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Old October 31st, 2017, 22:48   #16
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Originally Posted by Gato View Post
It's good betting odds that you're gonna swap name tags and rank slips with someone else's in the coat area and walk out with it. It sucks at times, it can be a huge piss off, and you'd like to think you could expect better, but this is an age old reality, as old as the existence of any Military. So, do I think it's possible he stole an NVG from someone? Damn right I do.
Well, the average well-adjusted person in the forces wouldn't do that.. that's a buddy-fucker right there.

Buddy-fuckers exist, though.
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Old October 31st, 2017, 23:50   #17
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Originally Posted by Janus View Post
Well, the average well-adjusted person in the forces wouldn't do that.. that's a buddy-fucker right there.

Buddy-fuckers exist, though.
There's only one thief in the Army, everyone else is just trying to get their stuff back :P
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old October 31st, 2017, 23:52   #18
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Wouldn't know. I lock my locker at sea. :P
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Old November 1st, 2017, 03:01   #19
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Originally Posted by Janus View Post
I lock my locker at sea. :P

That sounds like some dirty euphemism.
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Old November 1st, 2017, 11:17   #20
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
That sounds like some dirty euphemism.
Any port in a storm they like to say.
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Old November 1st, 2017, 15:26   #21
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post
Ask him what colour the boathouse is at Airborne camp.
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Old November 1st, 2017, 17:46   #22
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My problem is not that he didn't know anything about night vision. My problem was that he was trying to lecture clueless people about night vision when it was obvious that he did some basic internet searches and was incorrectly regurgitating information. He claimed that he used GSCI issued tubes. Why would U.S. forces choose shit from a Canadian CIVILIAN night vision company that uses European tubes? Why would they do that when ITT and L-3 units are readily available to them?

What evidence do you have that the U.S. military would grab NVGs from whoever could supply them? I really don't believe that at all when it comes to night vision.

Originally Posted by Gato View Post
I'm not going to throw in whether I think he's Mil or not, but Z, you need to understand something here. Most of us don't give a rats ass about proper terminology, brands or technical shit when it comes to issued kit. It's free shit we get to use for a while, whether we want to or not. Chances are, it gets handed to us and we get told to use it, there's no training involved for shit like NVG, there's no skill testing questions or shit like capabilities and specs you have to remember. Hell, you're lucky if they tell you what it's designation is when it's given to you, but more likely, you just get told "Take this, don't fucking break it".

Personal example: I'd been in about a year when I got handed a set of 504-B (Pretty much a PVS-7 I think), didn't even get told what it was, told to put it the fuck on, get in my truck, and go out on a training convoy in Blackout conditions. Blackout condition means you've shut all your vehicle lights off. ALL of them, headlights, breaklights, dash lights, everything, there's not a single light except two tiny, barely visible red lights on the rear bumpers to let you see the vehicle in front's location and allow you to stay in line/keep spacing, unless you've been authorized, as lead vehicle to use the Blackout Drive Light, which is a dull ass white light that MIGHT illuminate about a foot in front of your bumper.

I've heard many guys refer to bino setups as "Dual setup" or "The two peice one" and various other terms along those lines. The Two into one thing was a common way for us to describe the PVS504/504B as well. Pupillary adjustment mechanism? The answer you'll get every time will be along the lines of "No fucking clue dude, I just got these little nobs and flips that make the fucker move around a bit".

Working on the logistics side, at one point, the U.S. Military was, in fact, grabbing NVGs from "anyone" who could provide them tubes and units that met the MIL specifications. When a war is in full swing and you haven't had time to prepare before hand, or you need replacements faster than a company can provide them, you find other companies to augment the numbers, so it is very possible that ATN did in fact help supply the U.S. Military, I've seen a few of their products when I've worked with Americans. Now, in terms of the numbers game or the possibility of sub-contracts, I have zero clue, but having used the Catalogue system out of curiosity in the past, I can tell you that ATN is in fact in the system for NVG, and under a U.S. NSN.

Now, my last two points.

PVS-7 Phase out: On paper..... yes, they were phased out years ago. Reality is different, there are units STILL in possession of PVS-7, there were units in Iraq and Afghanistan USING PVS-7. There's footage and images of it all over the place. Was it ideal? No. Were the guys given it happy about it? Probably not.

Theft: Welcome to reality in the Armed Forces. Soldiers steal shit from each other all the time, it's a fact of life, and why we have out name and Service Numbers permanently marked into literally everything we get, from underwear to helmets. You won't steal from your section or unit mates, but if you head somewhere and your rain jacket is fucked, and there are shortages at your base? It's good betting odds that you're gonna swap name tags and rank slips with someone else's in the coat area and walk out with it. It sucks at times, it can be a huge piss off, and you'd like to think you could expect better, but this is an age old reality, as old as the existence of any Military. So, do I think it's possible he stole an NVG from someone? Damn right I do.
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Old November 1st, 2017, 18:45   #23
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
My problem is not that he didn't know anything about night vision. My problem was that he was trying to lecture clueless people about night vision when it was obvious that he did some basic internet searches and was incorrectly regurgitating information. He claimed that he used GSCI issued tubes. Why would U.S. forces choose shit from a Canadian CIVILIAN night vision company that uses European tubes? Why would they do that when ITT and L-3 units are readily available to them?

What evidence do you have that the U.S. military would grab NVGs from whoever could supply them? I really don't believe that at all when it comes to night vision.
My understanding is that if you are mil/LE companies like GSCI and Alpha can get you L3/Harris components. That's not to say they have stock readily available and will sell to any random Joe, but rather these companies deal with more than just the "Civilian" market and sell more than just European tubes. At least that's what I was told when I contacted them for info.

*Busy signing for his packages*
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Old November 2nd, 2017, 13:37   #24
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Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
My problem is not that he didn't know anything about night vision. My problem was that he was trying to lecture clueless people about night vision when it was obvious that he did some basic internet searches and was incorrectly regurgitating information. He claimed that he used GSCI issued tubes. Why would U.S. forces choose shit from a Canadian CIVILIAN night vision company that uses European tubes? Why would they do that when ITT and L-3 units are readily available to them?

What evidence do you have that the U.S. military would grab NVGs from whoever could supply them? I really don't believe that at all when it comes to night vision.
I'm not throwing in on the info he was spewing, just that you can't really expect MIL pers to know much about the majority of their kit.

As for the NVG supply question, from working Supply, working with the U.S. forces (Their supply guys bitched a lot about it) and the Catalogue system, through which I can view items entered into the system by other NATO nations.
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old November 2nd, 2017, 13:47   #25
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1) Next time put complete information in the first post. Don't add it later because it seems like you're arguing with anyone who replies. All we know is what's in the the first post. If that's too much trouble or you don't have time don't post till you can make a complete report.
2) This person sounds like a shit pump and not someone I'd want on on the field with me. You can either call him out in person. Or absent your self from games till he's gone. If you choose to just leave though he'll probably make some messes in the group before he flakes.
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