel receiver.
They are designed to use the same mags. $200-$300 metal receivers were expensive enough on their own back when they first came out. If we had to buy $160 worth of new mags as well, no one would have ever bought a metal receiver.
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