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KJW Sig P226 vs TM Sig P226


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Old February 1st, 2018, 10:55   #16
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Originally Posted by Iceking007 View Post
Danke, would you say this is the honest truth for all airsoft including rifles?

If so then one should give up entirely on my interests in the sport and just purely buy the most accurate and reliable rifle one can find regardless of how it looks or feels.
A nice upgraded metal pistol or rifle is going to be more consistent and durable in use. It's going to be very expensive and in most cases you'll never recover those costs if you sell it.

You won't ever reach 100% to match the feel of an actual pistol. Some stuff comes very close but it's still not there since you're not sending that big a projectile with that big of a charge down range.

If your goal is to play airsoft then what's on the market today is more than enough to use on the field and suspend belief while doing so. If your goal is something other than that like a presentation piece never to be used for airsoft the a real pistol will be a much easier route.
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Old February 1st, 2018, 22:05   #17
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No I'm definitely looking to get into the gaming action of airsoft. I'm only looking to immerse myself into the fantasy of say a milsim mission that can actually draw you into that world for a time.

The problem with paintball is that it's very arcade and unrealistic. Even with the most professional team and all the add-ons to mask the marker, it just doesn't emulate as well as I'd like. Still very fun but not quite the same.

Also I've met a few new friends that airsoft so I'll have people to game with.

I'm not delusional in thinking airsoft is like a real firearm, however I am attempting to get as close to real as possible. That for me is the purpose of airsoft. Otherwise paintball is cheaper, less painful, and more casual.

Well from advice on this forum I've decided not to buy a VFC G36C GBB and instead buy the KWA G36C AEG. I was persuaded from the KJW Sig P226 to the TM but you're saying the KJW should outlast the TM then?

Last edited by Iceking007; February 1st, 2018 at 22:08.. Reason: spelling correction
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Old February 1st, 2018, 22:30   #18
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I'm trying to get "Less Toy Like" and more realism.

Maybe it doesn't exist but it should.
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Old February 2nd, 2018, 01:08   #19
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In stock form the TM should outlast the KJW. However, if you're most concerned with realism, than you should get the KJW. The TM's feel and look surprisingly great, the superior quality and tolerances really show. But a metal pistol is just going to feel more realistic. The KJW isn't going to shoot like shit and fall apart in a week (assuming you don't get a lemon). You'll get 80+% of the performance. Arguably you don't need crazy effective range out of a pistol anyway.

But, my best advice to you is to wait on the pistol, honestly there's no rush. Most people rarely even use their pistols. Get your primary, attend a few games and ask the guys if you can fondle their piece.. maybe phrase it differently.. or don't.. I'm not your mom. Chances are good you'll find a TM there and you can compare it to a metal pistol or at least get your hands on some of what's out there so you can make a more informed decision. When I first started playing I hated the Idea of plastic pistols. Now I've sold all my metal pistols and run a stock TM.

I think that's a good general rule. Go out to a game or two first before you buy anything. Try to rent or borrow a primary if you can. You can see everything first hand, ask direct questions and get a much better sense of things. Most guys love show and tell with their kit. Don't be in such a rush to buy things just because you don't want to look like a noob. I wish someone told me that, probably wouldn't have listened but I wish someone tried. I would have made some better decisions for myself and saved myself some cash.

Last edited by Kozzie; February 2nd, 2018 at 01:40.. Reason: me spell good
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Old February 2nd, 2018, 01:54   #20
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Originally Posted by Iceking007 View Post
I'm trying to get "Less Toy Like" and more realism.

Maybe it doesn't exist but it should.
Here you go.
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Old February 2nd, 2018, 09:00   #21
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Originally Posted by Iceking007 View Post
Otherwise paintball is cheaper, less painful, and more casual.
Hahaha, no, Airsoft ends up being a LOT cheaper when you take the cost of ammo and admissions into account.

Also, paintball hurts a lot more than Airsoft, especially at close range. Paintballs have a lot more mass and energy, even if they break on impact, more energy is transferred to the target, thus it hurts more.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.

