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Ares Amoeba 007


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Old December 16th, 2016, 01:59   #1
Join Date: Oct 2014
Ares Amoeba 007

Hey guys!
I got the Ares Amoeba 007

The issue is, ive always used 9.6 NiHM batteries fine on this gun. However, recently, i found that the 007 would sometimes stop firing but i can still feel the mortar attempt to spin in the grip even if the battery is fully charged. I know the battery is fully charged because of 1) The smart charger 2) I would plug it in the 007, fire a few rounds fine. without an issue. 3) use the battery in another AEG and would fire.

I would fire a few rounds in the 007, take the battery out and re-plug it in within 5 mins and then it would stop firing. Confused, i plugged the battery in a different AEG and it fires..What happened?
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Old December 16th, 2016, 08:47   #2
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the motor in the ameoba could require more power to function and the battery is on the threshold of not being able to supply the correct amperage.

It's possible you have one or two bad cells in the pack, a smart charger will not tell you this. nimh packs are very bad for that reason, the cells are linked in series but there's no way to tell what charge individual cells have, or what kind of damage was done to any one cell.

cells can fail or start to fail when their internal structure starts to degrade, they can't maintain their peak current output so the power output will sag as a device tries to draw power. The voltage might look good on on a charger or a multimeter but as soon as you try and draw power, the volts sag severely.

The other issue is that there could be something wrong with the ameoba and it's trying to draw a lot more power than it should, like mechanical resistance or something wrong with the motor or inefficient electrical system, in addition to the gun might just need more amps to work since not all motors perform the same. The gear set ratio and spring also have factors in how much mechanical resistance is on the motor that will make it draw differently from one gun to another.

Start with a new battery, if the issue remains then you'll have to start looking bringing everything to someone that knows what they're doing and can find out.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old December 24th, 2016, 18:04   #3
Join Date: Oct 2014
i'm thinking about getting a 11.1v lipo, or do you think i should get a 7.4v lipo to see if it would solve the issue?
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Old December 25th, 2016, 02:14   #4
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This may sound silly but play with the motor height, friends ameoba sounded slow so i took a look at it fucked with the height a bit and I kid you not doubled the trigger response, the motor was jammed up in there from factory. Cleary motor height is not your only issue but it may help!
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
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Old December 27th, 2016, 00:22   #5
Join Date: Oct 2014
Originally Posted by BenG View Post
This may sound silly but play with the motor height, friends ameoba sounded slow so i took a look at it fucked with the height a bit and I kid you not doubled the trigger response, the motor was jammed up in there from factory. Cleary motor height is not your only issue but it may help!
i can't believe it, but it worked! Thanks
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