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Old February 2nd, 2018, 22:07   #22
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Airsoft is less expensive than paintball? O:
Hmmm well that's good news because paintball isn't very expensive; the only problem is you HAVE TO buy the field's paint. But your fee includes free hpa so that's good.

Paintball more painful!? Hmm I'm not sure about that, fps is quite low, sure my marker can shoot higher than most all Airsoft rifles but I really have to dial the air down to make it field legal (easily done with the set screw on the side). The paint has a larger mass and debatably higher energy with the larger mass, but it's not structurally sound. Paintballs don't generally pierce skin, break teeth, bruise and cut like I've seen photos of Airsoft; Airsoft is dangerous and I've stayed away from it in the past because it was never worth the risk of injury.

Airsoft has closer characteristics to shooting and being shot that paintball, the smaller profile of the bb round allows it to retain its energy and is less effected by drag. Longer range, more accurate shots; not to mention paintball gaming rules generally include "Mercy Killing" (at least when I play) but most YouTube videos they don't have that, even referees have told players " don't say Bang Bang, just shoot them"

Of course I could be wrong here but this is the information as I understand it. But I believe Airsoft is more dangerous, case and point you can't even LOOK at the classified adds on here unless you're age verified 18+, and you can't buy a gun from even Canadian Tire without an adult. Yet you see children always at the paintball range, you can even buy and sell markers on kijiji but not Airsoft.

Anyways I've blabbed enough, sorry. I could be wrong but regardless I'm interested in Airsoft, paintball just isn't real/professional enough.

Last edited by Iceking007; February 2nd, 2018 at 22:14.. Reason: spelling/grammar/clarification
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Old February 2nd, 2018, 22:13   #23
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Don't know what you ran, but all my markers were expensive back when I played paintball, Angels, Dye, Egos, were all over $1000 brand new.

Paint was $100-120 for a BLANK case of shit paint 2000.

Airsoft is more realistic, but running mid caps with 90-180 rounds is meh; I personally prefer GBB for the realism, and AEG for low maintenance and when I'm lazy.
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Old February 2nd, 2018, 22:21   #24
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Awesome. Great. Perfect. Yes!

Well now, spending $3000 (okay the Canadian dollar isn't quite that bad but still...) on a rifle... a perfect airsoft rifle... sure might be worth it. A pistol, kinda stretching it lol. For me anyways.

I'm still waiting for this month's millions to come in from Trump!! Haha I wish. Very interesting though.
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Old February 4th, 2018, 02:24   #25
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I've owned both the TM(e2 and reg) and KJW Ps

The TM is nice stock, peppy pop pop pop
the KJ will give you more clack clack for the metal slide and barrel.

The KJW has a type of pot metal they use, for me they never seem crisp, more of a buttery smoothness.

I had my recoil rod detent pin snap on the KJ, KJW support helped me purchase a new one so you can get parts to repair direct
The mags are also of decent quality.

Its a nice pistol to not have to worry much about but it will always be the way it is.

If you like to fiddle with upgrades then TM will always give you better options.

I found that Creation makes very good tolerance slides and outers barrels,I put a navy kit on my e2 and though it was good with the plastic the metal gave you little more pep in the pop pop pop and clack clack and crispness was something that the KJW won't ever give you.
it needed NO extra trigger spring or recoil spring and was consistent and reliable with a veritable buffet of aftermarket parts if needed.

Depends on who you are, if you approach a pistol as a primary that you can head shoot through a gap a 50' then there is no pistol thats better than another, you'll just have to rethink your game Strat.
If it's regrets you're trying to avoid I'd buy TM, yes you'll forever be thinking (ahh shit a plastic slide) but its a good pistol ,if you pop on a good slide kit not much more you'd need, maybe the purple hop rubber that good for all TM but even the stock one most likely will never fail you.

There is nothing to regret f you go KJW , its also good and accurate but its like margarine to butter in my long winded opinion, it all comes down to $$
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